Dream, Think, Comment, Share, Plan & Implement…to spread Happiness

  Public Consultation on this Draft Proposal to blend and synergize STRATEGIC PLANS to improve All Lifestyles.
Input from Initial Contributors: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 - Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Global Public Consultation: Thursday, October 1, 2020 - Thursday, December 31, 2020
Financing Prospectus: Friday, January 1, 2021
Ended: ThursdayDecember 31, 2020


A peace filled future, with many similarly governed, by local elected residents, small adaptable communities. Each structured to reduce poverty and moving skills to the most advantageous locations, across the world. People born and living safe and healthy, People with a genuine concern for the planet, receiving specialty education, and People owning and employed in such a society, would all be entitled to basic living needs, to advance progress. Hence, moving between, these modern communities, which are based on Environmental Social Governance (ESG) principles, is about an individual, a family offering, bringing, and sharing eco-socioeconomic values or desirous of learning productive skills, to benefit other communities.


Simultaneously, inviting EMPATHIC ENTREPRENEURIAL IDEAS and EXPERIENCED EXPERTS to evaluate and consolidate SUSTAINABLE STRATEGIC PLANS into #SYNERGIES, targeting specific communities to improve lifestyles through #Infrastructure#Education#Healthcare, and #Security, which all must be financed by feasible #EconomicDrivers.


Care for and Maintain the Ecology, the Environment, and the Earth's Resources.
Respect for all Animal & Plant Life, all Societies, all Stakeholders.
Learn and Communicate only the honest Truth.
Be Kind, Be Fair and Share.

Goals & Objectives:
This effort starts and focuses on The Human Race. People, who realize that Choices Powers Progress! Logical thinking people, who have learnt from the past, clearly see the present and can positively contribute to the Human Family future. Decency Matters! Critics are invited to strengthen the path, every element and component. Focused on Tasks, not on the fear of the Task. Seeking IDEAS and OPINIONS from (30,000) people, across all demographics, to evaluate and strengthen all aspects of the consolidated, very dynamic, SYNERGIZED STRATEGIC PLAN.

A selected small community (50,000 – 100,000) population, to serve as a global example, governed by Elected Resident Representatives, with a highly transparent charter, and networked TOGETHER into a concerned, family type society of HAPPY people.

Building and Renovating Communities where no one is homeless, skills and knowledge, mental and physical care, and justice is freely and equally available to all, as essential eco-socioeconomic needs are met.

Recognizing, Individual Life is short, in comparison to Community Life. And this is not the first or the last Crisis that will force Humanity to undergo urgent and essential change! Therefore, the community must be designed and manage for future generations. Inclusive of a built-in multi-disaster prevention and recovery plan. Noting that, Community Life includes its geographic and infrastructural assets, its public benefits, its revenue income, and its financing of time sensitive cash flow, via taxations and borrowings.

The resulting SYNERGIZED STRATEGIC PLAN for this first particular new or renovated community will serve to extract a powerful Financial Prospectus to initially fund the various policies, programs, and projects in that community. Financial Projections based on 100% borrowing for 50 years on the community’s Geographic assessed value, based on 75% borrowing for 30 years on the community’s Infrastructural Facilities and Equipment, and based on Income Revenue from Net Services provided internally, Net Property Management, and Net Trade Activities.

This all has to fall into place to start the change and accelerate Human Evolution!

...Happiness during the Peaceful Progress while, determining Development toward Evolution.

Initial Contributors of Thoughts & Ideas:

Other Contributors of Thoughts & Ideas:

TOGETHER, EMPATHIC ENTREPRENEURS must drive the HUMAN RACE to EVOLVE, with COURTESY, DECENCY, and RELIGIOUS RESPECT, employing MORAL and ETHICAL behavior, to spread EQUALITY and JUSTICE while, rooting out selfishness, prejudice, EGO and GREED, and working to close the WEALTH GAP, and avoid or limit Human SUFFERING for societies to SURVIVE and THRIVE, TOGETHER.”