Sunday, August 2, 2020


The God sent pandemic of 2020 will leave the World with better hygiene, and Safe distancing practices. There is No such thing as Individual happiness – Happiness is communal. The individual pursuit of more money, wealth, and power will destroy the human race. Communities which share resources, and responsibilities, for and with each other, prosper. We must close the wealth gap and provide a basic living standard for all. A society with Jobs (Purpose) for all #EconomicDrivers, well built and maintained #Infrastructure, mandatory and compulsory Lifelong #Education, Free or Affordable #Healthcare and of course, Justice for All #Security, is a Happy Society.

Peace and security provide Happiness. Hate and sadness are products of a world widening Wealth Gap. It is all about Economics, ‘The Haves’ and ‘The Have Nots’, Resources, and access to resources. Race and Religion are just another way of instantly building an army. Policing is not only for the Police, it starts from Parenting and Mentoring, and Community policing is the strongest weapon against the Politics of Division, which fuels wars and unrest. Each individual must learn lessons of being the neighbor’s keeper and protecting all by reporting the smallest misdeed, and getting help, before it mushrooms into crime. Hence, security must build synergies among and within healthcare, education, infrastructure, and economic drivers, to preserve Public Peace.

Without Health there can be no Happiness. Funds can clearly be found or raised, to expand hospital and emergency systems, when the threat is to all. Threats to Health presents in various ways. Violent crime and uprisings must be addressed by effective security. A poorly educated population adds fuels to unrest. Accidents and dangers are lessened by well-maintained infrastructure. And of course, jobs with a living wage contributes to community caring. Such synergies lift people out of poverty, and offers a realizable plan, with hope to fix and better a situation over a reasonable timeline. But again, it is the synergies, between security, education, infrastructure, and economic drivers, which builds better health and Public Wellness.

Society is constantly taught Ego and Greed lessons, via the powerful medium of entertainment, as a life goal to hoard resources and money to pay for social class or caste; and to achieve by any means necessary, privilege and prestige. True education, formal and informal, teaches Happiness, via critical thinking. with lessons designed to create a burning desire for Lifelong Learning, with lessons designed to create an appreciation for each fellow human. Lessons designed to create fairness and justice. Lessons designed to feed and grow strong bodies and minds. Lessons designed to protect and preserve life. Public Lessons designed to create and develop productive Work Ethics.

Infrastructure, building out Happiness. The quickest way to lessen the very dangerous wealth gap is through Housing. Infrastructure is needed to create good jobs. Employment in construction and maintenance to operate agricultural and manufacturing facilities. The construction and maintenance of schools and schooling networks. The construction and maintenance of health and healthcare networks. The construction and maintenance of policing and security networks. Such economic activity would supply the necessary funding to offer low cost starter housing, and family size renovation opportunities. It is such housing solutions and other Public Facilities, Water and Waste, Electricity, Communication and Transportation, which drastically improves living standards.

Economic Drivers, guided and measured by Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) and National Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to be globally competitive, must produce the required level of Income. It is this Public Revenue which must fund the Peace, Wellness, Learning and Facilities, so needed by the growing population. Reform and Innovation must offer economic change to match crisis after crisis while continuing to generate the required income. The population, on mass, must understand and accept this system of material extraction and processing, manufacturing production, trade and transport, services and communication, financing and monitoring operations, providing jobs, and improving standards of living. Noting that, personal Ego and Greed will always cause the destruction of societies.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and across the mainstream media, to add an opinion, widely spread better insight, and point out investment opportunities, not to invoke any social action.