Monday, December 4, 2017

Governance 2018

(An extract from Foreign Direct Investment 2018)

This category, allocated 4.47% of the nation’s total expenditure, as reported by the office of the Auditor General 2016 and 4.31% in the 2017 revised estimates, while estimating 4.56% for 2018 up by 4.50%, as published by the Ministry of Finance, consist of positions, offices, agencies and ministries that monitors good, moral and ethical, behavior, such as; Ministry of Public Administration and Communications (MPAC) & The Personnel Department, The Judiciary & The Industrial Court, Ministry of the Attorney General and Legal Affairs, Other Heads of Expenditure involved in Governance, The Office of the Prime Minister, and The President & The Parliament.
A nation's development is badly hindered and retarded by individual greed; corrupt public officers, bias reporting, unfair hiring practices, slow justice, unbalance dispute settlements, unlawful opinions, compromised records, a lack of transparency, general back room dealings, selling executive influence, misusing presidential privilege, laws to benefit the few rather than the many, practices and actions which have to be avoided, rooted out, dealt with and, ultimately replaced by Good Governance.
News from the previous period
The Ministry of Public Administration and Communications (MPAC) & The Personnel Department; Public Service Academy, is in the process of expanding its programme of learning and development activities. The Ministry further request specialized audio/video and computer equipment as well as software for a digitization system to facilitate the conversion of audio and video analogue recordings of historical and national significance, to quality digital recordings, in line with international archival, digital preservation and industry standards for the National Archives. The Ministry also seeks the Supply, Installation, Configuration and Commissioning of an Information Technology Infrastructure Storage Solution.
The Judiciary & The Industrial Court performance data have to be understood in the prevailing national cultural and economic context, including the existing infrastructure and available resources, as preparations and adjustments continue to be urged and pursued in order to effect the long-term transformation. Vision involves the ability to appreciate the big picture; to take a systemic view; to understand concepts like case flow management and the fact that the Judiciary is only one part of the administration of justice and that dysfunction in any one area affects the whole.
The Ministry of the Attorney General and Legal Affairs (AGLA) announced the proclamation of the Marriage Bill by the nation’s President making it illegal to solemnise a marriage of a person who is under the age of 18 years. This Ministry recognizes that the promotion of the rule of law, and the protection of individual freedoms and property rights, can have the greatest effect on national development if institutional linkages are formed and maintained. The focus at the Ministry has therefore been to endorse the harmonization of policies and work towards common ideals and performance measures in the law and justice sector at the national, regional and hemispheric level.
Other Heads of Expenditure involved in Governance, mostly serving at the pleasure of the nation's President, consisting mainly of statutory boards and other bodies which select, appoint, regulate, monitor and examine decision-makers and their decisions, to foster and employ the best practice; behaviors and efforts, under and within their remit while, carrying out duties for the public good.
The Office of the Prime Minister, reshuffled and replaced the Minister of Energy and Energy Industries, the Minister of Public Utilities, Minister of Works and Transport, Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, the Minister of Housing and Urban Development and combined the Ministry of Public Administration and the Ministry of Communication. The Prime Minister has authorized an agreement between neighboring Venezuela and Trinidad and Tobago to supply the Caribbean twin-island nation with as much as 500 MMcfd of natural gas from the Mariscal Sucre region.
The President & The Parliament, via statutory bodies and parliamentary committees examine the effectiveness and efficiency of decisions, the moral and ethical conditions of actions, and redress lack of decisions and actions to deliver public services.
Within this current period
The Ministry of Public Administration and Communications & The Personnel Department, with 41.16% of the Governance funding, must continue to relocate ministries, divisions, and units into publicly owned premises or into adequate buildings that would reduce it rental bills. This Ministry must also continue to drive the National Information Communication Technology (ICT) Strategy by helping to develop realizable and implementable initiatives to help; the public sector, the private sector and academia. The ministry of communication hopes to finalize policies regarding its media investments. The Personnel Department faces several union negotiations which will be difficult and with the potential to retard the economy.
The Judiciary & The Industrial Court, with 18.62% of the Governance estimated expenditure, has no control over, but for which it always seems to take the blame, things like the slow turnover of forensic analysis; the absence of a Public Defender’s Office; the persistence of the system of preliminary inquiries; the underfunding of the Director of Public Prosecution DPP’s office; an under-resourced probation department; poor evidence gathering; shortage of physical plant; no video remand suites; push back in some quarters against the introduction of video recorded interviews; an archaic legislative regime; the fact that night courts were a failed experiment that keep being proposed by those who have no idea of how the system works, etc, etc. The Judiciary doesn’t pass legislation; The Judiciary doesn’t build judicial complexes.
The Ministry of the Attorney General and Legal Affairs, with 12.34% of the Governance funding, will continue its two separate constitutional roles; a governmental role responsible for the administration of legal affairs and a role as the guardian of the public interest, acting independently in a quasi-judicial capacity, representing the community at large.
Other Heads of Expenditure involved in Governance, with 11.88% of the Governance estimated expenditure, include the Integrity Commission, Elections and Boundaries Commission, Public Service Commission, Public Service Appeal Board, Tax Appeal Board, Police Service Commission, Teachers Service Commission, Environmental Commission, Equal Opportunity Tribunal and Recognition and Certification Board, which will review and control the respected responsibilities.
The Office of the Prime Minister, with 9.98% of the Governance funding, forms and conducts the nation's executive cabinet, facilitates and negotiates trade, financial and production relations with numerous countries and international operators.
The President & The Parliament, with 6.02% of the Governance estimated expenditure, must continue to serve the citizenry and make laws. Noting, all Bills passed in both Houses of Parliament must be assented to by the President before they become law. Remembering, The President also appoints Members of Commissions and other senior officials and is the Commander and Chief of all the nation’s Armed Forces. 

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.