From Inception to Insight

by Terrance A. Jennings

Entrepreneurial Ideas (Inventions, Innovations backed by Tangible and Non-tangible Investments); to grow Gross Domestic Product (GDP); in each Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code; to establish and change (Global Economic Drivers) Sectors and Industries; to launch (Viable Opportunities) Operations; create (Career Employment) Jobs; to strengthen direct purposeful Education; and better (Productive and Happy) Lifestyles.

Progress is driven by Entrepreneurial Ideas and Investments

Putting Personal Greed, Egos & Prejudice aside. Politicians are waking up to the fact that Only Entrepreneurial funded ideas, strengthen Sectors and Industries, create Opportunities and Jobs to improve a population’s standard of Living. Hence, the call for a permanent publicly Budgeted (Grant or Scholarship) Fund, a percentage of annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP), with matching and recycled resources to incubate one hundred ideas in the hope of producing one new idea to start, better or expand one Sector or Industry Classification (SIC) Economic Driver, periodically. Such decisions, made by Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs, driven by international market forces, with support from material donors, service providers and Independent Government Agencies, will factually prove operational viability, will diversify the economy and will consistently forecast Sovereign Wealth growth, (Fixing a Nation), (Fixing An Island Nation).
Noting, it is only Entrepreneurial ideas and activities which can expand GDP, attract Investments, grow Operations, create Jobs, increase Taxation Revenue Collections and to further improve National Living Standards.

The quest for Entrepreneurial Ideas

Ideas, inventions, innovations investments are necessary for (creating jobs, expanding industry, growing new sectors, improving living standards) Sustainable Economic Development. Such Development drives taxation revenue income, which pays for public Security (Police, Law & Order), public Healthcare (Medicine, Food & Water, etc.), public Education (the spread of knowledge with continuous Data gathering), public Infrastructure (to implement, measure and perform) and for more or expanding Economic Drivers (for Sustainability). Noting, the only true source of ideas is the Safe, Healthy, Educated, with supporting Infrastructure, Human Being.

The basic needs of the Population

Through SYNERGIES (Reduce Risks); Healthcare, Education, Infrastructure and Economic Drivers are essential to Human Existence and further Development. Healthcare through nutrition, first aid, primary emergency care, basic life support and wellness routines are necessary to preserve life. Education is to advance Literacy Levels, Logical Thinking, Skill Training and ultimately, Discipline and Respect. Infrastructure is the cost effective and efficient delivery of Water, Fuels, Electricity, Communication, Transportation and the Operation & Maintenance of these fundamental utilities. Economic Drivers, Safety and Security supports all such Human interaction and activities.Hence Government Priorities.

An Environment to nurture Entrepreneurship

Resource Preservation is about keeping people Safe and Secure: Protected against physical or mental injury from accidents or violence, and/or against property damage or transaction losses.
Human Development is about making people Healthy, Skilled and Confident: Healthy – Properly Nourished with a Lifestyle of Wellness. Skilled – Educated with a mix of Lessons of Necessity and/or Formal Accreditation. Confident – Motivated through Encouragement, and Guidance.
Infrastructure Management is about tooling and equipping people: Involving the use of Designs, Engineered, Choice Materials, Construct, Process, Schedule Maintenance, Motion & Movement.
Economic Drivers are, Sectors and Industries, built and expanded to compete and earn Taxation Revenue income to meet and pay the nation’s public expenditure, requiring Entrepreneurial Creativity, Scientific testing, Incubation, Strategic Planning, Maintenance and Modernisation.
Fiscal Policy is used to control the nation’s cash flow: Prioritizing Security, Health, Education and Infrastructure Bills. While, Measuring and Forecasting future financial development needs.
Governance takes Oversight of Decisions: People, Rules & Regulations, Monitoring and Reporting to better the Policy, Project or Program implementation.

Bringing together Entrepreneurs
Welcome New Members, hoping you have taken the time to studied SEED, its Vision, its Mission. Personally, I believe in DDD – Discussions, Decisions and Do. SEED Structuring is an open for discussion strategic document, please, refer and comment on its improvement. SEED Public Policy is also a discussion paper, asking members to improve upon it. I humbly propose that, Dec 31, 2018 will see SEED election of members to the Governing Body and its Committees. This is the Body that will make Decisions on Structuring and Public Policy. All that will take place on this LinkedIn Group. The implementation “To Do” will require such influence as is necessary to progress SEED Strategic Plan…
For Members not familiar with my work, please visit my profile, my company’s website and note my involvement with Business and Entrepreneurship since the 1980s. This insight provides a working knowledge of the true Risk-Takers’ mindset, further analysed by the question, “I am a Master Entrepreneur! What level are You?”
SEED, presently needs two more initial contributors to give some of their time to manage this registration Group, having invited and with the intention to bring together: Idea Promoters, Support Donors and Service Providers.

The Entrepreneur must become deeply familiar with the specific SIC Economic Driver. This Mind must learn about Targeted Markets; Ecological, Social and Economic Development. The Risk-Taker will make a detail study of the Production Circumstances. Such an Idea Promoter will stay well-informed of advances to Economic Transactions. The Entrepreneur, with improvements constantly in mind, must understand the current total product design, and learn to solve problems without creating losses, harm and damage to ecology systems. Solutions are now proposed within and as part of opportunities. The Post Graduate Work (Thesis or Dissertation), moves the ideas into a highly dynamic, Strategic Plan, which will eventually extract a Prospectus and a Business Plan to attract funding.

Supporting Incubation (Business Model viable or not)

Many Entrepreneurs, over a long time, must have been involved in moving a Table, balanced on rocks, for support, onto legs or on wheels via trial and error. This is still the process of moving an idea to industry, designing a better product (Good or Service, solving a Problem). Entrepreneurs, Idea Promoters, Risk-Takers must share and test their inventions, innovations and Solutions in the Targeted Markets, through limited scale incubation, to show its resulting possibilities and develop the best Business Model for that product by quantity and quality. And still, with measured achievements, New Economic Drivers, to diversify the local economy, are established or strengthen, upscaling the industrial process, the distribution, and the promotion will require additional ideas to satisfy consumers and keep customer loyalty, to win and hold international Market Share.

Sectors & Industries (with clear Competitive Advantages)

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code list and describe Economic Categories for Measurements and Comparisons. This or similar codes are used by Statistical Agencies to calculate Sector or Industry Outputs and the national, regional Gross Domestic Product (GDP) reporting and forecasting of global trends by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Monitoring countries economic growth, by expansion or decline, in every sector or industry measured output, as operations in the sector or industry increases or decreases. Noting, it is Entrepreneurial ideas and activities which expands or declines GDP.

National Development and Economic Drivers

We are proudly focused on National Development and Economic Drivers
Further measuring population size would determine GDP/Capita, an indicator of Standard of Living and National Development. Hence, it falls to the Governance structure to clear the way and take the first steps to develop, Sectors or Industries with a natural or man-made Competitive Advantages, as Economic Drivers. Entrepreneurial ideas and activities judged to have the ability to grow Operations, create Jobs, expand Taxation Revenue Collections, diversify the Economy, and take the Nation Forward.
No one document can promote, attract or win Investments into or benefiting a nation. This is a global competition targeting numerous Local and Foreign private investors, financial instruments and pension plans, with many different goals and objectives. The source data collection and interpretation methodologies, and historical performance records are key to building investor confidence. Hence, the need for sound prudent detail analysis and public reporting which, a properly constituted, Independent of politics, Office Of Budgets (OOB) would globally deliver.

Independent Governance Agencies

An Agency to Invite, Analyse, Approve, Incubate, Monitor and Measure Ideas. Ideas passed on to a Grant and Soft Loan Agency. An Independent Office Of Budgets (OOB) will be charged with the forecasting and Measurement of Output (Productivity) Results from sector or industry. The key roles of this Office of Budgets OOB also will track Real Debt, the public is responsible for, inclusive of State Enterprises Debt. An Investment Agency to prepare such model entities for full open market operations via an Initial Public Offering (IPO).

It is the function of the Office Of Budgets OOB to forecast SIC Economic Drivers and the National Budget. independent Governance Agencies must provide the expensive but essential SIC Economic Drivers Statistical Analysis to continuously justify viability. Every operation’s Business Model is to be compared against Global SIC Statistics to measure Optimal Efficiency and apply Change Processes. It is the operation’s historical Free Cash Flow which is compared to Global SIC standards to forecast Optimal Efficiency, quantifying losses and security improvements. The resulting Free Cash Flow is then benchmarked to SIC standards to project necessary Change Procedures to better Governance, Product and Operations.
If, forecasted Optimal Efficiency results in Positive Free Cash Flow (Continue) if not (Transform), If, projected Change Procedures results in Positive Free Cash Flow (Preserve) if not (Abandon), because the nation and its population ultimately depends on its viable Economic Drivers’ income tax revenue collections to provide Healthcare, Education and Infrastructure.

The Global Standard, consisting of numerous data categories, is used to compare, like to like, and grade operation’s viability. A nation can better predict its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from its SIC Economic Drivers via individual operators monitoring and reporting of its profit centres annually. Operations must undergo constant transformation, to preserve and expand its SIC Economic Driver and dependencies, via Mergers and Acquisitions. A Business Model, adopted by operations, would also transform or create a new SIC Economic Driver via Synergies. A viable Business Model historical and projected Free Cash Flow is positive and rated against Global Industry Statistics.

Of Course, I confess as to not being the best or even a good writer. In moments of clarity and from my vast experience, I message ideas targeting an audience of Entrepreneurs, Risk-Takers, and other idea Providers, (Service Providers and Policy Makers) who are hungry for communal success. Education is about creating chemical pathways in the brain. Hence, much is Copy and Paste, while identifying its original sources, to enforce and expand essential points. I pride myself as always open to constructive criticism. I will accept help from all who understand, commit and share my Vision, my Mission, with mindful thanks.