A Big Picture approach to reduce poverty and close the Wealth Gap. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. One Impoverish Community at a time, via consultation, by engaging proven facts and soliciting ideas, from the widest possible audience. People who understand that no amount of Wealth will solve the world’s problems, it will take a change in Human Behavior. Moving from Self adulation to Communal Living. Justice for All, helping, supporting, and assisting each other in the search for Happiness, Peace and Respect. Remembering, This is Not the last Crisis! Humanity must now plan, fund, and build around #Synergies of basic survival living requirements. YES, all must get involve, Comment, Circulate, Disseminate and Reshare.

“There is an optimum size of the community. What it is, I do not know. Larger communities can have more expertise, financial stability, etc, but become more difficult to govern. Diversity within a community I believe enhances creativity, conflict does not. A viable city has to have jobs, diversity, universities, centers of excellence, Restaurants, theaters, live theater, newspapers, parks, community centers, public transit, and other infrastructure, manufacturing, good schools, places of worship, public buildings, and other gathering places. They all go into determining a 'best' size. The apostrophe reflects the reality that everyone will have different preferences.”, states Jim Kirby

Please, join this effort and add your Thoughts, Opinions & Decisions to discuss Issues not Personalities! For the work accomplishment, must take precedent over any individual’s legacy. Preserving an accurate record of History to learn from the past, without glorifying or demonizing any participants of pass conflicts but acknowledging the positive lessons and outcomes.

“The only challenge to such a vision is human nature as many humans put self first - above others and society - and that makes achieving such a vision almost impossible. There are simply not enough people who care enough about social equity, poverty reduction, saving the planet, societal well-being, or anything else that is essential to our survival as a species. The thing is it has to be far more than just 'you and me'. It needs to be the majority of people who care and act - but we are way away from that. The need to change people is easy to say but how do you actually do it when their habits and lifestyles are so ingrained. It's a massive challenge. You only have to look at how little has been achieved with black rights in the USA over 60 years and more. Plenty 'talk' but little 'walk'.”, states Ian Ivey

Historical Lessons are not just for academic review but must reach everybody especially, the poor, homeless, poorly educated, of ill-health, misguided, and unproductive, because any effort would require everybody to act to save lives and preserve lifestyles. Leaving Win-Lose situations in the past while, striving for Win-Win negotiated compromises and progress. Human Beings have never before been prepared, by its so-called leaders, to live in peace, and respect opposing positions, as the hoarding of resources cause wars, with life itself, falsely valued by currency values, and the increasing yearning and collecting for non-essential things, which would further inflict damage on the earth’s ecology.

“I don’t think that these goals are impossible to achieve, however, it takes commitment and hard work and persuasiveness.”, states Gillian Marcelle, PhD

“I do have a question, and it's from my belief that words are power, so one must choose them and use them to create what one desires. The question is: do you think ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT would be a better term than POVERTY REDUCTION?, asked Ruel Ellis, PhD
“More than the term “ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT”, which connotation is one of mostly moving Values and Money. The term “POVERTY REDUCTION” is an honest attempt to communicate to the reader, to lessen the effects of Natural and Man-made Disasters and Corruption, which depletes and misuses essential Resources. Hence, the aim is to address, measure and improve "ECO-SOCIOECONOMIC" activities, which includes Money but adds-in the values of a peaceful clean productive environment and decent and selfless people, to eradicate POVERTY through SYNERGIES! Yes, inviting STRATEGIC PLANS, inputs across all demographics, and all Sectors and Industries driving basic needs, so no one goes without Shelter, Learning, Nutrition, and feeling Safe.”, replies the Author.

“I think in aiming to produce change there must be stakeholder consultation. If we want to change people's conditions then they must be a part of the planning. One of the things in creating public policies it that there must be a problem. A problem is identified when citizens present it as such. Even when that problem is presented governments have the option to do nothing and let the citizens find ways of resolving it themselves. The reason why there are struggles is because resources are limited and it is upon this basic it is decided "who gets what, when and how." If resources were unlimited then there would be no need to find methods of distribution. If we think of rich and poor being inversely proportional, then we will see that as one increases the other decreases. People will accept what they want. People will buy a house uptown but still live in the inner concentric zone because they feel comfortable. When they stop being comfortable there then they will transition. Governments have a responsible to put safety nets in place to provide for those inequitably placed. However civil society and NGOs also have a part to play. Building social capital and human capital are important aspects of change. Participation, transparency, accountability and acceptance are important aspects in bringing about change. There must be a 'buy in' by stake holders. In fixing the problem we must identify the right problem to be solved. Can we create safe environment for people? Can we teach children to profile adults behaviour? Who are the stakeholders here? I would like to be a role model to every child but do I target the child or the parent? I believe that issues are to be addressed; however I would not do it without consulting the ones whom the change should affect.”, states Odette Riley-Smith

The Human Race must evolve to create and preserve A Happy Society, requiring consensus between Decent People. People accepting, acknowledging understanding, and addressing the pressing need for change in what is described by many as Human Nature. Or this race will soon suffer self-extermination or be extinguish by Mother Nature! In a leadership role, people’s ethics must protect Life before Lifestyles with a clear vision of all elements of achievement. Leading Leaders: The main Lessons of Leadership; consultation with Experts, Executives and Everybody Else, must Discuss, Decide and Do. Urgent Actions are required in the face of Clear and Present Danger. While, the human race must constantly and continuously engage in Defining Success

“This is an interesting concept, one I wish for, but I have realized to be human means we have to somehow accept that all of us are different and not all of us will want better for others. In a ideal world this is great but this world is far from ideal. I am positive and hopeful for a better future but within realistic limits. Would be happy to discuss further if you require.” , states Dr. Farah Ahmed
“Yes! This is not an ideal world, but can it be? Human Beings are taught to be different, selfish, Special, but are we? Adversity, Wars, Famine, and Religion has historically and temporarily brought us together in small groups. Hence, I submit that it is possible and essential for the survival of the Human Race to start, to compete for better solutions and stop the fight for resources. We use the word “Fight” as motivation to hate others with “Competing” Ideas when we truly mean to benefit from an action. But this is and has always been about who benefits.” replies the Author

“The first step is the reformation of our governance system so that leaders are held to account for poor policies and there implementation. Not just a mere change in government, but financial and physical penalties. Secondly, where they're social and economic inequalities, that's breading grounds for fostering crimes. Therefore the long-term objective would be to develop policies that address social and economic injustices. One might argue that the wealthy in society might have used their assets to create greater opportunities and wealth, but behind the scene, you would find some level of collusion among those individuals and policy makers. Thus, until such corrupt cycles are broken, eliminating the cycle of poverty, contracting the wealth gap and reducing income inequality will be just an illusion., states Noland Jervis MBA

"To collaborate with governed modern communities to empower the young minds desirous of learning productive skills in order to enhance their basic living needs", states Erica Ortiz

“A utopia! I think that more substance will provide a clear road map to achieving the vision set out in your proposal. Also to include the legal and constitutional aspect of creating such a community, that could operate in an open governance and, or elected officials authority in the context of community accountability., states Vadis T. Agard
“Aiming for the Best but will settle and accept Better! Utopia is not negative or positive. For Planning Perfect Peaceful Purposeful Progress is ambitious but essential. Practical Processes seem to be increasingly Possible with technological advancements. This effort includes #Security because Pragmatic People may well be impossible or far in the distant future.”, replies the Author

All I am, All I have! Thoughts which affect human beings experiencing abject poverty. Twisted to believe, I have Nothing, I am Nothing! Filled with HATE, and BIAS, intertwined and passed on from generation to generation, further fueled by the Politics of Division and empty Political Promises, yearning for role models and leadership, ‘Better not Blame’. Calling for Policies before Politics as a governmental structure. And Mentoring and Parenting to reduce frequent feelings of hopelessness. Noting that, Selfishness destroys Nations by damaging the environment, living standards, and economic opportunities. Trapping the poor in a permanent cycle of poverty. Empowering and encouraging people is the only way to foster engagement and caring, this is Communal Life. 

“I would add something about developing infastructure to underpin basic living needs...look at Japan, Sweden, etc...I would also include environmental protection and 360 degree waste elimination to bring about a more efficient society...a dollar saved is a dollar gained...educating is key to producing individuals that would bring value to any society...education therefore is a means to an end and must be crafted as such...equity motivates and pulls the entire population..inequity is a destroyer of individual dreams and aspirations....sumnarizing...people development...education...infrastructure...crafted to reduce the poverty gap and it's negative effects...would lend greatly to a happier, more productive society.", states Terence Hinds

Religion looks backward for vital lessons, while Science looks forward to solve pressing problems. It is at this midpoint that The Human Condition must find ways to save lives and preserve lifestyles. This is an opportunity to gather Trusted Data on, measure and adjust policies to adequately provide basic needs for, People born into Poverty and break this vicious cycle. Such change must originate from and start at the local level. Empowering Entrepreneurs’ Ideas and Trusting the destitute, themselves to embrace such Bottom up Solutions to reduce poverty. The frantic cry from the deprived is a mixed of basic needs, living wage jobs, affordable housing, wellness, learning opportunities, and impartial justice, all together, RIGHT NOW!

“We need to deconstruct and reconstruct realistic, on the ground achievable approaches that separate intellectual supremacy and thinking.”, states Mtware Laban

“I believe it is by mentoring people or character values and at the same implanting in them the art of service to their fellow human kind,,, that way they will have a purpose that will get them to wake up early in the morning in pursuit of their dreams and they will not give up. At least them knowing that they should strive to serve, that way they'll have the desire for tremendous success in order to be able to accomplish their purpose. And you will basically have taught them how to fish rather than giving them the fish. And in the end you'll have had improve a lot of lives beyond your imagination because you'll have started a cycle of change ,,,,because they'll in turn teach what you have taught them to their next generation and next generation ...”, states Claude Kyendo

Community’s Control, transparent with its OVERSIGHT function, is designed with its Budgeting Priorities: Rules and Regulations categories; Resource Preservation, Human Development, Infrastructure Management, Economic Drivers, Fiscal Policy, and Governance. Engaging a public vote on every new issue, not to force actions upon the community with Top Down Prescriptions, which normally misdiagnose the true illness; Selfishness, Prejudices, Ego and Greed. Many refer to this as Evil which mankind (Individuals or Groups) exerts on each other, through crime, abuse, violence, fraud, and corruption. Others recognize this as robbing the poor of wealth creating opportunities and the society of collective Happiness. But with this new type of community, the main objective is to invite and encourage #Synergies, eco-socioeconomic activities, and Basic Needs into its geographic, revenue collection and job creation zone. Hence, as poverty is eradicated, such Evil should also decline.

“Thought leadership, that sees the world prosperity in a new, and much needed vision.”, states Mtware Laban

This is not a Job; it is a Calling!

“What's on my mind is that the world is currently over-populated by between 200 and 300% and this is putting pressure on resources (that are being used up at 170% of the rate of replacement and that will rise to 200%+ in just 10 years): that fine particulate plastic is now found in every marine food chain, including crustaceans at the bottom of the Marianna Trench and that big oil still plans to increase plastic production by 40% over the next decade without doing anything significant regarding the waste legacy; that water resources are under severe pressure in many parts of the world and fossil fuel resources are running out; that air pollution (mainly caused by fossil fuel combustion) causes around 3 million deaths annually in India and China, that deforestation continues at a disheartening rate in the tropical zones; that persistent chemicals of emerging concern are contaminating our water and environments; that nuclear waste with 100,000 year half life is simply being stored and is a potential threat to future generations; that arms manufacturers, politicians and extreme groups continue to kill millions of people annually and create huge waves of refugees; etc. Climate change is simply one component of the impact far too many humans and irresponsible people, governments and unethical/immoral businesses are having on our world.”, states Ian Ivey

“So right we have to assist each with this pandemic to go forward being is not what we like to be. Try to help fellow man best possible way. Be born we have a choice how to live in a world full of potential from within us as individual we must be positive in a negative world where love and compassion must be from within us.”, states Salome Debi

Ignoring poverty will fuel man-made disasters, which already must include Climate Change, not just terrorism driven by religious or race differences, but other unforeseen Natural Catastrophes, not easily connected to human activities. There-in lessening any worries of Over Population and depleting Global Resources. Human beings very survival depends on its constant adaptation, historical learning, transfer of technology, and the conversion of Knowledge into Wisdom, to benefit future generations. For ideas and solutions to deal with any ecological, social, or economic problems will require sheltered, learnt, healthy and safe People focused and driven by Purpose. Poverty Eradication will take generations. How and Where must be documented and  Discussed, before Deciding on a Better vs. Best course of action and then, ‘We Not Me’, must Do. But if it is not started Now, then When? If not You and Me, then Who?

“If only that vision could come into being tomorrow, oh what a different world it would be. Imagine the picture of what society will look like and how it will and write it like that picture without the following “The Vision is a future”, perhaps – “A future in which …… (the attributes) then the results.”, states Meegan Scott

“I have read most of the Themes. As I delved into each theme, I realized and appreciate the comprehensiveness of each presentation. Of particular interest to me were equity and leadership. I am satisfied that these were satisfactorily presented. My conclusion is this a very comprehensive and very inclusive presentation of the many issues which must be ventilated and addressed. Foresight is also presented to look into the future ahead to identify challenges and solutions. The organic organization of the themes and sub-terms are well presented. It is my view that this presentation substantively captures the necessary issues which must be address or brought to the fore., states Julian Peter Prescod

Breaking the cycle of poverty means lifting and rebuilding communities and creating purpose in people’s lives, allowing a wider spread of progressive ideas, and better distribution of wealth.Being incredibly careful to focus on Morals and Ethics, throughout this transformation. The more I have, the more I am! Thoughts which affect human beings inheriting wealth and privilege. Twisted to believe, if I lose everything, I would be Nothing! Further triggering an excessive greed and an amplified ego, not to discount the positive benefits which Ego and Greed plays in the human psyche. But over stimulated, Ego and Greed, changes people who start out with good intentions, into Power grabbing and hungry criminals. Stealing from the ‘Haves’ and further enthralling the ‘Have-Nots’!

“Agreed, can we also replace strongman governance with block chain protected participatory democracy?”, states Richard Polk

“The Childish Mania of Hope,' + James Baldwin, Gramsci and Aristotle - Journalist Chris Hedges (https://twitter.com/ChrisLynnHedges) talks to me, Professor Gerald Horne and Nando Vila (https://twitter.com/nandorvila) about "the childish mania mania of hope which is crippling and disempowering. Part of the problem is we're not adult enough to face what's in front of us and if we can't face what's in front of us then we can't respond in an effective and meaningful way." Hedges then reviews what's in front of us: "we're heading towards the collapse of civilization except for this time, because of the climate, when go down the whole planet's going with us." On a lighter note, Hedges talk being a war correspondent, Gramsci, Aristotle and what James Baldwin teaches us about hate groups. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbHCmmb4Ewg , states Lloyd Sewell

The need is to train and inspire all human beings, from birth to death, to gauge personal Happiness as a lifetime achievement. Sublimating the terms “Spoiled Child” and “Idle Rich” to the annals of history. And making happiness, the true measure of a basic living standard for all, reducing the pursuit of Money before Morals, removing selfish desires and unconscious bias. Training the children to share, help and support each other, as they would before, during and after any crisis. Inspiring healthy, skilled, and productive adults to work as teams and find solutions to benefit the many, not a few. And further encouraging the elderly in society to circulate and disseminate their personal stories of shared joy. While interlocking Peace, Wellness, Learning, Structural efficiency, and Purpose with a living wage, which would afford contentment and a pursuit of enlightenment, at every level of society.

“I am a firm believer in the fact that both People & Money go where they are treated best.", states Glenn Melcher

“Yes we can make positive changes in our lives that can impact the lives of others. It starts with us. It starts within the household. It's our mentality and if we want great things and are willing to work towards that change. I am very compassionate about helping persons in any way that I can, be it listening, advice etc.  I have experiences(experiences which you can learn from your mistakes or others) that has taught me how to deal with situations that could break an individual if they don't have self confidence and also the right guidance. This is a tough world with racial discrimination being one of the major issues (which is a sensitive topic for me as I am of mixed descent). It hurts when people discriminate, after all we are HUMANS. It is WE the HUMANS who can make those changes with Love, Knowledge, Appreciation, Care and Understanding.", states Rowan Charles

Injustice throughout societies, has mostly been spoken about in terms of race or religion, but evidence points to poverty as unfair treatment’s main cause. In most societies, which value Life, Wellness, Lessons, Products and Properties, the measure of progress is via Money, Money, Money. Clear infringements of Human Rights are protested by unpaid peaceful activists hoping to bring about lawful change, recognizing that people only have rights they can defend. But many Protest are highjacked by violent disruptors with different agendas, paid to defeat legal change or prolong unhappiness. It is all about the Money! It is Elected Local representatives, which must discuss, decide, and do, communicating and engaging an impartial majority, and implementing plans to better the community. Changing the mission to Happiness vs. Wealth.

“The difference between poverty and wealth is skills.”, states Randall Mohammed

“I am feeding back on the common sense sustainable development article. I believe the core objective to cater to the needs of the vulnerable is good. It is what is needed as it is not good when things go to extremes. However I will also give a few other pointers for consideration: -The first part and other parts of the document communicates too strongly words like ego and greed seems very strong in the manner in which it is presented. I am realizing that people generally don't like their faults to be pointed out. So I would recommend that you phrase in a different way. You can know the core stuff and not mention in that way. You might seem like an antagonist and persons would object. - Have you considered the threats to your objectives? Government as well as persons who you might be trying to help or other interest groups. Capitalists who may not want to support. Just putting this there for you to consider carefully - Who will be the drivers of this "project "? Have you considered how you will partner with the government and get their buy in. In everything their interests must be satisfied while core interests are being pursued. - The content of the document is robust. Lastly the document seems a bit utopic. Comments like fair assignment of planets resources and perfect world illustrate this. I do not beleive we will ever have a perfect world and the world as we know is getting more and more depraved. While I know the needs of the poor must be catered for to have a more balanced society. I also believe that the poor we will have with us always. These are the things that jumped out at me as I read.”, states Andre White
“In many aspects, the ecology, the society, and the economy are already at extremes, especially through the eyes of the most vulnerable. This effort should not water down reality, to massage Egos or further encourage Greed. Ego and Greed are a vital part of humanity and could be developed and managed by means of Entrepreneurial Ideas to better serve humanity. It is #Education, formal and informal, which must undergo intensive reform, constantly, from birth to death, teaching decent behavior and testing skills. Not allowing for peer pressures lessons to stand unchallenged or for theory to carry more weight than practice and accomplishments. The mission will and must change the historical ways of the haves and the have nots, resulting in Progress instead of Survival, Politicians will adjust. This effort aims for the pinnacle of its achievement, a perfect community, as an example to the world, with the eradication of poverty. Hopefully, it may achieve half of its vision.”, replies the Author

“My perspective on the question listed is that man had made the unfavorable conditions for others who are not well educated and handling limited funds throughout the years. Therefore, it is going to take the actions of man to undo whatever they had done to their own fellow human beings because they want to obtain status or power over others.", states Constance Williams

The Happiness Index is still being worked on and promoted by experts, to become an excepted worldwide statistical measure. This is difficult to define, but intended to replace economic only measures, such as GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GDP). Better valuing ecology, society, and economies. This index can only take root for many, when the international bodies, such as The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) wish it too. As it is such agencies, which dictate via their reporting, the need for the unemployable and the working poor to be eliminated. And we TOGETHER, our communities, our societies, our nations, all become financially literate, destined to save, and invest to fund a more secure, shared, but still unpredictable future.

“The Vision moved from being a vision statement to one espousing programs and projects. Also, if the philosophy of uplifting those low performing economies so that they can be sustainable in attracting and maintaining the appropriate HR would bolster the value proposition.”, states Ruel Ellis, PhD

As close as possible to A Perfect World consisting of Peaceful Moral Leaders, Lively People, Learning and Lessons, Ecologically Erected structures and Fairly Allocated Planetary Resources.

“I love the vision. I love this concept of people moving freely to give value where they can. I'd add that the world we are now entering means this can be achieved for a big slice of the population, without moving. There are so many synergies for example between the Caribbean and Africa waiting to be exploited if people just look. The vision is compelling as presented. One pushback I can foresee is the lack of community/family developed within. I don't think it needs to be articulated necessarily but there is a thought around encouraging family immigration, as some places do, to assist with cohesion and good adjustment to a new space. The cross-pollination of knowledge that would continuously result from such a system would be very beneficial in terms of innovation, knowledge transfers and more.”, states Alistair Scott

Yes! Each Individual, from birth to death, should be sheltered, kept safe, remain healthy, to learn anywhere and at any time, and to be productive, all at the right time of their individual life. Historical lessons point out failed strategies: Missionaries preaching religion while only taxing the poor. Conquerors suppressing workers to steal resources. An Elite invoking their own values, as the dominant culture, further widely instilling their entertainment and their curricula, by building and controlling schools, roads, hospitals, and other essential infrastructure. And where, local representatives are denied control of locally generated Resources with borrowing powers, to manage their own treasury. Keeping the majority dependent by rewarding those so-called leaders, who can control democracy.

“I had been working the idea of Growth with equity and security: Pursuing Deepest Concern For The Exodus Of The Poor. Maybe we can cooperate each other along with interested others in proceeding to a successful projects implementation. As time is not static, we can cooperate start the research and paperwork at the earliest time possible. People, mostly, work to earn for a living, yet we work also as it is embedded in our manner of living.”, states Euberto Licayan

Yes! Keeping the poor, Poor! Never allowing a fair transaction for the masses and their future generations to be happy. Fully aware that desperate people do desperate things to each other just to survive, and this would be extremely hard to change. Each individual must firstly be retrained, and the newborn being exposed to such a shared communal lifestyle. Where Egos and Greed are recognized as ambitions to drive progressive ideas to benefit all and all basic needs are an individuals’ birth right. Henceforth, let us be Resolved to buildout small communities based on Open Governance, fairly shared resources, and a genuine concern for All Lives and Lifestyles.

“I think the ideas are all sound and reasonable. Also requires government to support, regulate and enforce I think.”, states Ted Jennings, CFA

“If we want safe and fair environments then we need to reduce the poverty gap and the ill distribution of wealth between those who have and those of have not. I discussed the voids issue in several of my posts such as: Grow and Leave Voids https://www.bebee.com/producer/@ali-anani/grow-and-leave-voids, states Ali Anani, PhD

This Work starts by engaging beautiful minds, across all caste and class, who already understand that
Synergies Reduce Risks, to constantly measure ECO-SOCIOECONOMIC growth. Most ENTREPRENEURS are thinking about #EconomicDrivers targeting impoverish communities. Other THINKERS are addressing the strengthening and blending of STRATEGIC PLANS under multiple headings #Healthcare#Education#Securityand #Infrastructure, which would lift poverty levels. These words cannot alter the pass, but can influence the present, and change the future. These words must continuously change thinking, inspire progress, and spread HAPPINESS as they are widely disseminated and discussed.

“I like the idea of your research design.  It's definitely a field that is lacking research and progress.  How do you intend to collect data? What type of research design are you using?  I don't have much feedback thus far as it will take a lot of research on my path but I can definitely see you going really far with this., states Nicole Mohamed

“I guess I need a little more context to understand it better. Who is the recipient of the proposal? Gov't agency? International agency such as World Bank? Philanthropists? You might consider inserting a couple sentences at the top stating who the intended readership is. It seems like you want to develop a community but again it's not clear where or with whom. That info might be useful at the top also. Can you provide any additional information that would help me figure this out?", states John Irvine, MBA
“Many of these concerns seem to circulate and surround funding. But in this New Reality Sustainable Development Ideas must be proven and scalable before any Financial Projections are contemplated. The old thinking of communities centered around city trade, urban housing developments, rural production, and large transportation features, now has the technology to better synergize. The vision, on the title page, seeks to blend ideas to change Human Existence, based on multiple new and renovated global communities focused on basic living needs to reduce poverty.”, replies The Author 

“Perhaps we have to make all of these things sexy again...............in short and sharp as well. Evolve for the new world.”, states Subi Nanthivarman 

“So briefly going through has a lot of rich thought-provoking ideas but for me will improve exponentially if it is framed in such a way that you communicate what you want the reader to do with the full awareness that folks are sometimes unwilling to do deep thinking for altruism. Especially if they don't see the immediate benefit or if the actions may prevent future danger or bring long term benefits like say, climate change.", states Margarita Elliot

“Good Morning.  With apologies for the delay in my response, I have read the document.  I am inspired by what you propose.  Collectively and individually, we are being forced to move out of our comfort zone.  What you propose can work and is sorely needed in urban and marginalized communities.  The critical task will be changing mindsets -- healing transgenerational trauma; addressing and resolving family pathologies; changing the narratives on socialization of our children and understanding the wisdom of the African proverb which I am paraphrasing:  "The Child Who Is Not Embraced By The Village, Will Burn It Down To Feel Its Warmth".   Best wishes.", states Diane Aisha Sears
“Many of us, as we mature, see the benefits of human evolution and choose to encourage children, to add ideas willingly and for free, realizing that Ego and Greed, Selfishness has hindered human progress.”, replies The Author

“I think it provides a great insight into what we as the human race needs to do to achieve sustainable development and encourage growth.", states Sabrina Mohammed


#EconomicDrivers: Revenue from both an excess of the Residents’ Basic Needs, and from Specific Sectors and Industries, will depend on access to resources, economies-of-scale, and a clear competitive advantage in the global marketplace. Revenue is also earned from the Training and Accrediting of Construction Workers, Teaching Personnel, Medical Professionals, and Security Personnel. Confidential Productivity records would list professional experiences and skill training, tied to benefits, earnings, and taxations.

#Healthcare: A high level of Wellness Promotions, Medical Treatments, Retail Pharmaceuticals, are expected from such facilities, equipped with advanced diagnostics, properly and routinely maintained, effectively and efficiently operated, and fully stocked with personal protection and preventative gear, and other essential consumables. Along with the structured Employment and Training of Medical Professionals. Confidential tracking of Individuals’ wellness, diet and exercise, records, inclusive of vaccinations, infections and treatments, injuries and recuperations, chronic mental and physical conditions must all be linked to personal records.

#Education: Community Learning Centers designed to physically separate workstations with digital electronic communication technology for interaction between Presenters and other Participants. Along with the structured Employment and Continuous Training of Teaching Personnel: Educators, Curricula Presenters, Administrators, Counselors, and Mentors. Lifelong Learning Lessons combining informal behavior and formal curricula to impart and develop Social Responsibility, Decent, Mannerly, Courteous, Healthy, Skilled, Experienced and Productive Individuals, is the education mission, NOT drone workers, blind followers or leaders who cannot inspire. Therefore, resulting in Individuals with Confidential Electronic Personal Transcript inclusive of Wellness, Learning and Productivity records.

#Security: Standards of living collectively raised across the board, for societies elderly, its differently abled, its unemployed and its children, as crime levels decline, is the Mission. Electing, Selecting and Hiring individuals to serve the people as; Lawmakers, Executives, Law Lords, Prison Officers, Police Officers, Emergency Workers, to keep communities secure. Along with the structured Employment and Training of Security Personnel. Confidential Birth Certificate Names, Personal and Electronic Identification, Physical Home address must all be linked to learning, wellness, and productivity records. 

#Infrastructure: High Integrity Secure Structures with multiple usage, Learning, Wellness, Housing, and other fabricates, ecologically architecturally designed, engineered, and built with interlocking Pod units features. Able to cycle, store, treat, and recycle Water & Waste, to store, generate, Energy & Electricity, and to access electronic based Communications, and to be mobile by air, sea and land to be Transported to safe sites, when necessary to escape damage from natural or man-made events. Along with the structured Employment and On-the-Job-Training of Construction Workers: Plumbers, Electricians, Construction and Maintenance Workers, Electrical, Mechanical and Civil Technicians, Engineers and Architects.

Now, let us all get to work, TOGETHER!





