Monday, December 11, 2017

Growing Revenue not debt

Individuals, Families, Communities and Countries, all must budget living, happiness, and development expenditure to constantly improve lifestyles. Such basic expenditure must be supported by core revenue collections, not borrowings, in order to be sustainable. Borrowings or loans create debt, with principal repayment schedules and interest charges, adding to the total expenditure. Growing revenue is therefore required to match and balance the increase of total expenditure. This is traditionally accomplished by attracting both foreign and local investment, diversifying sectors and industries, incentivizing and supporting startup business, creating jobs and encouraging Wage and Salary growth.

Living expenditure for a single adult would likely include; Healthcare (food, toiletries, medicine and education), Shelter (housing, electricity, water and personal belongings), Transportation, Communication and Entertainment. Expenses which are essential to life, bills which offer peace of mind and cost which can be controlled. So, income and salary must, therefore, be enough to pay current bills and put aside 17% to 33% of such revenue, saved for unforeseen future expenditure. Avoiding borrowings or loans to pay bills as much as possible, because this will increase expenses by creating repayment and interest expenditure, unless the loan will directly increase income.

Family expenses would include; Proper Nutrition, Talent Development, A Happy Home, Furniture and Fixtures, Transport, Communication and Entertainment, for all family members. Essential living expenses, moments of happiness bills and mental and physical development cost, for every income earner and each dependent. So, all breadwinners or earners in the family must, therefore, earn enough to pay current bills, while putting aside 17% to 33% of such revenue, via pension plans, annuities and other savings mechanisms, for unforeseen future expenditure. Again, avoiding getting into debt to pay living expenses as much as possible, because this will increase expenses by creating repayment and interest expenditure, unless the borrowings will directly increase earnings.

Expenditure within a community would include; Police Security, Multiple Home Services, Hospitals, Groceries, Schools, Play Grounds and Utilities, for all members of the community. Expenses which are essential for basic living, bills which build unity and cost of structural expansion projects which are planned, for every geographic concern and each resident. Hence, the national executive and/or local community taxpayers must, therefore, contribute enough to pay re-current bills and fund this community development programme, as forecasted. Again, avoiding getting into debt to pay bills as much as possible, because this will increase expenses by creating debt repayment and interest expenditure, unless the debt will directly increase contributions.

National expenditure would include; Resource Preservation, Human Development, Infrastructure Management, Economic Drivers, Fiscal Policy and Governance. Basic living expenses are essential, nation building bills drives unity and national development cost improves infrastructure, for and among the entire population. Hence, national taxpayers must, therefore, contribute enough to pay re-current bills and fund this national development programme, as budgeted. Again, avoiding getting further into debt to pay recurrent expenditure as much as possible, because this will increase expenses by adding, charges on account of the public debt, to repay principal and interest expenditure, unless the borrowings will directly grow revenue.


T.A.J& Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.