Monday, February 12, 2018

Moral Guidance

There are groups, within the population, the society, the community, your own neighborhood, that receives messages, communicated via words, presented, advertised and in conversations, musical audio beats, short video scenes, which leave us empty, uncaring and morally bankrupt. Such persons, an audience, varying in age, levels of education and income, religious devotions, and other types of demographics, are targeted to react to an explicit designed message. People, who respect the law, understand right and wrong and would not purposely set out to commit crime, good people that can easily lose their way. It is never the message by itself, surrounding influences, marks of membership, are much more important, to create that decisive powerful designed effect.

Persons, who gain their moral guidance through religious, educational lectures and conversational words, tend to be determined and seen as traditional by society in general. While many soft spoke and highly well-mannered individuals, easily become loud and aggressive, bordering on rude and insulting, to communicate a strongly held viewpoint. Such colorful words, delivered jokingly, sadistically or brutally, were taught and learnt in common social interactions. Drama, comedy, poetry and other entertainment programs, written or spoken words, are the products of an active mind, creating a message to move a single person or a group of people at the same time, toward acceptable language and away from moral judgement.

People, who are law abiding, hear and hum along with musical messages that enter and affect their moral fabric, their judgement, can slowly be changed in a group to accept words, dance, and other expressions previously considered vulgar. Groups, led by the best of us, law-makers, the judiciary and public executives, invited to let off steam, party and fete, socialize, break down social barriers, are also suppose to lead morally. Mixing religious, patriotic, romantic, cultural and dance music, across local radio broadcast to promote balance and respect, is but one step in a long path to a tolerance society. A nation where people are equals, not separated by wealth, religion or race.

Learnt and taught through movies full of loud explosions, gruesome bloodshed and graphic sex scenes, slowly eroding desensitizing and making horrors more and more acceptable and common place. The good people, via economic hardships, substance abuse or pair pressure, can and are easily influenced to change their lifestyle to more risky behavior patterns. More money, more power, greed and ego are often depicted on screens educating, the best of us, as how to get more, in sometimes very positive ways. Crimes that are showed and reported with flair and skill, portraying some good people not caring about persons they never met, do not know or do not like, but just how to get more.

Groups that filter news and package information, communicate facts and embellish stories, proffer opinions and spread rumors, within its editor’s set moral compass, tend to scorn outsiders and welcome decisions from within preset code. Such editors, self-appointed, must constantly survey the language commonly used throughout, the widest groupings, to expand their audience and stay relevant. It is these groups, the flock, which sets rules of conduct, constantly breaking down moral walls or, at the very least, creating loop holds. Doorways and windows which allow artisans, editors and other wordsmiths, to move and push limits of social acceptability, ethical behavior and moral conduct.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.