Monday, December 18, 2017

A Deceptive Smile

Rape, physical and verbal abuse, and sexual harassment are crimes, that are very difficult to prove. Children are taught by their parents to smile and be nice on greeting others. It is natural, in most cases, for males to want a nurturing and trustworthy female, while females to want a strong and dependable male. The power dynamic, however, is the cause of many problems, where one person with influence over another, forces or is accused of forcing non-consenting contact. Noting that, adults, who work very long hours with limited social opportunities to engage, must undergo change to protect themselves and their careers.
Males, evolved with a heighten sex drive to preserve humanity, are taught to approach relationships with confidence and aggression, and to see a smile as interest and acceptance. Most young males, eager for the sexual experience, seek numerous short-term contacts, mainly to impress each other. Males are generally seen by society as potential hunters or bread-winners, and must attract the female with evidence of such strengths and ambitions. Yet, social events, favoured by most males, seem to centre around loud music and dance motion, encouraging touching and discouraging conversations, while the female seeks and waits for moments to interview the male.
Females, expected to be nurturers and long-term thinkers, are taught to be pleasant, understanding, and to smile but not taught to kindly and firmly reject unwanted advances. Most young females, anxious to be the centre of attention, use physical stimulus with fashion and beauty products to attract the opposite sex. Females are generally seen as the guardians or stabilizing force in society, and must attract the male with serious discussions about the future. Social events preferred by females, knowing that the male interest is firstly short-term sexual relations, are religious and educational meetings where the male’s mind can be better examined.
Power to recommend, grade, promote, invite, adds a level of attractiveness to the male-female equation but normally ends badly, with one party dissatisfied. A recommendation withheld, a failing grade, a sidestep promotion, a rejected invitation, for sexual favours will threaten future earnings. Such relationships can not be trusted as it is based on short-term rewards and when such is or is not acquired, accusations or claims normally follows. The female, in such circumstance, has historically be made to suffer, loss of reputation and job opportunities, while, the male, embolden, targets others. Hence, powering the predictable “Gender Wars”, as the male is now called to account.
Workplace relationships are traditionally born out of a devotion to career building, with no time for outside socializing. So, how, with accusations and the potential for career damage creating an environment of heighten suspicion, would such consenting adults get to know each other or pursue relationships? No more late-night work, office parties, close office doors, confidential meetings, restaurant functions. Hence, recruitment interviews, executive assistants, insurance agents, bankers, other service consultants and any type of one-on-one contact involving the opposite gender must change. Society must teach the female, the danger of flirting or sending mixed messages, having no interest or having no interest at the moment and mothers, must teach sons to understand that deceptive smile.
T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.