Saturday, August 28, 2010


In the last contact hour of each and every conference, seminar, workshop, retreat, camp, planning session, etc. that I have in the last twenty-five years had the privilege in which to present, where other presenters would schedule a feedback session, I have always found it useful to interact with participants on the topic of ‘Confidence’. Please note; No mention of this word appears anywhere. I would normally start by losing my jacket, fining a position in the center of the group and posing the question, while participants decide how to react and gather themselves, “Do you get it?”

Many answers come at once, most on the topic(s) I have presented on and some, as you would expect, ask for clarification. From these signals, I point to one who asked “What do you mean?” and repeat “Do you get it?” I let the rumbling continue for as long as a minute as participants now turn to each other for help. Then I resume pointing and questioning “Do you get it?” until one participant would stand and ask “Yes! I get it.” Then I ask, “So, can you give it to the others?” This individual is normally one of the fastest thinkers in the room and has already impressed the other participants of such, now I will see how quick a thinker. I remain expressionless and silent. The answer itself does not matter, I time how long it takes for the answer to gain wide spread acceptance.

I am now seeking the last holdout, a slower, more cautious individual involved in deep thought on the matter, by again pointing and questioning, “Do you agree?” I move quickly from those who reply yes or no to find and continue to hope to find that one answer, “I do not know what you all are speaking about!” said with anger, disbelief, discontent but most importantly said with ‘Confidence’. This process can sometimes take as long as a half of an hour and is meant to frustrate and provoke.

The lesson is then simple to understand, each and every problem requires data gathering, analysis, selecting a clear attainable measureable outcome, and plotting the process including abandoning and starting over without shame. If there is the smallest level of doubt, in the fact gathering, the thought process, any miscommunication of the mission or assignments, failure can lead to losses, depending on the problem being addressed, loss of jobs, money or lives. So, if you are the one responsible, the decision-maker, you must not lack the ‘Confidence’ to speak out during the planning sessions, you must not follow the group when you have doubts, you must engage in discussions until you are convinced that the actions require are morally and ethically justified and will have the desired effects.

So, “Do you get it?”


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.