Monday, October 31, 2016

Management Responsibilities

Still seen by many, as it use to be, a master in the master/slave relationship, but management has evolved into functions, to plan and execute a successful mission. The term "Management" does not refer to the highly trained and experienced people involved but to the roles. The staff, which management instructs and depend on, must consist of highly productive and motivated people. The investors, which approve the strategic plan and receive periodic reports and results, are person who, take the risk, but need a return on their investment. The mission is designed by management to bring together and benefit productive staff and investment resources.

The roles of management are many; strategic planning, human resource, accounting and finance, purchasing and procurement, sales and promotions, to name a few, and within such roles come numerous responsibilities, all of which can, in the case of a sole proprietor, fall upon one person or be delegated across a team of people. Such individuals, having spent years undergoing advance training and having years of experience in the particular discipline, are hired to execute and achieve preset targets within a specific time frame. These individuals are assigned the title "Executives" to be constantly reminded to achieve their targets or be fired.

The staff, which the management attracts, hires and keeps, must be top performers; individuals who are skilled and disciplined, respectful of the job opportunities and its rewards, and dedicated to helping the management achieve each target, goal and objective within its corporate mission. Such individuals, hired by management to produce, must undergo orientation; informed and instructed via the job description and regular staff meetings, as to expectations and duties, while cognizant of management dependency, must also share responsibility for both success and failure. These individuals are the workforce; skilled or non-skilled, experienced or inexperienced, which can cause management to achieve or be dismissed.

The investors, which the management attracts, promise returns and sways via an investment prospectus and keeps by delivering on expected returns; dividend income payouts and share value growth, must be fully aware of the risk involved; the failure to generate expected returns and the total loss of their investment. Such individuals, convinced by management to commit resources, must be understood as to their mindset and current circumstances; many may not have inherited wealth or be investment savvy and intend to paid living expenses from this investment, while mindful, management must adjust and communicate proper risk management strategies, to protect such investors.

The mission, which the management designs, develops and documents into a dynamic prudent confidential strategic plan; with extracts covering each and every management role, is an achievable, attainable and measurable statement essentially linking staff and investors, and gauging success. Such success is based on management stated promises, made in its current strategic plan, to and approved by its elected, from investors, Board of Directors, before the period starts, and executed by management engaging its workforce and reporting to investors, at the end of and about the same period. The targets, goals and objectives having been met, the mission judged a success; bonuses are paid across the board to staff and returns to investors.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.