Sunday, July 26, 2020

Life before Lifestyles

I continuously think of myself as a leader. As many would seek my thoughts on future societal trends. But I confess that I played no role in the early alarms of the COVID-19 pandemic. Given my age and present state of health, I started wearing face coverings from very early and called on others to do so. I sympathize with the families of the dead, the ill, those economically displaced and those on all frontlines. As I foresee mitigation measures as having to last an exceptionally long time. This new reality will be different, better I hope, but difficult for many of us.

I would normally track Global Financial and Weather news, not in detail until I could foresee harm to my agenda. But I was fully engaged in transactions out of China, so I was informed early. From after the first news reports out of China, I paid close attention to the WHO’s (World Health Organization) media conferences. Focused on facts and not opinions, I adjusted my effort to suit and as China reacted by shutting down, so did I. I am dutifully following and encouraging others to adopt the essential Test, Isolate and Trace, measures to reduce the spread of this deadly virus, for which a therapeutic and a vaccine maybe, as far as two years in the future.

I offer this simplification of the social measures, needed to save lives, to all my numerous contacts. Testing for the COVID-19 virus needs to reach the stage, which allows anybody with flu-like symptoms and others without presented symptoms, to be tested and receive prompt results. All presenting with positive results must be immediately isolated. Followed by tracing and testing any and everybody they came in close contact with, at least 14 days before, who must also now be tested or retested. This is the only true way to stop the spread, while science, requiring ample time, seeks the correct treatment for those infected and a vaccination for others to fight off the virus.

I also understand the devastating economic effects of social distancing, but I strongly believe in Life before Lifestyles. The need for additional funding within the Healthcare budget is therefore obvious. In addition to the urgent subsidy of wages, salaries and income for displaced operations, along with the expansion of the social safety net, for emergency and essential workers, who are in direct contact with the general public, placing them at higher risks. Hence, addressing the medical situation must obviously include these economic measures to sustain the healthy portion of the population. Treating the sick and stopping the spread, while providing for the increasing vulnerable among us.

The foreseeable difficult times ahead, can be an opportunity to make changes to better the human condition. Better #Security, #Healthcare, #Education, #Infrastructure and #EconomicDrivers. This is Not the last Crisis! Humanity must now innovate, plan, fund and build around #SYNERGIES of basic survival living requirements. This means that Experts, Executives and Everybody Else should NOW Discuss, Decide and Do. Modeling solutions, getting ready to adjust and operate in the new reality, Inspiring, Developing, Administering and Building using the four main Leadership roles of Life

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunities, not to invoke any social action.