Monday, June 6, 2016

Budgetary Forecasting

An independent office of budgets can forecast the executive’s plans and priorities without undue influence being placed on the figures. All development plans and request for increases in administrative funds from local or national and every branch of Government is cost by this office and reflects the projected revenues and of course, the earnings surplus or deficit. This office of budgets is not responsible for the calls (the types of projects or the salary increases) or the earnings (the taxes charged or collected). The job is to publicly report how the executive branch policies would affect the public purse, 1-5 years, and going forward.

A society which depends on a mix of socialism and capitalism, must educate its population. The elderly, the vulnerable, the productive class, the future category, all depend on its Government; the Parliament or Law makers, the Judiciary or Law enforcers, the Executive or Policy makers, to deliver peace, justice, stability and development, constantly improving living standards, in a single word, Happiness.

Statutory Bodies, constitutionally created or established by an act of Parliament (the legislature), such as; the office of the President, the Judiciary, the Parliament, the office of the Prime Minister (The Cabinet), the Public Administration and various supporting commissions, protected by the Defense Force; Army, Coast and Air Guard, the Police, Prisons and Fire Services, with the necessary support from Public Utilities Providers, along with Public Debt Servicing, all have first call on the national treasury 43-53% of expenditure and offers essential services but provide no substantial revenue generating activities.

Social Programs 20-26% of expenditure, administered under various Ministries of the Executive branch, inclusive of social commitments; health and education, must be met; Old age pension/grant, Disability grant, Chronic Disease Assistance Program, the Food Card, School Feeding Program, Tertiary Educate grant, Scholarship programs, Community Enhancement Program, Unemployment Relief Program, Public Transportation, Unemployment Levy/Grant, National Insurance contributions/payments, all specifically designed to directly improve living conditions of the people in need, but again, even with honorable attempts made to balance income and expenditure, provide no substantial revenue into the national treasury.

Development Programs, consisting of construction and maintenance of numerous multipurpose infrastructure, facilities, housing, roads and transport 6-5% of expenditure, is mainly to improve efficiencies reducing recurrent cost. Controlled by many public executing organizations, such as; Water and Waste Management, Electricity Distribution, Industrial and Housing Development, Urban and Rural Development Regional Corporations, Public Transportation, Vehicle Maintenance (maintaining and repairing all public vehicles), all funded through transfers and subsidies 46-40% of expenditure from the relevant line Ministry and through the award of contracts to private sector entities. Such projects are mostly financed by low interest foreign currency debt, which still calls on the treasury at scheduled times for principal repayments and interest expenses, also due in the same foreign currency.

Revenue Collection results from taxes, duties, royalties and investment income. Ministries of Agriculture, Energy, Tourism, Trade and Industry administer revenue generating activities facilitating competitiveness while, charging sales based Value Added Tax, profit based taxes (corporation, business levy and green fund) 71-63% of income. Such revenue along with Individual taxes, Duties on imports and Royalties on licenses are administered by the Ministry of Finance into a consolidated fund without designation, while, real estate taxes and other user fees are assigned to specific purpose accounts in the national treasury. Interest Income is generated from reserves, Pension Contributions or savings where money, both local and foreign currencies are put to work to yield a competitive return. State Enterprises, such as; Energy and Fuel Corporations, Air and Sea Transport Companies, Broadcasting Media, are commercial operations in which the state invested and owns more than 50% of the equity and hence, expect Dividend Income.

The nation must pay its Statutory Bodies simply to function, its Social Programs to avoid unrest, manage its Development Programs to gain efficiencies and maintain its infrastructure, maximize its obtainable Revenue Collection and currency reserves, and manage the public debt, all to achieve a balanced budget. Traditional management studies teaches, that when revenue indicators (Oil and Gas Prices) point negative 48-37% of income, to cut expenses, sell assets, root out corruption, increase maintenance and focus on value for money. This approach invites many harmful results, unless coupled with a genuine exploration of a new mix of revenue streams driven by existing competitive advantages.

The answer must be in a well managed Investment Portfolio. Successive administrations must seek to generate sustainable Interest and Dividend Income as its greatest revenue source, increasing projected capital receipts from 2-15% of income to 20-25% of income in the next decade. This can be done by investing in the establishment of growth industries and/or sectors, launching and incentivizing lucrative business opportunities and creating jobs, and in the shortest possible time, opening the investment to Employees/Unions and the general public on the local stock exchange, to replenish the national treasury. At the same time, the executive must take the hard decisions to resize or dispose of uncompetitive industries or enterprises, replaced by paying for essential products through measured but reducing subsidies. All fully put forward without external forced policy changes, by an independent apolitical legally established statutory body with only the best for the nation in mind.

It falls to an independent Office of Budgets to pick up where the Auditor General has reached and cost and price policies as they are proposed, consolidate, forecast and report to the population at large on the effects of such policies in the short medium and long-term. This will guide politicians on the best economic policies for the nation beyond an election cycle, reduce waste and corruption. Hence, a Budgetary Forecasting office is very necessary to view the big picture, understand civics, cost policies, review the said policies effect on the overall financial picture and disseminate the review, before any implementation can proceed.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.