Sunday, April 26, 2020

People born into Poverty

Economic Opportunities, Jobs, decent work for unskilled workers, which pays a national minimum wage, that is a living wage, able to support a basic standard of living. Many people, in society, that are offspring of poor, vulnerable or disadvantaged parents will find themselves repeating the same behaviors, trapping their own children in a circle of poverty. This cycle can be broken by a mix of simple policies aimed to eradicate poverty. The mainstay of which is described as “Earn to Learn”. People born into Poverty, who find themselves as an unskilled and untalented adult, must be afforded such options.

Resilient Infrastructure, Shelter, against nature’s elements, affordable at the national minimum wage, housing which would protect and offer comforts, to an individual as a family home. Basic housing units offer shelter, safety and privacy to an individual, while encouraging expansion into a family type home and back into smaller accommodations in later life. Low cost housing, which is durable, with special incentives to maintain and upgrade, for the next occupant. For this is a stepping-stone to a family size home. A home to bring up and guide children. People born into Poverty with such housing prospects can parent their children out of poverty.
Essential Education, A Lifelong Love of Learning, from basic communication at Early Childhood, continuous training and assessment at the individual rate, through to developed skills and talents. The population, from cradle to grave, will constantly learn the right or wrong thing. Ego and Greed are not taught in schools. It is these right and wrong lessons which forms a good character and teaches individuals, at their own learning rate, to consider others. Skills and Talents, as a result of formal training, gained experience and certification does not replace home training of Morals and Ethics. People born into Poverty can only escape with that mentoring caring and guidance.
Public Health, Wellness, nutrition and exercise, safety practices and prevention, clean environment, pest control, access to healthcare, for accident and emergency treatment and recuperation, and medication for chronic illnesses. The population, from birth to death, must be in the best state of health. Wellness describes the peak mental and physical status. Such requires a nourishing and active lifestyle, safe and clean spaces, frequent and periodic checkups. It is, however, inevitable that parts of the population will fall to accidents and illness. People born into Poverty often find themselves as the largest portion of this unhealthy grouping, needing much more attention.
General Security, Order, monitor and surveil, inspect and detect, prosecute and judge, incarcerate and rehabilitate, to maintain low crime rates nationally. Laws as written by a majority, brings Order to any society. Armed forces and Police are charged with the responsibility of keeping Law and Order. Once the laws are broken, charges must be filed and it is the judiciary, the courts that will pronounce on the matter. Prisons are to remand suspects, lockup persons found to be guilty and engage in programs to assimilate persons back into society. People born into Poverty, only need the courts to be fair and understanding of their predicament.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunities, not to invoke any social action.