
Human Lifelong Health is, and must be, protected  and preserved by Public Wellness measures. Wellness through Diet and Exercise. Wellness through Safety and Security. Wellness through a sense of Mental Purpose. Wellness through Human Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) awareness. Wellness through inoculation against disease. Wellness from conception to death. All requiring Medical Education.

Healthcare SYNERGIES are designed to interconnect and surround all other Physical and Mental activities. Providing all occupations’ safety protocols, Accident and Emergency Treatment, Paramedics and Ambulances, Primary and Intensive Care, Isolation, and Recuperation, free to the community’s resident and visitors. While, General Hospital accommodation, Elective Surgeries, Kitchen, Groceries, Pharmacy, Therapeutic and Recuperation and advance Specialty Teaching, are a part of the community’s #EconomicDrivers.

“We will be remembered for how we care for both the Youngest and the Oldest...", states Glenn Melcher

“Affordable Healthcare, though necessary, ought to go hand in hand with affordable health Insurance. With the growing inequality in income; individuals/ families that are trying to make "ends meet" will forgo healthcare in order to "put food on their families table" or seek adequate shelter. Individuals/Families economic status plays an important part where healthcare is concern. The psychological roller-coaster of families living in poverty with their "day-to-day hustling" trying to improve their wellbeing will view their purpose as trying to exist and will have little or no time to focus on eating a nutritious meal, exercise or engage in safety practices to maintain their body's peak condition. Affordable healthcare and governmental policy of ensuring all citizens have access and understand the importance of healthcare and health insurance will determine the quality of human existence within that state.", states Noland Jervis MBA
“Is the solution therefore, FREE Healthcare, cover by taxes”, asked the Author 
Terrance A. Jennings That would be the optimum position for citizens' benefit.”, replies Noland Jervis MBA

Nutrition, a tasty, healthy, economically viable, basic public diet, provides the essential energy for growth and development of the Human Mind and Body, at every stage of life. A rich diet, Breast Milk, High Protein, Carbohydrates, Low Fat, etc., to empower the society with a high percentage of fit Human Beings. Essential Food and Water is also a powerful Economic Pillar and the Future of Food. Heavily dependent on the ecology to maintain agricultural industries. Plant and Animal life, which supplies the Food and Pharmaceutical sub-industries, is cultivated, processed, packaged, distributed, traded, and consumed to best maintained the human development.

“Food Security! The document speaks of Health, and refers to nutrition. However the nutritional needs are presently tied up with economic capacity., states Ruel Ellis, PhD
"Food, nutrition is an essential component #Healthcare and #EconomicDrivers, as the aim is to produce more than is needed by residents. Tracking and monitoring stocks to query and meet demands locally before exporting any excess.", states the Author.

Sports and Games to build and maintain mental and physical fitness. Healthy Human Beings must be active. Exercise is required to build quick minds, solid bones, strong muscles and to prevent disease. Lifestyle Chronic diseases must be prevented by discouraging harmful consumption and encouraging routine exercise.

Security to prevent human harm from Natural or Man-made Disasters. Safety protocols and measures to prevent injuries from accidents.

Purpose causes healthy human conditions. The responsibility of knowledge, of children, and of productivity, focuses mental and physical abilities at their peak. From birth the Human Being seeks Data, Information, Intelligence, Knowledge, Insight and Wisdom, to continuously learn, waking up to new thoughts every day. The responsibility for others, as a friend, parent, and other relationships makes the Human Being feel good about routine tasks. The effort exerted to plan, communicate, and implement work, to create, remake and output product, is worth the applauds and rewards. All of which maintains Human Health.

DNA is
the hereditary material in humans’ genes, mixed and past on along historical family records, hopefully to strengthen existence but may unfortunately share weaknesses. Individuals with specific exposure to an inherited affliction should seek lifelong examination, prevention, and treatment to reduce the risk of suffering from, or passing on that particular ailment.

“It is interesting that the same is true about Electric Vehicles. Tesla's lead over Internal Combustion Engine legacy manufactures is strengthened by not being burdened by ICE success DNA.”, states Richard Polk

Medical Practitioners track viruses and bacteria harmful to the human being. Disease causing germs which are spread by insects, air-borne or on common surfaces resulting in community transmission. Medical Practitioners also diagnose, vaccinate, prescribe, treat, and oversee recuperation, from illness or injuries caused by accident or disaster. 

“I think areas of mental health should be expanded upon, including addiction, depression, learning disabilities, and deterioration of mental capacity over time. That can also lead to discussing palliative care. Education should also extend to individuals so that they know a bit about themselves and can help reduce the burden on the system. Nutrition is mentioned and also things like remedial actions for common ailments such as injuries, cuts, burns, colds, etc. An informed public should take more preventative actions (like stretching before activity) and can also avoid pile ups in emergency rooms.”, states Ted Jennings, CFA

#SYNERGIES: A New Healthcare Model: 

Community Wellness Centers designed to physically separate stations, treatment, and disposal of medical waste, maximizing a sterile environment with digital electronic communication technology for interaction between Practitioners and other Patients. 

Confidential tracking of Individuals’ education, skills and talents, records, inclusive of Birth-5, 5-12, 12-18, 18-Death would be replaced by whenever the individual is assessed to be ready, without class or caste judgement or ridicule.

A high level of Wellness Promotions, Medical Treatments, Retail Pharmaceuticals, are expected from such facilities, equipped with advanced diagnostics, properly and routinely maintained, effectively and efficiently operated, and fully stocked with personal protection and preventative gear, and other essential consumables. Along with the structured Employment and continuous Training of Medical Professionals. Confidential tracking of Individuals’ wellness, diet and exercise, records, inclusive of Vaccinations, infections and treatments, injuries and recuperations, chronic mental and physical conditions must all be linked to personal records.

Confidential Birth Certificate Names, Personal and Electronic Identification, Physical Home address must all be linked to learning, wellness, and productivity records.

Confidential Productivity records would list professional experiences and skill training, tied to benefits, earnings, and taxations. 

#Infrastructure: Construction of Building Pods for local Healthcare usage and sales. Single Pod Units for Administration, Emergency Room, Intensive care Unit, Surgical Theater, Therapy Pods, Rest Rooms, Medical Laboratories, Pharmacy, Kitchen and Eating areas.

#Education: Formal Training of Medical Professionals: Cleaners, Cooks, Nutritionists, Administrators; Laboratory Technicians; Health Promoters and Educators; Pharmacists; Internists; General, Isolation, Surgical, and Psychiatric Nurses; General or Family Practitioners, Pediatricians; Obstetricians and Gynecologists (OB/GYNs); Anesthesiologists; Surgeons; Pathologists; Neurologists; Psychiatrists; Etc. 

#Security: Crowd Control; monitoring all Entrances and Exits virtually, limiting unauthorized movement and theft.

#EconomicDrivers: Revenue is earned from the Elective Procedures and Services across multiple disciplines and also from Research.

The Invitation is open to all ideas that are suited to execute this vision.





