
Public Lessons must be based on the recognition that people need people, proven and widely acknowledged facts and the acceptance that learning happens from birth to death, via any exchange of thoughts, news, and entertainment, anywhere, anytime. Never-ending, learning happens during periods of human suffering: homelessness, illness, hunger, and fear. While formal curricula and official lesson plans are essential, to unlearn falsities and untruths, to reinforce trust through Moral Leadership, Ethical Behaviour, Mentoring and Parenting, Problem Solving, and crucially, Critical Thinking.

As the only species on this planet that can Think! Thinking about Thinking is the ultimate lesson of education. Independent Thinking is an essential human right. A birth right, which must firstly, constantly, and essentially be based upon human concerns, social graces, and an exchange of courtesy. Parents and adults are under constant observation from younger minds and must always be on their best behavior and correcting themselves and others, sharing with younger minds, when notLearning to manage Anger and Ambition. A progressive right to create a burning desire for Lifelong Learning and to develop a Consensus on EducationProducing rounded Individuals exposed to Civics, Sports, Cultures and Religions.

“I think it's within. No amount of training will get folk to be decent unless they see what's in it for themselves. Those who have it within will always have it without training.”, states Subi Nanthivarman

“HOPE is such a small word but the impact is so phenomenal, we all are prepared to wait on it., states Julian Peter Prescod
“This hopes to change education systems: Exposing Parents and Guardians to manage behavior, Traditional Examinations restructured into Continuous Assessment (Present and Practice), to combine formal and informal learning, to deliver decent, skilled and productive people, from birth to death!”, replies the Author

“I think the current COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrate that the formal educational system and traditional examinations (which train individuals to memorize) definitely needs restructuring. With the vast technologies available, and easy access to such, this can be a game changer in acquisition of knowledge and skills that could lead to delivering skilled and productive individuals from birth to death and possibly lead an exponential knowledge growth through knowledge sharing.", states Noland Jervis MBA

"Agreed. It not so much what you learn that is important but rather learning how to learn and how to authenticate/verify what you are learning. In age where misinformation and lies are being spread widely on social networks and in the media, one needs the right set of skills and capabilities to sort out the 'wheat from the chaff'.", states Ian Ivey

Ian Ivey, Noland Jervis MBA  - totally agree.", states Dr. Chakradhar

Traditional educators leave many people behind. Uneducated as to deal with stages of development, hormone driven students, or large class numbers. Awarding a few with praise and motivation, while, asking of many to try harder or dropout. Educators must be specially trained to drill deeper into developing psyches. All lesson plans must now incorporate students’ individual assessments of their readiness to learn and the current knowledge of the subject matter, which can only be done in small groupings, using teaching assistants and aids. 

“I'm so happy that I am not a per say traditional teacher! I teach my children for free online!! I care about my students all over the world!! Great teachers do care about their students. They want them to succeed and are committed to helping them achieve their goals. Moreover, teachers care about their students' happiness, well-being and life beyond the classroom. A great teacher does not make it a secret that they care. It's not a secret from me!!, states Patsy Bland, Master Educator

Numerous people are taught and graduate with a sense of achievement, thinking that they are entitled to be paid money, above basic living expenses. These people learnt skills to give service, which is to benefit all of humanity, not only themselves. Supplying physically and mentally Skilled, Experienced and Productive Individuals, into #Infrastructure, #Healthcare, #Security, and #EconomicDrivers, is to progress communities and nations. Such Progression, of all in the groupings, will allow for wealth creation and distribution above the essentials. With Educators disseminating their peer reviewed Research into the archives of History accessible to all future generations. All of which forms a Tolerant and Peaceful Society

“I think financial literacy needs to be taught at an early age so that greater understanding, broader citizenry participation in development and commonality in tackling present and future crises will become less burdensome. Basically, reduction in inequality, but at the same time, encourage excellence among citizens.”, states Noland Jervis MBA

All people are born with a natural need for other people, no formal education required. But as growth takes place, people learn to segregate who, at this time or stage, can and cannot help them. This learning is dangerous to civil society, community unity and human trust. Segregation along economic lines creates the haves and the have-nots. Producing adults, who see others only in terms of “How much you want?” and “How much you can give me?”, is the foundation of a failed society.

Closing and managing the Wealth Gap is essential to retain a sense of belonging among residents. Ending Segregation, based on Race and Religion, is much more difficult to manage based on human history, but must be directly tackled, to defeat discrimination, attain human equality and achieve social goals. But of utmost importance, is to understand, accept and respect, each other’s roles within the groupingSuch roles are notably interchangeable. 

Individual Human Roles:
1.      The Inspirer Role attempts to Visualize and Create.
2.      The Developer Role endeavors to Invent and Innovate.
3.      The Administrator Role tracks to Monitor and Report.
4.      The Builder Role works to Construct and Assemble.

“From my understanding of Semler schools and evidence from the older traditions of indian Gurukuls, there are many things we, all of us, government and industry, are complicit about. It's that we assume that we know, and not the child, what's best for them. Also, we don't seem to take development stages into consideration - education is a cookie cutter, mass produced tool for creating workers and cheap labor. Some of us, in power, make decisions for all of us as to what's best for us - and they are mostly wrong!, states Dr. Chakradhar

Education SYNERGIES: Truth and Facts, which are historically and widely accepted, scientifically proven and periodically reexamined, supported with balance arguments, and accessible publicly to all willing to know, via multiple dissemination medium, through formal education, news and entertainment, must be securely stored, available to all and passed on from generation to generation.

“Education is the "why" and training is the "how". The system must firstly focus on demand - what skills are required now and in the future. For example as we move into the 4th industrial revolution digitisation is the key component and would require skills in coding, data science, IT and data analytics. Our education and training system should address this. According to Elon Musk he's looking for skills in coding not necessary a 4 year degree. If you're an A-class coder you're hired. The other area of demand is renewable energy. It's upon us and moving quickly. Has our education system adjusted or is petroleum engineering the only game in town., states Randall Mohammed
“Basic education must be available in every community, to fill positions in #Infrastructure, #Education, #Healthcare, and #Security. With seamless movement between communities, specialty education can be accessed geographically where it is best available, and such needed skills and experiences can immigrate to where it is most needed to fill voids and opportunities in that community’s #EconomicDrivers.”, replies the Author

“I agree with your philosophy and its underlying concepts...and the researching of the issues related to our system of education. we must be clear on where we want to be and how our education system will help us get there... some of us see education as a gate pass to employment...when it needs to be viewed as much, much more than that...the masters, the PhD etc...seem to serve only as markers for the status quo...at times...I attended south east Port of Spain secondary school . class of 76...that year SEPOS performed better that most secondary schools and colleges in the country with respect to the amount of full passes received...an anomaly for sure for that the particular demographic …the following year must of the "performing" teachers were reassigned to Presentation college, St. Francois, Bishop Anstey and the like...and were replaced by teachers with very little experience...I make the point to underscore that education systems are skewed in favor of the affluent and the so called prestige schools to quality tutoring...any new system making a serious effort to remedy the inequities in the current education system, will need to underpin serious transformation in our economy and the way forward...it must be made to meet the needs of our transformation...it is a complex problem with many caveats. Many questions to be answered.”, states Terence Hinds

“My perspectives are informed by experiences teaching at the Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary levels. Then being involved in #InformalScienceEducation at #NIHERST and TechVoc at #CXC. From a Trinidad perspective, and it holds true for most of the region, the education systems are based primarily of maintenance of the status quo, rather than creating innovative and complete citizens. They've even been sacrificed, in some territories as a conditionality of accepting loans from certain members of the international community. Evidence of this is in the displacement or cessation of TechVoc Training institutes with the expectation that foreigners would be employed to perform the low level skills such as #plumbing #electricalInstallation #Masonary #welding and the like. The economic decision of this is the dependence of labour from as far off as Asia, and the increase of unemployment in the region., states Ruel Ellis, PhD

“As an example of fit for purpose education, why aren't we chasing the teaching of occupational health and safety and environmental from preschool right up to tertiary level? We suffer from obesity, diabetes , heart disease, hypertension, etc.....where are the early education components that would arm the society at large with the knowledge to make the step change required to tackle these challenges...these high impact issues that require serious culture change...do you catch my meaning?, states Terence Hinds

“However, the challenges which you've identified has more to do with Life-Style and Nutrition rather than OSH. They require a culture shift which is dependent upon the education curriculum. This way, individuals can make better choices about their physical and mental activities and their dietary needs.”, states Ruel Ellis, PhD

“We need education that is fit for purpose…from as early as it would set… can you imagine the possibilities of what the society could achieve....how would voting patterns change in a well-educated society? …would the electorate now look at demonstrated performance rather than party...would they measure new entrants to the political arena on ethics, community service, leadership, etc....would an "educated" "enlightened" society have responded better to the covid-19 pandemic?, states Terence Hinds

“I think you should touch upon the idea of truth and facts being based on someone’s perspective or a societies current thinking...and therefore open to challenge from different perspectives and the passage of time. Hard to find universal truths now, even in scientific arenas. Also think that education of other cultures and experiences will help foster that community spirit as well as helping reframe interactions with different people. We may learn to enjoy and benefit from diversification of thought, as we are starting to see those benefits come into ‘walks of life’ now.”, states Ted Jennings, CFA
“Hence, agreement can be found in the statement, “Critical, Logical and Analytical Thinking are crucial elements in any type of lesson and teaching plan.”, which needs to be implemented through each individual life., by the Author 

Critical, Logical and Analytical Thinking
are crucial elements in any lesson and teaching plan. Such training, taught through Games, must be based upon an individual stage of development, and moral and ethical concerns for the society, to continuously prove the facts, the truth and dispel fictions and falsities. Education without thinking is simply the regurgitating of memorized data. Information which can now be electronically stored and widely available. Thinkers utilize facts and add imagination to produce intelligence, knowledge, insight, and hence, progress.

“Great ideas but all worldwide governments and authorities have to get involved with these great plans in order to reduce worldwide poverty, hunger, and homelessness. Also need large private sector corporations to assist with education and putting in place electronic educational systems.", states Michelle Brownsley

Learning in the womb, Nursery schooling, Early Childhood development, Primary, Secondary Grade School and the Tertiary Environment, College, University, Internship and Apprenticeship, On-the Job Training are just terms of progress. Remembering the many adults and the elderly have also undergone this progress, via life experiencesSchooling must become an extended family environment: much like (18yrs.) Academies, Boarding Schools and Orphanages. Managed by the community, staff with specialty developmental teachers, and with small groups, ten or less students per class, following similar curricula, for learning to be effectiveResulting in people advancing people, educators leaving the living with messages, comments, opinions, observations, criticisms, and research articles to progress human evolution.

The formative learning period, before adulthood, is key to producing decent and considerate, critical thinking people. Parenting and learning from adult behavior examples come naturally. Peer Pressure learning is unavoidable but must be questioned and examined to solicit truth from false bragging. The learning that takes place when (big sister or big brother) teenagers supervise and counsel younger children is most helpful. As is the mentoring of such teenagers by young adults, now trained to formally research topics before respectfully spreading their own opinions.

“Back in my school days we had a Student Guidance Counselor who assisted in mentoring students, behavior examples and guidance with facts of life...how to adapt to the world outside school. Not sure if they still have counselors in school. Think we need to get back to those principles.”, states Erica Ortiz

There's a quote attributed to both Ignatiaus Loyola and Aristotle: *Give me a child till he be but 7, and I will show you the man.* These philosophers were of the opinion that it was the events and experiences during the first 7 years of the child's life that's responsible shaping the adult. I tend to believe that also. I'm willing to guess that that's the reason why the modern SDGs include pre-school education. This gives a rationale for the Germans and nordic nations limiting academic teaching to kids under 7 years old. In some curricula, reading and writing are omitted until the child can control the fine muscles, however the brain is extremely malleable, thus tools such as critical thinking, environmental and social consciousness and building relationships through play are imparted. So waiting for teenage to begin mentorship may be attempting to close the barn doors after the horses have bolted.", states Ruel Ellis, PhD

Ruel Ellis, PhD It's called unconscious goals. It's decisions children make from events, others reactions on how to get love.", states Dr. Chakradhar

Dr. Chakradhar exactly. So the real program should be focused on teaching adults to LOVE! This way, parents impart love and all the social skills needed to have a progressive, yet productive society., states Ruel Ellis, PhD

Ruel Ellis, PhD it is also argued that on becoming an adult, it is no more about teaching but conditioning. Systems and laws will force those adults who don't get it tocomply. But then again, that child like desire to make a change does not ordinarily burn out. Some schools of thought go as low as within the first three years. But I hear you. Those formative years prepare the foundation for who we strive to become. They are the roots to be watered.", states Julian Peter Prescod
The fundamental issue, on the informal education side, permeating societies, is the faith held by many in the words of communicators. Experts, on any topic, must research, test, and defend their conclusions to win peers’ approval. Strategic Planners and Entrepreneurs must work within governing rules and regulations to put forward a viable implementation process. While, Politicians, presented with the best expert advice, should refined such advice into the policies and publicly transmit such guidelines. But many in society mistake Research Conclusions for Government Policies and for Strategic Plans. This informal learning is due mainly to Money, Financing, and the control of the Treasury, propagated by communicators.

Messengers will consider and criticize ideas based on an Expert Viewpoint, Current Circumstances, or a Political Divide, whichever is the most controversial, to reach the largest audience. Because audience size drives advertising revenue. Posts, articles, and advertisements are purposely designed to catch attention, not to be accurate or truthful. Hence Rules of Journalism allow for errors and corrections to avoid penalties. While social media rules are in its infancy. It is Libel Laws which must be strengthen and adjudicated. But with the formally educated public of critical thinkers, questioning everything, seeking hard evidence, not hearsay, ridiculing and embarrassing the messenger, there should be no rumors, propaganda, misinformation and lies circulating.

Media must recognize its role to Educate as it Informs and Entertains. New News. Debunking Opinion. Policy from Research not News.

A burning desire for Lifelong Learning must address stages of development, firstly and crucially at an individual level and learning rate. Thinking causes an individual to have discussions based on a Moral Compass and execute actions with Ethical Behavior. Right and Wrong! Considering the Many, not a Few! Noting that, the Human Race very survival depends on its constant adaptation and transfer of Knowledge into Wisdom.

#SYNERGIES: A New Education Model:

Community Learning Centers designed to physically separate workstations with digital electronic communication technology for interaction between Presenters and other Participants. 

Lifelong Learning Lessons combining informal behavior and formal curricula to impart and develop Social Responsibility, Decent, Mannerly, Courteous, Healthy, Skilled, Experienced and Productive Individuals, is the education mission, NOT drone workers, blind followers or leaders who cannot inspire. Along with the structured Employment and Continuous Training of Teaching Personnel: Educators, Curricula Presenters, Administrators, Counselors, and Mentors. This eliminates class or grade attainment, the shame and anger of being left-back or being a dropout, based on age and replaces it with evaluated development stages, stored via a confidential Personal Electronic Learning record. Birth-5, 5-12, 12-18, 18-Death would be replaced by whenever the individual is assessed to be ready, without class or caste judgement or ridicule.

Confidential tracking of Individuals’ wellness, diet and exercise, records, inclusive of vaccinations, infections and treatments, injuries and recuperations, chronic mental and physical conditions must all be linked to personal records.

Confidential Birth Certificate Names, Personal and Electronic Identification, Physical Home address must all be linked to learning, wellness, and productivity records.

Confidential Productivity records would list professional experiences and skill training, tied to benefits, earnings, and taxations. 

#Infrastructure: Formal and On-the-Job-Training of Construction Workers: Plumbers, Electricians, Construction and Maintenance Workers, Electrical, Mechanical and Civil Technicians and Engineers.

#Healthcare: Formal Training of Medical Professionals: Cleaners, Cooks, Nutritionists, Administrators; Laboratory Technicians; Health Promoters and Educators; Pharmacists; Internists; General, Isolation, Surgical, and Psychiatric Nurses; General or Family Practitioners, Pediatricians; Obstetricians and Gynecologists (OB/GYNs); Anesthesiologists; Surgeons; Pathologists; Neurologists; Psychiatrists; Etc.

#Security: Formal Training of Security Personnel: Cadets, Watchmen, Patrol Guards, Unarmed and Armed security guards, safety officers, sergeant, corporal, lieutenant, captain or director, major, lieutenant commander, or deputy chief, commander or chief, and general.

#EconomicDrivers: Revenue is earned from the Formal and On-the-Job-Training and Accrediting of Construction Workers, Teaching Personnel, Medical Professionals, and Security Personnel.

The Invitation is open to all ideas that are suited to execute this vision.







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