Sunday, April 19, 2020

Bottom up Solutions

Numerous decisions are made to protect society from disasters. Whether natural or man-made, threatening lives or economic growth, Governments must make decisions to preserve lifestyles. Wide ranging economic decisions, bringing Government and Large operators together, will affect investors, as to supporting entrepreneurs, in which sector or industry, and licensing and regulating operators. Many other disasters, all with wide economic impacts, will see negative effects on employment and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) owners. But the poor and other vulnerable persons in the society do not get to have a say. Even as such disasters will send more into poverty.

Government Decisions must restore peace and confidence. Crises always emphasize failures in public services, calling for solutions, which cost money. All economies run well on stability and predictability, knowing how much, when, and where a nation’s Revenue is, in relation to its budgeted expenditure. No Government’s budgeted forecast caters exclusively for catastrophe. Although, some level of reserves or savings should be plan in times of surpluses. Years of deficit budgeting, spending more than is earned, will result in high borrowings, and in times of crisis, the need to reschedule debt, utilize disaster insurance, free money and devalue the currency.

Large and Medium Operations are often consulted due to the money in Politics. Such monies contributed to election campaigns or used to purchase influence. The Chambers of Commerce will have its say. As the largest contributors to National Tax Revenues, they will be asked, as to the effects of any strategy. Such operations are profit driven and as such will need Government funding or bail outs, to remain open or rebuild, from the damage caused by a crisis. Their view of any disaster is not the loss of life, it is declining earnings and would be quick to dismiss workers and close operations rather than suffer any financial losses.

Employees and SMEs operations form the largest voting groups. Hence, Politicians, in or out of power, will plead to win their support. This grouping will be heard via unions, protests, insurrections or at the ballot box. Complaining of not being consulted and in disagreement with every decision. All Politicians will promise to bring their representatives to the table and listen to their concerns. Quickly, realizing each other’s self-serving agenda. Backroom deals will quiet objections in the short-term. While, increasing poverty by kicking some workers off the bus and on to unemployment lines.

There will always be a Wealth Gap. During, in and after a crisis, Poverty will increase, as many in the so-called Middle Class are negatively affected. Solutions from the Government will always address Politics first. Stabilize the economy, by cutting social spending and letting the currency find its natural bottom. Solutions from the Chambers, which under normal conditions contribute to Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), to support poverty eradication programs, will unsurprisingly be cut. “Bottom up solutions” is a term used by many to engage and rally the poor. But solutions are well-known; living wage jobs, affordable housing, continuous training, access to healthcare and low crime rates, together, will reduce poverty.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunities, not to invoke any social action.