Saturday, August 7, 2010

Water Cycles

Water, H2O, Gift of Life, Essential Human Right or any other term commonly used to describe the natural cycle of ice, sea or lake. Surface water evaporating forming clouds, moving to higher altitudes, condensing as rain and maneuvering through the land surface, where it adds to many biological processes and returns to its largest storage condition, ice, sea or lake. Man-made progress has added to the natural cycle of water, for pure convenience (pun intended), capturing rain in reservoirs fed by diverting rivers or drilling well to the water table, treating it and distributing via pumps and pipelines to homes and industries, and in most cases, releasing the waste carrying water back into the water table or directly to the sea.
Many geographical areas man inhabits are not part of the natural water cycle such as, deserts, and other parts have recently experienced much less rain than forecasted due to the effects of climate change. This has raised the debate on water conservation and pricing models. To further explain, the term ‘Water’ as commonly used now refers to; treated to remove any impurities or diseases delivered and fit for human consumption or specially processed for industrial usage.

Producing and recycling water fit for human consumption can be costly. On a national scale, capture technology, storage or desalination plants, treatment and distribution or redistribution is very expensive, to purchase equipment and the cost associated with operations and maintenance, resulting in a high unit cost. On a smaller scale, cities buildings and homes can be retrofitted with capture waste tanks in which most of the treatment take place, filtered along the distribution lines and reused, at a more reasonable cost, for example, capture bath or shower waste water to flush the toilet.

The traditional model of Governments, and by Government one truly means politicians, virtually purchasing all the treated and process water by owning and controlling a national water management company, supported by taxation and/or direct water bills, has led to high levels of inefficiencies and corruption. Remembering that, Government involvement in water management is to protect the most vulnerable in society. Hence, pricing or free access to water must be controlled by Governments but, the planning and operations must be kept as a profit making venture to ensure efficiency and reduce corruption.

Having a recycling philosophy removes the question of wastage and reduces the cost of operations. At this point, it is beneficial to compare the air cycle which also carries pollutants and diseases, but is capably managed by the human body. Water recycled for cities involves capturing waste and treating and purifying it and redistributing for human consumption. Air conditioning is mainly for temperature control but has a component of filtration and circulation. Therefore, it is possible and may even be cost effective to design a single unit or system to recycle, store, treat and purify within a single building or complex, all that is needed is public education and a change of mindset towards water consumption.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.