Business Direct Courses

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Who should use the Business Direct reference ebooks?

Individuals, Parents and Guardians should invest in separate Business Direct Courses to access, at a personal learning rate, the tools and skills needed to strengthen ideas.

The Business Direct series targets persons at varying stages of entrepreneurial development. Such persons maybe highly skilled and experienced in their own discipline, such as cooks, mechanics, lawyers or doctors, but require exposure to policy and process.

These persons can use the Business Direct program to transform and express their idea(s), via a detailed Strategic Plan, into a viable business proposal and to help in understanding advise from practicing consultants, directors, other professionals, institutional Lenders and investors.

From as young as 12 years of age, Entrepreneurial trends can be identified and should be encouraged. The Business Direct reference books, starting with "General Overview", makes an excellent and educational gift.

How should the Business Direct reference books be used?
The Business Direct series uses HV-Education Lessons & Learning, to understand (Horizontally) across and dive (Vertically) deeply into, any particular topic at your own speed, with a new lesson in every paragraph, learn as you need too, not just to pass exams but to build habits and graduate with a dynamic Strategic Plan, which is worth much MORE THAN a Degree.

Start research in the Business Direct General Overview currently reduced from US$99.99 to a special price of US$9.99 for a limited time. No ENTREPRENEUR is an expert at everything but must have a minimum knowledge (Horizontally) across all essential aspects of daily operation control and to meet objectives.

Select the topic of current interest from the relevant Business Direct reference book and dive (Vertically) as deep as is needed. Meetings with experts on that selected topic, will proceed smoothly and quickly offer results.

These courses are a crucial part in the Master Entrepreneur Curriculum
These eight courses, which contain five modules each, structured in three sections; Business Literacy, designed to expose its audience to and present a basic understanding of the subject matter, Business Theory, a more detailed tutorial, on each topic, while promoting the consultation with professionals in all relevant areas and Business Model, focusing on successful examples, which proves the point of the related topic.

Individuals, Parents and Guardians can buy each Course with its Modules Priced at US$100.00
Using the Literacy headings, its related discussions and support Theory notes but without thesis advice to strengthen the Model. Help with the Strategic Plan can be accessed online, for an additional cost per Contact Hour.
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General Overview

The course outlines the essential aspects (entrepreneurs) risk-takers must focus on daily to maintain control and meet the objectives.

Module #1: The Market - Literacy Presentation - Theory Document Free Sample

The term “Market” refers to the general description of a geographic or cyber place, time and circumstance under which a product range will best perform. The course titled “Market Conditions” goes into more details in its module “The Targeted Market” by defining, identifying and observing trends with products (Goods and Services) specifically researched and developed and trustily branded.

Module #2: The Product - Literacy Presentation Free Sample

The term “Product” refers to general goods and services, made available for trade and consumption, which provides mutual benefits to all parties involved in the transfer of ownership. The course titled “Product Development” goes into more details in its module “Product Design” addressing various components that make up the product, such as; transportation, storage, promotion, training, etc.

Module #3: The Funds - Literacy Presentation Free Sample

Equity funding must be based on an idea express through benefits; to solve a problem, fulfill a need or satisfy a want. These funds are primarily used in education, research and development, market testing and to organize and document the strategic plan. Equity investors, whether family, friends or other contributors of time or money, must positively encourage the mission.

Module #4: The Resources - Literacy Presentation Free Sample

A resource with inherent value, able to produce income, whether a tangible or intangible asset, of changeable or fixed value, once the resource can command a currency value or add value to operations, it is an asset. The course titled “Operational Assets” goes into more details in its module “Defining Assets” as fixed assets, current assets, investment assets and intellectual assets.

Module #5: The Strategic Plan - Literacy Presentation Free Sample

The Strategic Plan is a dynamic document, based on policies approved by the Board of Directors, with numerous sections implemented and reported on by section managers, but ultimately controlled by the Chief Executive Officer. Gathering data on all issues that can affect the organization’s clear, attainable and measurable mission is the driving force behind strategic changes.

Market Conditions

The course examines the targeted market, industry or sector as a whole, comparing strategies that have been proven successful under present market conditions.
Module #1: The Targeted Market
The term “Market” refers to the general description of a geographic or cyber place, time and circumstance under which a product range will best perform. It is further described in detail terms of distribution channels, customer transactions and consumer demographics.
Module #2: Competitive Intelligence
The term “Intelligence” refers to the thinking that drives informed based decisions and actions, which generate policies and/or strategies. Intelligence is derived from numerous sources of data collection, processed, analyzed and presented as current information.
Module #3: Distribution Channels
The term “Distribution” refers to the action of strategically placing goods in locations where customers expect to find such goods or the Delivering of a service to customers from fixed or mobile established locations, which may include a waiting area and/or pickup or shuttle services, or a combination of both Distributing and Delivering strategies.
Module #4: Consumer Satisfaction
Clearly understanding the difference in focus between the customer and the consumer will result in better communications and distribution strategies. The customer engages in the transaction hence, making the focus value for money. The consumer interacts directly with the product hence, making the focus more about quality.
Module #5: Promotional Strategies
The term “Promotions” refers to and includes events, advertising, product placement and special pricing offers. Promotional Strategies are used to introduce or re-introduce a product or any change in the product to the targeted market such as, a product launch or new features launch, communicating directly to potential customers and consumers.

Strategic Planning

The course brings all the essential issues and the preferred resolutions together, through gathering, analyzing, deciding, assessing and reviewing, under constant examination.
Module #1: Data Gathering
The data gathering process, related to the design and development of a viable product, aimed at a particular and targeted market, as fully defined in the strategic plan by geography, demographics and of course, by time, is the most crucial, for if the data collected is wrong, every decision based on that data is wrong.
Module #2: Information Analysis
Information on each product is as a result of data sorting, querying and calculating. The process involves high technology based designs, rigorous scientific testing, and feedback from focus groups on both the product’s functionality and esthetics. The pricing decision, as part of the total product, must add to the product’s overall appeal.
Module #3: Actionable Intelligence
With the research and development guiding a tested viable design, the product and its packaging, instruction manuals and other promotional materials, enter into mass production, quality control on the line testing, storage and shipping. The strategic plan addresses each stage to limit problems by incorporating action plans dealing with every foreseeable circumstance.
Module #4: Results Assessment
The product, the placement, the promotion and the price must continually be evaluated to make certain that it is performing as planned. The total product offering must be appraised, from time to time, as to its adequacy to fulfill its original function or purpose. The product must be improved and/or replaced to satisfy the demands of the targeted market.
Module #5: Planning Review
It is crucial that the product be recognized as having a fixed life span, determined by scientific and market testing, after which it must undergo further processing. The research and development into a consumer’s needs, wants or problems may not always result into a viable solution. Hence, product development failures can extend the existing product lifespan.

Funding Prospectus

This contains extracts from the Strategic Plan that will concern both equity investors and debt financing bankers.
Module #1: Administrative Cost
Administrative Cost refers to the recurrent cost that exists whether or not any purchases or sales transactions take place. This can include, but is not limited to, Utility expenses comprising of water, electricity, telecommunications; including internet access, Management and supervisory payroll, subscriptions and professional services and other research expenses.
Module #2: Net Financial Expenses
Net Financial Expenses refers to the cost and income directly associated with money, such as, capital gains or losses to off-set depreciation expenses, interest and dividend income to balance against interest expense included in loan and mortgage payment, is strategically and skillfully planned by a financial comptroller to achieve a non-operational profit, hence, positively impacting over time on the bottom line.
Module #3: Costing & Pricing
Costing and Pricing calculations are essentially to ensure profitability, from a competitive unit pricing range that sets realistic and attainable target volume of units to be sold in a particular period, the revenue from which must cover all cost and make a reasonable and attractive return on investment. The analysis of which is constantly changing as; the market dynamic, the supply of inputs, the technical processes and other cost factors, changes.
Module #4: Financial Feasibility
Financial Feasibility refers to the projecting of Returns on Investment (ROI), which attracts equity funding into an idea. Social benefits are very important to development but sustainability is driven by ROI. Public services; healthcare, education, security, are all engaged in meeting an assigned objective within a budget funded by taxation, sustaining a modest increases driven by efficiency.
Module #5: Accompanying Notes
The Accompanying notes to financial statements are essential in understanding both the results and projections. These notes legally identify the entity and its ownership structure: The registered name and jurisdiction of the company, partnership or solely owned business. The percentage held or controlled by major shareholders or partners.

Product Development

This course focuses on the product (good and service) designed benefits, communicating with consumers, addressing location and delivery issues as detailed in the strategic plan.
Module #1: Product Design
Extracting naturally occurring materials from the earth and its atmosphere for use as raw materials in the processing and/or engineering of finish goods, supported throughout by essential services. Driven by efficient research and development science, to both locate and mined high deposits and enhance its purpose and usage.
Module #2: Good Packaging
As part of the manufacturing process, the good is fitted into packaging; firstly designed for ease of use in the packaging line, also designed to protect the good against damage during transportation along its distribution channel and to present the good esthetically on a retail outlet shelf. This may require outer packaging labeled upright, inner separators to dampen movement and the individual good label.
Module #3: Good Distribution
The term “Distribution” refers to the action of strategically placing goods in locations where customers expect to find such goods or the Delivering of a service to customers from fixed or mobile established locations, which may include a waiting area and/or pickup or shuttle services, or a combination of both Distributing and Delivering strategies.
Module #4: Service Booking
Training and empowering frontline staff can be directly compared to packaging a good. As the first contact of the product design, the frontline staff must be esthetically pleasing and informative. The client’s expectations of a frontline staff person must be met in terms of professional appearance, of which, knowledge of the service is critical as a first impression.
Module #5: Service Delivery
Training and empowering staff to deliver a high quality service is the essence of the product. Similar to a physical good, after removing the packaging, what is left must be the best part of the product. The client’s expectations of knowledgeable and helpful, pleasant and friendly are all that matters, always remembering that repeat business is the main objective.

Operational Assets

This course describes the needed plant and equipment, its most productive use and protecting its value.
Module #1: Defining Assets
A resource with inherent value, able to produce income, whether a tangible or intangible asset, of changeable or fixed value, once the resource can command a currency value or add value to operations, it is an asset. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) or International Accounting Standards (IAS) are used to synchronized and offer consistency to assets’ definitions.
Module #2: Industrial Layout
Mapping a production line involves many professional skills, including; civil, industrial, electrical and mechanical engineering. Facility design and project planning could take years and cost more than half of the cost of the actual materials required to construct the facility, due to the precision necessary and the high cost attached to any design change.
Module #3: Cost Benefit Usage
The cost of fixed assets, also viewed as principal invested in machinery, equipment and vehicles, must offer foreseeable benefits, mainly in three areas; financial returns, employment creation and social and environmental improvements. If these benefits fail to materialize, over the lifespan of the fixed asset, the investment would be described as non-performing and wasted.
Module #4: Depreciation Methods
Depreciation is an expense cost attached to fixed assets, which reduces the value of the asset over time, whether the asset is productive or idle. This cost is calculated using a straight line or reducing balance methods, depending on the type of fixed asset. The current value of the asset, which is used in financial statements, is the purchase price minus the depreciation expense to date.
Module #5: Maintenance Schedules
Protecting the intrinsic value of a fixed asset is paramount to it reaching and exceeding its lifespan. A machine may be rated to produce one thousand widgets a day by its manufacturer, these widgets valued at $1 each produces one thousand dollars a day and the goal is to maintain that output for as many years as possible, through a precise maintenance schedule.

Human Resources

This course teaches how to attract and keep productive people at all levels, from thinkers to manual workers.
Module #1: Policy Decisions & Review
The responsibility of the Board of Directors or policymakers, within the law and under its relevant authorized regulatory guidelines, is to protect shareholders’ financial interest, debt or bondholders’ debenture and all employees’ rights. The BOD, therefore, must structure all stakeholders’ activities and respond to all threats against the organization and its image.
Module #2: Executive Implementation
The executive comprises numerous roles, each a specialty in management, working as a cohesive team. These roles are crucial to the planning process, as to the skills and experiences bought to it by competent individuals, and linked together, both to attach the necessary funding and to achieve the projected results. Remembering that one person can never fill all the roles, consultants are available.
Module #3: Employment Contract
An Employment Contract is a legal document detailing the terms and conditions offered to an employee by the executive team empowered by the Board of Directors (BOD), representing all shareholders. Individuals of the executive team are offered employment or management contracts that are heavily weighted on meeting self imposed targets, detailed in the strategic plan, approved by the BOD.
Module #4: Organizational Chart
The Organizational Chart, which is a vital part of the strategic plan, gives guidance on both reporting and responsibility in each and every department. Communicating all decisions and results throughout the entire organization. Assigning accountability for every task, detailed in job descriptions under the human resources plan, to a job title for implementation and assessment.
Module #5: Entry Level & Promotion
Policies governing entry level and internal promotions are set out in the strategic plan, as part of the human resources section, detailing minimum qualifications and experience requirements for every position in the organization. Policies on criminal record, addiction and psychometric testing, interviewing guidelines, security checks and a standard probation period are designed to fill the post with the best candidate.

Communication Strategies

This course deals with effective and efficient ways to express, collaborate, deliver and gather feedback on any and all business messages to various stakeholders.
Module #1: Electronic Presents
Communicating with potential customers/consumers, depositors, policyholders, etc. is the face of the organization and as such, is the front of the website, welcoming and presenting sales offers and directing enquires to the best suited and most relevant section. All products web pages are incorporated with a transaction link to cash out; receive payment and give delivery instructions.
Module #2: Training Materials
Every new employee at every level of the organizational structure must be exposed to some type of training or orientation involving the structural chart, the code of conduct, safety practices and most importantly, the products. Online training modules, describing the products and its operations, save an enormous amount of time and give all a clear understanding of the necessary functions.
Module #3: Transaction Tools
The first step in any transaction starts with a communication offering or promoting a product, similar to hanging out an open sign or displaying goods in a showcase, a web address says open and brochures display the products. If clients receive regular billings, mailers with special offerings are used to entice inquiries; email billings offer the same enticement but links directly to complete the transaction.
Module #4: Feedback Strategies
From time to time professionally designed Questionnaires must be used to solicit scientific feedback from a selected sampling, customers/consumers and potential consumers, using the methodology detailed in the strategic plan. The resulting data is sorted and analyzed to drive product, packaging, positioning, pricing, and promotion improvements.
Module #5: Information Technology
The backbone of any communication strategy is the computer hardware and intranet, linking the highly confidential strategic plan relevant sections to all departments and/or geographic branches. Staff, with the required permission, can access and update data from the front office terminals, mobile laptops or handheld devices and make and report decisions crucial to the organization.

Each Course with a presenter has a suggested Price of US$500.00
Consisting of the Literacy presentations, its related discussions and support Theory notes and thesis advice to strengthen the Model, accessed online, for one Contact Hour, per Participant(s).
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