Sunday, March 28, 2021

Basic Living SYNERGIES

: Life is about Relationships, Not Survival! The Relations which produce, develop and progress are best! Crises and Disasters, no matter the cause; Natural or Man-Made, amplify existing living conditions, and produces many New Poor People. The Problem is Poverty, manifesting as hateful, Racism and Religious, divisions. Especially, as access to unbiased Policies are controlled by Party Politics, which is Progressively Pricey and Partitive as Populations size increases!

Basic Living SYNERGIES, Part II

People Powered by Purpose will Progress BETTER TOGETHER…

Dare to Dream! Dream Big! For the benefit of all Humanity! Clearly Understanding and defining Poor People’s Problems! A Time to be Decent! A Time to be Generous! Thinking of We NOT I! Without affecting Freedoms! A combination of Food Banks, Emergency Clinics, Homeless Shelters, etc. Employing #SYNERGIES, which best focuses Resources, within the multiple blended, dynamic Strategic Plan, to produce Innovative, Thoughtful Execution, Data Driven Decisions, Care Solutions!

Basic Living SYNERGIES, Part III

We have the Technology, the Know-How, and the Will…


This effort will jointly and freely Build Better Infrastructure! Small Economically driven, Ecologically, and Environmentally friendly, contained and protected, more disaster resilient, Mobile Infrastructure! Infrastructure Utilities that are resistant to and can easily address and recover from Disasters; Pollution, High-Winds, Floods, Fires, Earthquakes, Disease Spread, and Man-Made Attacks, which can easily increase the level of Poverty!

Basic Living SYNERGIES, Part IV

Shared Resources among All People while, Ideas grows Wealth…


Communities engaging Architects, Geologists, and Engineers to manage its Infrastructure; Air, Water & Waste, its Energy and Electricity, its Communication & Transportation, and its Shelter. Communities employing Doctors, Educators and Custodians, to manage its Healthcare, Education, and Security. Communities attracting Operations to manage its Economics to fund its Basic Needs for all its, Residents and Visitors, People!

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Sustainable Development

In this world of more frequent and more intense disasters, Egos and Greed must be transformed into Communal living, because such selfishness drives The Me, Me, Me Economy. A global economy with persons in pursuit of Money before Morals, widening the dangerous WEALTH GAP, loosening principles and abandoning ethical behavior. Noting that, Selfishness destroys Nations by damaging living standards and economic growth. Hence, it bears repeating, This is Not the last Crisis! Lives and Lifestyles remain under threat. And it is now widely accepted that Impoverish Communities, people who work numerous jobs for a minimum living wage, and contribute to economic growth via consumption, and who can least afford it, are the ones to suffer the most in any crisis 

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Leading Leaders

We all play a role in leadership. No one is a permanent leader. The process is constantly shifting from Discuss, to Decide to Do, utilizing Experts, Executives and Everybody Else. Experts Discuss problems and form solutions. Executives Decide on which solution will be most efficient and effective. Everybody Else must buy into the solution and participate in its enactment to better lifestyles and fuel Happiness. The Vision is a future driven by Sustainable Development for all. The Mission involves all, and is in danger, if anyone is left uneducated, driven purely by Ego or Greed. Hence, understanding Leadership or Education is vital.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

The Human Condition

Centuries after centuries the human race has been taught to pursue resources and hoard anything that could attract a value as wealth. It is unfortunate that human beings have chosen to divide up the planet’s natural resources. This system worked via individual physical strength, until family, tribe, and social power defeated the individual warrior king. Manipulation and Management systems were introduced as soon as a method was found to value a productive individual male/female human being. Attempts at true and total equality has never worked. Equality seems unattainable as every societal grouping, race, religion, etc., has always had and survives with a hierarchy system.

Sunday, August 2, 2020


The God sent pandemic of 2020 will leave the World with better hygiene, and Safe distancing practices. There is No such thing as Individual happiness – Happiness is communal. The individual pursuit of more money, wealth, and power will destroy the human race. Communities which share resources, and responsibilities, for and with each other, prosper. We must close the wealth gap and provide a basic living standard for all. A society with Jobs (Purpose) for all #EconomicDrivers, well built and maintained #Infrastructure, mandatory and compulsory Lifelong #Education, Free or Affordable #Healthcare and of course, Justice for All #Security, is a Happy Society.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Life before Lifestyles

I continuously think of myself as a leader. As many would seek my thoughts on future societal trends. But I confess that I played no role in the early alarms of the COVID-19 pandemic. Given my age and present state of health, I started wearing face coverings from very early and called on others to do so. I sympathize with the families of the dead, the ill, those economically displaced and those on all frontlines. As I foresee mitigation measures as having to last an exceptionally long time. This new reality will be different, better I hope, but difficult for many of us.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

This is NOT the last Crisis!

YES, SYNERGIES! The interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, operations, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate resilient effects.

Understanding that society effects everything in an individual’s life. And that politicians are communicators between specialists and the public. Hence, accept that public basic survival needs can only be addressed by such experts. The public gets to choose their representatives and should know which Experts have the politician’s ear. Or should the public also vote for the Expert?