Monday, January 28, 2019

Mentoring and Parenting

The developing human being constantly seeks out attention. As the human being grows and matures, picking the type of attention needed, the wider society is continuously judging, as MANNERS Make-it Mankind. The young influential mind is constantly learning, using every input sense to gather lessons, and should be encouraged to produce Peace and Prosperity. Right or wrong are at the root of all lessons, surrounded by Decency and Respect. Parenting (not just making babies but delivering Moral Leadership) is about storytelling, entertaining, sharing facts and opinions. Ideas, formed and strengthened through listening to and reading others’ ideas, are followed by yet others’ efforts to; imagine, practice, test, perform, and constantly, review into better ideas.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Business Models Preservation and Growth

Global Sector and Industry Classification (SIC) Statistics consist of data collected and analysed on and about each countries’ Economic Drivers. Pointing to the best Business Models operating under a particular SIC Economic Driver, establishes and sets Global Standards. This Global Standard is the base by which all SIC Economic Driver’s operators are measured and compared to be judged as viable. Compared by quality, age, method, function, process, type, etc. Measured by input, size, quantity, output, etc. And ranked by historical performance of Free Cash Flow. Hence, any operation, comparing and measuring like to like, can be graded against the Global Standard.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Business Models Constantly Transformed

The Office Of Budgets (OOB), using source Sector and Industry Classification (SIC) code data collected and analysed by other agencies, will monitor and publicly report on viability going forward, guiding prudent strategic actions, based on Entrepreneurial Ideas, Industry Innovation, Operation & Maintenance backed by Initial Contributions or Investments.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Nurturing Thoughts, Mentoring Ambition

Every Monday morning, there is a new catchy phrase or headline to describe Global Economic Transactions. The term “Market” refers to the general description of a destination; a geographic or cyber place, time and circumstance under which a product range will be offered to customers, will best perform and will be consumed. “Production Circumstances” use adjectives, such as; Recyclable, Renewable Energy, the Green Economy, Ocean-based with the Blue Economy being the most current, to describe major Economic Drivers. Balance Budget, Cash-Based, E-Commerce, Information, Intelligence, or Knowledge based Economy are terms used to describe “Economic Transactions” processes, procedures, systems and transfers.