
Utilizing State-of-the-Art inventions and innovations, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and Blockchain technology, to best supply, maintain, and recycle: Water & Waste, Energy & Electricity, Communications, Transportation, Secure Structures and other Public Facilities, combined to improve efficiencies and lower cost. Engaging Skilled and Experienced Designers and Builders. Secure Structures and Systems ideally designed, suitable and located at the center of the community. For #EconomicDrivers, #Education, #Healthcare, and #Security, and of course, homes, which falls under numerous Infrastructure SYNERGIES categories.

For example: The central high-rise pod tower can house 500-1000 beds for homeless individuals, 500-1000 hospital and hotel rooms each, along with a pharmaceutical, battery manufacturing plants, and Agriculture, Grocery, and commercial offices. Local Government, A local community hall, integrated building complex is needed, built using moveable disaster protection pods, housing and delivering (social, educational, religious, security, etc.) services and approvals to the local community, in the same pod tower. Housing Renovation encircling the main tower mixing one, two, and three-bedroom pod structures leased to residents, with land lessors and homeowners constructing or locating their own homes further away from the main tower.

In every structural design, Air Conditioning Equipment: Purity and Circulation must be addressed. While standard atmosphere is used to heat or cool rooms. Fine filters and powerful fans are engaged to best remove smoke, microorganisms, and contaminants from the space, which can be harmful to Human Health. And directional ducking used to move Human Exhaust quickly to the nearest purification point and recharge the enclosed space. 

Water & Waste Management is the most crucial of Community services. “Water is Life.” The need for efficient, Rain, Ice, Snow, or Sea water, collection, purifying, storing, and distributing water in every measurement of space, is to provide the supreme Human Right. Hence, State-of-the-Art Collection, Treatment, Purification, Desalination, Distribution and recycling systems and equipment, both at the individual Pod unit and on the community level, are needed. While, noting the power used to move water around as an impeding cost.
Water Collection from Rain, Ice or Snow, utilizes gravity to move all run-off to low point Tanks. The land is graded to allow water to flow into retention ponds with overflow channels and pumps to prevent flooding. While, water, purified from the sea, is another solution best for seaside or island communities. Both calculated to capture a measured volume of water to serve the respected community’s needs and powered by renewable Energy sources.
Water Treatment, Purification, Desalination, Distribution and recycling systems and equipment need to be scale for efficiency to a single home, building, and the entire community. Water Treatment is any process that improves the quality of water to make it appropriate for a specific end-use. Water Purification is the process of removing undesirable contaminants; chemicals, biological impurities, suspended solids, and gases from water, to produce fit for specific purpose water.
Desalination of seawater is the process of distilling water from the oceans into vaporized steam, using energy to raise temperatures above water’s boiling point, and condensing the steam into, and collecting, pure liquid water. Reverse osmosis is another effective means to desalinate saline water. Water Distribution Networks (WDNs) are complex systems made up of various interconnected joints and pipes, which take water of suitable quality, fit for Human consumption and use, to convenient access delivery points in the supply area. Water Monitoring Equipment measures supply levels, pressures, and quality throughout the WDN and has evolved to produce higher accuracy data.
Water Recycling Systems: recapture wastewater, purify and cycle back into equipment to reproduce fit for specific purpose water. While, Waste, Gas, Liquid, and Solid, is broken down, incinerated, composed, and treated to replenish the planet. And Renewable energy sources, Wind, Solar, Hydro, Tidal, Geothermal, are used to power and to move all water and waste systems.

Small scale LNG; technology and market dynamics

by Randall Mohammed Sep 14, 2018

Energy & Electricity, powering Water & Waste, Communication, Transportation, and Shelter management, and other essential services #Education, #Healthcare, #Security facilities and, of course, #EconomicDrivers as needed. Power has become as vital as water. Consumables, such as Lubricants and Fuels, are used to Fire power plants, run manufacturing processes, raise temperatures, operate machinery and vehicles, and by the Electrification of wide Grid networks, light and energize public and private structures. Electricity powers many consumption devices, appliances, and equipment. The Future of Electricity is to be generated from a mix of renewable sources (Wind, Solar, Hydro, Tidal, and Geothermal) stored in the latest State-of-the-Art Batteries and managed by inverters, with interconnection to any existing Grids are vital.
Water & Waste management is affected and made inefficient due to the cost of power. Water Collection, Treatment, Purification, Desalination, Distribution, Recycling and Monitoring systems are all power sensitive. Waste, Gas, Liquid, and Solid, is also hypersensitive to the cost associated with power. Power to operate its machinery, equipment, and its control monitors.
Communication systems are power sensitive. Most of the communication devices must store electricity in batteries or capacitors to remain operational on demand. Other communication backbone equipment and operational monitors are directly connected to an Electricity Grid.
Transportation of people and cargo is presently mostly power by petroleum engines. But in small communities the intention is to power and monitor tram carriages Horizontally and Vertically using electric motors. Hence also making the transportation network electrically sensitive, requiring backup strategies.
Building Structures, Facilities and Houses are lighted and powered by an Electricity Grid. Mobile structures would need to have the ability to work off-grid. Powering other community economic industries’ Plant and Equipment and Public Street Lighting equipment, operational and maintenance cost are essential, on or off Grid. In all cases, fueling the generation is of major concern.
Fossil Fuels are currently necessary to produce numerous plastics and rubbers used in daily lives, and Lubricants and Fuels, still needed to operate machinery and vehicles. It is the cost of using such petroleum products in the generation of Electricity, which is challenging. As more renewable sources are adopted globally, the cost per megawatts (MW) decreases to light and energize public and private structures and devices, appliances, and equipment.
Wind powered generation equipment, located at high elevations on top of towers, and offshore, is ideal in high wind velocity areas. High wind speeds normally exist at high elevations in the atmosphere. While heat can be harvested from Solar and Geothermal operations to drive steam turbines, incorporated within the same equipment. Offshore Wind facilities, combined with natural gas firring and Tidal generation, presents a sustainable solution to supply coastal communities. Electricity supply managed via the latest State-of-the-Art Batteries and inverters will add to Energy sustainability. Any excess Electricity supply can contribute to #EconomicDrivers, to earn revenue from neighboring communities.

Communication Systems, using State-of-the-Art devices and technology, hardware, and software, built with numerous storage and routing options, to provide all people in the community with essential internal and external connections with their contacts and data. Such systems are designed to use strategically located sensors and electronic receivers connected to control room monitors, which form communication systems that track water and waste, energy and electricity, transportation, and shelter. All of which are seamlessly interconnected by modern communication tools and equipment to provide community-wide basic needs, to the best standards of efficiency.
Communication systems monitor Water Distribution Networks (WDNs) and Waste Disposal systems. Water Collection, Treatment, Purification, Desalination, Distribution and recycling systems and equipment are powered by Electricity and Transported via a pipeline network. Waste, Gas, Liquid, and Solid, is collected, transported to specialized equipment or storage areas, to undergo transformation via incineration, composition, or biodegradable processing into reusable molecules, elements, and compounds. Both are technically monitored for leaks, overload, and malfunctions.
Communication systems monitor Energy and Electricity Distribution Networks. Energy supply of Lubricants and Fuels must be tracked from market providers, to local storage, along pipelines and consumption usage, to avoid running empty and leaks. Electricity Generation, Transmission and Metering is monitored to prevent black or brownouts. Perfectly, Monitored and Maintained to achieve the highest levels of operational efficiency.
Communication systems monitor Transportation Networks. Transportation in and around the community is envisioned to be powered and monitored by motion sensors attached to tram carriages, moving people and cargo, Horizontally and Vertically, using electric motors while, measuring speeds and loads. External Transport would be tied into national hubs, roads and rails, and international sea and airport networks. On-Time service is key to the system efficient operations.
Communication systems monitor Building Structures, Facilities and Houses. Such Secure Structures are tracked and controlled managing internal temperature, schedule usage, cleaning and maintenance, fire and security alerts, from centralized operations or personal communication devices. Again, constantly improving usage efficiency.

Transportation Networks and Hubs built using State-of-the-Art Tram Carriages and technology, to move passengers and cargo around the community and to externally linked air, sea, and land hubs. Moving and distributing water and waste, energy and electricity, communication, and shelter, in and out and throughout the community.
Water is generally moved or transported via pipelines. and waste, gas and liquid, are also transported via pipelines. It is solid waste which would be moved via Tram Carriages. But all transportation methods are imagined to be powered by Electric Motors and monitored by motion sensors.
Energy would be transported from storage tanks via gas pipelines, and electricity would be distributed from various renewable sources via cables. Both would require a complex network management powered by Electric Motors and monitored by motion sensors with a heighten emphasis on safety.
Communication is a key management component in transportation. Tracking all vehicles and indicators of speed, pressure, volume, wattage, etc., to maintain on-time and as needed services which is the key contributor in community operations.
Secure shelter is the most crucial aspect of transportation, for it is the movement of people between venues that is so necessary to community life. The timely motion of people keeps water and waste, energy and electricity, communication, and the shelters themselves operating efficiently.

2019 Modular Construction Update

by Jim Kollaer | July 30, 2019

Secure Shelter Management: Residential, Commercial, Industrial, and Open Spaces is the crucial center of any community. The distribution of water and waste, energy and electricity, the networking of communication and transportation in and out and throughout the community is to support each type of necessary Pod structure.
Residential Pod structure will provide accommodations for the homeless, tourist, hospital patients, and recuperating persons at the very center of the community. While circulating outward branches caters for Single Pod Units housing one bed, one bathroom designed for an individual or couple. Single Pod Units housing 2 bedrooms, one bathroom designed for a couple with young children. And Single Pod Units housing 3 bedrooms, one bathroom designed for a couple with teenage children.
Commercial Pod structure for retail shops, and offices are designed to meet prescribed needs. For example, grocery markets, drugs, and clothing stores, consultants’ offices, etc. Meanwhile, special attention is currently being pay to Religious centers, Schools, Restaurants and Bars design Pods.
Industrial Vertical Farming, Factories, Processing Plants and Warehousing, are all to fulfil the community’s food consumption needs and as part of #EconomicDrivers for each community’s revenue earnings. Secure Pod Structures, with water and waste, energy and electricity, communication, and transportation connections, to supply and satisfy the community needs while, exporting all excess capacity to earn additional revenue.
Open Spaces Parks, Stadiums, Street and Pathway lighting and cameras powered by solar and inverter batteries. Such space may also contain water pumping stations, waste disposal units, energy storage tanks, electricity grid substations, communication tower terminals and transportation hubs, all architecturally and engineeringly designed with green surfaces to minimize outside temperatures.

“Couple additional points to consider alongside the ideas shown:
- Fire and safety hazards of tall buildings including escape routes
- increased need for Data centres to store and manage this new information. Data security and the  increased energy required to power and cool these data centre.
- increase demand for Communication networks - 5g towers and other means of transferring data.
- the challenge of managing the complaints of the Eye sore from this new tech and infrastructure on the natural landscape - e.g. wind farms.”

#SYNERGIES: A New Infrastructure Model:

High Integrity Secure Structures with multiple usage, Learning, Wellness, Housing, and other fabricates, ecologically architecturally designed, engineered, and built with interlocking Pod units features. Able to cycle, store, treat, and recycle Water & Waste, to store, generate, Energy & Electricity, and to access electronic based Communications, and to be mobile by air, sea and land to be transported to safe sites, when necessary to escape damage from natural or man-made events. Along with the structured Employment and On-the-Job-Training of Construction Workers: Plumbers, Electricians, Construction and Maintenance Workers, Electrical, Mechanical and Civil Technicians, Engineers and Architects.

Confidential tracking of Individuals’ education, skills and talents, records, inclusive of Birth-5, 5-12, 12-18, 18-Death would be replaced by whenever the individual is assessed to be ready, without class or caste judgement or ridicule.

Confidential tracking of Individuals’ wellness, diet and exercise, records, inclusive of vaccinations, infections and treatments, injuries and recuperations, chronic mental and physical conditions must all be linked to personal records.

Confidential Birth Certificate Names, Personal and Electronic Identification, Physical Home address must all be linked to learning, wellness, and productivity records.

Confidential Productivity records would list professional experiences and skill training, tied to benefits, earnings, and taxations. 

#Education: Construction of Building Pods for local community usage and sales. Single Pod Units for Administration, Infants’ Play and Sleep Rooms, Early Childhood, Grade School Classroom, Lecture Halls, Kitchen and Eating areas, Rest Rooms, Science and Technology Laboratories Sport and Games pod, and Data Libraries.

#Healthcare: Construction of Building Pods for local community usage and sales. Single Pod Units for Administration, Emergency Room, Intensive care Unit, Surgical Theater, Therapy Pods, Rest Rooms, Medical Laboratories, Pharmacy, Kitchen and Eating areas.

#Security: Construction of Building Pods for local community usage and sales. Single Pod Units for Administration, Interview Rooms, Detention Cells, Virtual Court Hearing Rooms, Armory, and Rest Rooms.

#EconomicDriversRevenue from Construction and Transportation of Building Pods with amenities and utilities for Living Residences, further stacked as Hotel or Apartments. Pods with amenities and utilities for Educational Resources. Pods with amenities and utilities for Hospitals and Clinics. Pods with amenities and utilities for Headquarters and Stations. 

“The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened awareness of the significant flaws in our urban infrastructure. It has highlighted our lack of attention to how human health, natural systems, and the built environment interact to determine planetary health. These flaws are global, intensified in regions that are rapidly urbanising with increased risk of ecological disruption and where a growing number of people are living in unsafe human settlements that increase risk of infectious and non-communicable diseases. The pace of growth in these cities presents an opportunity to re-think creation of health as a central strategy for sustainable urban development. To that end, this webinar will largely focus on experiences and lessons from Africa, the fastest urbanising region globally. 

A positive societal reset is required with the purpose of cities re-centred towards sustainable human and planetary health. The WHO recently published a manifesto for healthy recovery from COVID-19 with 5 steps: 2 of which included building healthy cities and promoting healthy sustainable food systems. But how will this work in practice?

The greatest threat to positive societal reset is not the challenges of the present but a stagnant mindset of impossibility. The world has witnessed unprecedented collaboration as part of the pandemic response, between different government ministries, between community groups and the public sector, and between public and private sectors responses. These previously considered improbable or unlikely intersectoral action for health challenge our perceived limits of what is possible. Our challenge is thus to harness this momentum to accelerate societal re-imagination of a different future, and to catalyse action to address health, social and planetary inequalities.

We will be in conversation with global partners whose work impact the built environment, population health and sustainability. We will touch on global, regional and local approaches to integrating health into urban planning and development, share experiences from different cities of intersectoral action before and during the pandemic, and hear examples of ongoing and planned urban built environment interventions. We will also be asking how healthy sustainable urban development can be financed and exploring the role of transdisciplinary research in generating evidence to inform and support effective interventions to create healthy sustainable equitable cities. Discussions will feed into ongoing efforts to integrate health foresight into Africa’s cities for human and planetary health.”, from https://www.wolfson.cam.ac.uk

“Similar invitations have been circulating of recent, this being the only one I have come across that attempts to blend, (#Infrastructure and #Healthcare) but does not go far enough. Our Communities will also need #Education#Security and #EconomicDrivers.”responded The Author.

The Invitation is open to all ideas that are suited to execute this vision.

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