
Transparency is key in Public Peace. Security in The New Normal must fairly protect and serve all. It is all about Economics, ‘The Haves’ and ‘The Have Nots’, Resources, and access to resources. Race and Religion are just another way of instantly building an army. Policing is not only for the Police, it starts from Mentoring and Parenting, and Community policing is the strongest weapon against the Politics of Division, which fuels wars, insurrections, and unrest. The community Judiciary will interpret the international, regional, national and community governing laws, pass judgement and impose penalties and settlements. An elected Legislature, serving a two-year term, consisting of representatives of defined groupings, considering amendments and permissions, is to govern the community. 

Security SYNERGIES start from the Home and spreads across all categories within the community. Accused Not Remanded calling for online courts, via electronic telecommunication devices, connecting short-term police station’s jails, long-term prison facilities, and other detention centers to a scheduled judge, for prompt justice. The mission is to Protect and Serve, maintaining a relatively safe and secure society, with better infrastructure, healthcare, education and social services. Judging Society by the ways it treats its elderly, its differently abled, its unemployed and its children. Security Concerns must be publicly addressed and connected in order to sustain and improve standards of living. Noting that, it is Moral and Ethical concerns which truly prevents crime and increases Happiness.

The Home is the individual’s and family’s place of serenity, peace, and security. So too, is the community. A well trained, constantly, and continuously exercised, always prepared to be deployed, the so-called sleeping giant, is the nation’s defense force, military and paramilitary, consisting of the army, the coast and air guard. Highly trained personnel working on Border protection through specialize surveillance systems, tools and equipment. Further, utilized in Criminal patrols and armed engagements. And surveillance to form intelligence gathering to stop Insurrection, started via social or work disagreement, escalating into protest and/or into violent confrontation.

Safety Situations speak to many public systems to preserve human life and limbs, and to protect the associated infrastructure. Every Public Activity in Public Spaces are firstly conceived with safety procedures in mind, to limit accidents and injuries. Health and Safety protocols are designed and incorporated into laws, rules, and regulations to be penalized upon breaches. The Facilities, utilized and engaged in public activities, must be built employing the highest safety practices and routinely maintained to prevent system deterioration.

Policing will be successful without better infrastructure, healthcare, education, and social services. Society without wellness counselors, motivated teachers, social workers or valiant police and prison officers, Guiding a Nation’s Youth, is a nation of people, only interested in being paid. People, who will protest problems or shoot first, rather than reason, suggest, write, or debate a better way to get things done.

Swift Justice
 is a pillar of any well-structured society. Quickly detaining suspects and directly giving access to a virtual court for remand, bail or to be set free is required. And urgently building and presenting an evidence-based case for prosecution determination is ideal. Promptly followed by a court appearance to adjudicate and settle the matter and move on. Clearing innocent people, before they can be indoctrinated by others in the system, will stop many bad influences from taking hold in society. Unable to afford justice in A Court of Law, can send people to seek justice via crime, away from the laws, and on the public streets. Persons, who are the product of a bad environment will need The Prison System for re-habituation and to change their ways.

Following an unwritten or written Constitution, the election and selection of Lawmakers are charged for a two-year term, elected by people entitled to vote, for the
Governing Body, which will sit and serve the community. The Community’s Charter, a set of rules, adopted from the best and continuously amended to be better, is local law. Rules on and about who is entitled to vote, who can stand for election, and who can hold public office. Rules which define groups entitled to hold a seat on the legislature: Residents by geography, by Profession, by workers, by operators, etc. This assembly must publicly hear request from its residents to alter its charter from time to time. This is the body which can approve or deny permission for alterations in publicly shared spaces.

“I believe 2 years is a reasonable term for volunteers.  And enough for contribution and changing of the leadership. , states Meegan Scott
“There is a 2-year term, however On each the President Elect, the President and the Immediate Past President all sit on the Board at the same time. It seems to assure continuity, training and eliminates the lull which takes place after an election., states Ruel Ellis, PhD

“Dr Rue Ellis, quite a perspective there. I love the continuity component. I don't know however how this would work as all the three seem to share Executive power courtesy of the title President, whether elect, elected, or former. I would support your proposal subject to clear demarcation on who does what how, and within which boundaries, in the charter as wisely proposed by Terrance Jennings..”, states Mtware Laban

“Great ideas on all counts. The concept of continuity should also be manifest in the rules of the community. So the new president and board members are compelled to continue the good work that was started unless events beyond their control caused a halt of the work or ..if some paradigm shift ...or change in strategy...makes the work no longer relevant..., states Terence Hinds

Mtware Laban actually, they are assigned different roles. So the IPP feals with Education The PE with Marketing The Pres with running the org.”, states Ruel Ellis, PhD
“Thanks to all. After waiting a few hours for others to join in, I need to point out that, this idea could be the end of Party Politics.", says the Author

“You have to consider how term limits encourage shortermism and a focus on re-election versus more permanent appointments which have other flaws such as complacency and abuse of power. Speedy trials also need to consider the time required to gather evidence.”, states Ted Jennings, CFA

#SYNERGIES: A New Security Model:

Community Security Stations designed to physically separate post, interview rooms, with camera and video links, with digital electronic communication technology for interaction between Suspects and other Magistrates.

Confidential tracking of Individuals’ education, skills and talents, records, inclusive of Birth-5, 5-12, 12-18, 18-Death would be replaced by whenever the individual is assessed to be ready, without class or caste judgement or ridicule.

Confidential tracking of Individuals’ wellness, diet and exercise, records, inclusive of vaccinations, infections and treatments, injuries and recuperations, chronic mental and physical conditions must all be linked to personal records.

Standards of living collectively raised across the board, for societies elderly, its differently abled, its unemployed and its children, as crime levels decline, is the Mission. Electing, Selecting and Hiring individuals to serve the people as; Lawmakers, Executives, Law Lords, Prison Officers, Police Officers, Emergency Workers, to keep communities secure. Along with the structured Employment and Training of Security Personnel. Confidential Birth Certificate Names, Personal and Electronic Identification, Physical Home address must all be linked to learning, wellness, and productivity records.

Confidential Productivity records would list professional experiences and skill training, tied to benefits, earnings, and taxations. 

#Infrastructure: Construction of Building Pods for local Security usage and sales. Single Pod Units for Administration, Interview Rooms, Detention Cells, Virtual Court Hearing Rooms, Armory, and Rest Rooms.

#Education: Formal Training of Security Officers: Cadets, Watchmen, Patrol Guards, Unarmed and Armed security guards, safety officers, sergeant, corporal, lieutenant, captain or director, major, lieutenant commander, or deputy chief, commander or chief, and general.

#Healthcare: Placed in harms way, officers of any rank, level or station, charged to protect and serve, is encouraged and entitled to nutritious diets, physical and mental exercises and evaluation, and is also entitled to the best and quickest medical diagnosis, treatments and recuperation techniques

#EconomicDrivers: Revenue is earned from External Teaching and Protection Assignments, and Safety Services.

The Invitation is open to all ideas that are suited to execute this vision.







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