Seen by many as the essential and crucial category. But in this world of more frequent and more intense disasters, Egos and Greed must be transformed into Communal Living. Because Ego and Greed drives The Me, Me, Me Economy. Nevertheless, lessons from disasters and the spread of disease are numerous and life changing. In this New and constantly changing Normal, it is Public Revenue which must fund the Peace, Wellness, Learning and Facilities, so needed by a growing population. Each community with have similar revenue generating activities, based on services, trade, and property. While, many communities will depend on specific Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) categories. Such underdeveloped communities must exploit new Economic Drivers SYNERGIES to meet its highly needed Revenue Earnings projections.
Community Owned, for Retained Profits, growing
its Sovereign Wealth Fund
Living shares all eco-socioeconomic responsibilities. The protection and preservation
of the environment. Lands, Sea and Air, spaces owned by the community, can be
leased on specific terms and conditions, to operators who paid into the Communal
Treasury. Social structures and facilities, such as Water and Waste, Energy and
Electricity, Hospital, Schools, Housing, are operated to benefit all human beings,
residing, or visiting the community. The economy is managed by an independent Office Of Budgets (OOB), which is to transparently inform the community on the effects of Proposals &
Decisions, to make Communal
Enterprises Attractive to Investors, to dispose of Loss Makers, to predict
Economic Growth and Declines and to track Sectors & Industries Advances.
While providing Basic Living expenses for all by Growing
Revenue not debt.
Living is expanded, by producing more than is needed, for Income Revenue Generation.
Extracting, Manufacturing, and Trading Materials
for Infrastructure construction
and processing raw materials from the earth or procuring such materials, to build
more facilities, accommodations, housing essentials, at cost, for use by the
community. Further, offering space for lease, to commercial activities. And manufacturing
building components for sale, and training workers, to supply external
communities. Construction of Building
Pods for local community usage. Single Pod Units housing 10 beds, one bathroom
designed for the Homeless. Single Pod Units housing 1 bed, one bathroom designed
for an individual or couple. Single Pod Units housing 2 bedrooms, one bathroom
designed for a couple with young children. And Single Pod Units housing 3
bedrooms, one bathroom designed for a couple with teenage children. While,
patenting ideas, processes, and technology, to earn revenue from the licensing of
Intellectual Property (IP) Rights. Employed
Personnel would contribute via personal taxation.
Basic, General and Specialty Curricula and
to Train Education Personnel
Students are invited to pay to join local students to learn from constantly
improving basic curricula. Learning at individual rates, from all stimuli, mental
and physical, formal or informal. Basic lessons from Birth-5, 5-12, and General
lessons from 12-18, with Specialty Training from 18-Death as standard. Specialty
Training would include Educators, from Basic to General, trained in Early
Childhood and Lower Primary Grade, stored electronically. While, various other
Careers fields, Will utilize On-the-Job-Training, Apprenticeship, Internship, and Peer
Review. And,
patenting ideas, curricula, and technology, to earn revenue from the licensing of
Intellectual Property (IP) Rights. Employed
Educators would contribute via personal taxation.
Develop better Public Wellness Promotions
and to Train Healthcare Providers
Revenue from Promoting Wellness via Medical Tourism: Diagnosis, Surgery, Treatment
and Recuperation. While Emergency Care and Public Health Therapies are free to
the community and its visitors. A high level of Wellness Promotions, Medical Treatments, Retail
Pharmaceuticals, are expected from such facilities, equipped with advanced
diagnostics, properly and routinely maintained, effectively and efficiently
operated, and fully stocked with personal protection and preventative gear, and
other essential consumables. Medical Professionals: Doctors, Nurses and Administrators,
utilizing Internship, and Peer Review, undergo intense Specialty Training at a
cost. Employed Educators would contribute via personal taxation.
Create safer Monitoring Systems and Train Security
can be earned from State-of-the-Art Computerize Systems. Radar to monitor and
report on weather and external traffic. Sensors to track and check transportation
pods. Energy and Electricity, Water and Waste monitoring communication network
systems can be made and installed to meet customers’ requirements. The training
of Operators, Technicians and Engineers will also be available at a cost. While,
patenting ideas, processes, and technology, to earn revenue from the licensing of
Intellectual Property (IP) Rights. Employed Personnel would contribute via
personal taxation.
Example of Revenue Generation
Specific Sectors and Industries are rooted
based on access to resources, economies-of-scale, and a clear competitive
advantage in the global marketplace, for Revenue Generation.
Mining and Extraction, Manufacturing must always aim for better, assessing Constantly Transformed Policies, Projects and Programs, to gauge and forecast long-term economic effects (Preservation and Growth).
Agricultural Communities are transforming to feed much more than themselves. Using traditional Agriculture ‘An Economic Driver’ to extract food from the sea and forest, to manage climate change opportunities, to earn strong foreign exchange and feed nations. The Future of Farming and Food Processing is vertical to preserve the better land usage. Products must be harvested, from the wild, to protect various plant and animal specious and to preserve the
sea and forest. The objective is to build a class of products aimed at pharmaceutical and prestige markets and an elite clientele that will hunt far and wide for this community’s branded Agriculture Products.
While, Construction Opportunities, exist in Renovations, and to rebuild better and stronger.
Coupled with a Maintenance Business requiring the merging of existing specialty operations with a heavy emphasis on on-the-job-training.
A further example, would be the preservation of Tourism Properties and promoting a viable tourism sector. Expanding Tourism are some of the new types of tourism models mixed into the traditional family vacation, to which the world is invited.
Basic Trade (essential Goods), apart from Non-Basic Trade (non-essential or luxury Goods), is employ by every community to distribute Goods internally. Such Trade generates revenue from charged import duties, royalties to use or remove its resources and to encourage exports, which earns revenue from local taxpaying operations.
Non-Basic Trade ‘An Economic Driver’, the buying and selling of non-essential or luxury Goods. Such activities provide communal revenue through Import Duties, Taxes on Sales, Taxes on Corporate Profits and Personnel Employment Taxes.
Internal Transport Net, opposed to external Transportation, is structured in every community to efficiently move products (Goods and People, providing services).
External Transportation ‘An Economic Driver’, linked to the movement of Goods and Services (People, providing services), earns revenue from air and sea ports and land hubs charges.
Community Services, from Financial, Administration and Consumer
Services, to Transportation and Communication, inclusive of the Rights of Passage to aircrafts and its
radio frequencies to broadcasters and 5G telecommunication operations, earn
revenue from Royalties.
and impactful ideas, which only originate from and are further improved by
ENTREPRENEURS, Risk-Takers, human beings, are the fuel of sustainable
development and contribute positively to Services ‘An
Economic Driver’, earning revenue from licensing
Intellectual Property (IP) Rights.
#SYNERGIES: A New Economic Model
Community Processing, Manufacturing, Trading, Financing, and
Services, designed to physically separate persons, with digital electronic
communication technology for interaction between Customers and Employees.
Confidential tracking of Individuals’
education, skills and talents, records, inclusive of Birth-5, 5-12, 12-18,
18-Death would be replaced by whenever the individual is assessed to be ready,
without class or caste judgement or ridicule.
Confidential tracking of Individuals’ wellness,
diet and exercise, records, inclusive of vaccinations, infections and
treatments, injuries and recuperations, chronic mental and physical conditions
must all be linked to personal records.
Confidential Birth Certificate Names, Personal
and Electronic Identification, Physical Home address must all be linked to
learning, wellness, and productivity records.
from both an excess of the Residents’ Basic Needs, and from Specific Sectors and
Industries, will depend on access to resources, economies-of-scale, and a clear
competitive advantage in the global marketplace. Revenue is also earned from the Training and Accrediting of Construction
Workers, Teaching Personnel, Medical Professionals, and Security Personnel. Confidential Productivity records would
list professional experiences and skill training, tied to benefits, earnings,
and taxations.
#Infrastructure: Revenue from Construction
and Transportation of Building Pods with amenities and utilities for Living Residences, further
stacked as Hotel or Apartments. Pods with amenities and utilities for Educational Resources.
Pods with amenities and utilities for Hospitals and
Clinics. Pods with amenities
and utilities for Headquarters and Stations.
#Education: Formal and On-the-Job-Training and Accrediting of Construction
Workers, Teaching Personnel, Medical Professionals, and Security Personnel.
#Healthcare: Revenue is earned from the Elective Procedures and
Services of Medical Professionals across multiple disciplines and also from Research.
#Security: Revenue is earned from External Teaching and Protection
Assignments, and Safety Services using Security Personnel.
Invitation is open to all ideas that are suited to execute this vision.