Sunday, May 17, 2020

Top Down Prescriptions

The economic solution remains the same, in and after every global crisis. Politicians debate and approve bailouts through the banks. For it is the banks, which have the best records of financial data and activities on every individual, SMEs and large corporations, which would need help to recover. The Treasury gives money to the banks to lend to those most affected, at very low or no interest rates, to meet living and operating expenses and boost future revenues, as if the crisis never happened. The question is why does not the Treasury, Tax Collection Division have the same or better data, with which to make such money distribution?

The so-called banking or mortgage crisis 2008, saw the major banks receiving billions, meant to fuel the recovery, and did so, repaying the said Government funds fully. Not by lending to those affected by the crisis, the homeowners who could not pay their mortgages, but by selling off the homes in bulk to rich scalpers. People who brought hundreds of these homes, for cents on the dollar, and resold them to much more qualified homeowners who could afford the mortgage. Earning these rich people large profits and making them even more wealthy. But most importantly, these scalpers were and are intimately associated with the said bailout banks.

The victims of that crisis, the unqualified mortgagees, are renting accommodations, still carrying unpaid debt and bad credit reports, on to the next crisis. Every individual, SMEs and large corporations affected by this pandemic can learn from that situation. All except the Politicians, who seem to want the gaming to continue. Economic recovery for those who are in a convenient position to earn from others misfortune. The Rich getting richer on the backs of the Poor. What can Politicians do? They all need rich donors. Perhaps this crisis is different, and those who suffer layoffs, closures, and a steep drop in sales revenues, can recover.

Forcing the banks to lend, may appear as a laudable goal, but banks charge to lend, earning revenue for their shareholders, and even with heavy restrictions applied, they will always treat their biggest customers best. Restricting the banks via legislation, from calling in "before crisis" indebtedness, foreclosing on or selling forced to close, partially operating or going concerns, and from lending to new or existing fully working entities, from said bail-out funds, may help. However, new and unseen methods of gaming the system will be found and exploited, delaying or mis-aiming the recovery, to where individuals, SMEs or even, large corporations should be.

Economic Measures, approved by the legislature to manage and bring disaster relief should be managed through the Executive Cabinet, its Ministry of Finance, Treasury Department by its Taxation Division. Addressing large corporations and SMEs that have been forced to cease operations, via their last three years of Tax filings. The same for operations that have to be partially closed. And offering them an equivalent revenue loss bailout loan interest free for a calculated period. With the insistence that they send staff on full pay leave and retain pre-crisis staffing levels. The Tax Man should now bring a cheque.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunities, not to invoke any social action.