Monday, February 19, 2018

Entrepreneurial Development

Countries, nations and societies sustainable development requires a mentally and physically healthy population. People, who are academically educated to adapt policies, implement plans, measure, report and review processes and actions. Skilled workers, able to design, build and produce Goods and Services for both foreign and domestic consumption. Persons with gifted talents, who are identified early, encouraged, developed, practiced, recognized and rewarded. Such sustainable development essentially needs individuals with a strong constitution, who are prepared to take unprecedented risks, to compete, diversify and expand local industries and sectors. Hence, Entrepreneurs (Risk-Takers) are so critical, individuals who use failures as learning tools and motivation to create success.

The focus on academic education has presented many with a step up in the cast system, allowing persons to raise their family’s standard of living, by passing examinations, researching and developing ideas, and joining professional bodies. Academic workers provide the country, the nation and the society, the much-needed specialists in various fields, industries and sectors, policy-makers to improve decision-making, managers to implement directives, and clerks to track the process. The mental ability to follow rules and regulations, bought by these academic workers, from governance to reporting, must be supported and maintained by skilled workers, to meet the demands of targeted markets and to benefit all stakeholders.

Technical skill training, also referred to as vocational education, has offered a poverty reduction solution, giving numerous individuals lifelong production skills, by teaching safety, tools and equipment maintenance and operation, diagnosing problems and scheduling management. Such skilled workers are the productive class of a country, a nation and a society, producing products for export to earn foreign currency, and add value to products locally consumed to reduce import bills. The physical know-how, bought by these skilled workers, from engineering and manufacturing, must be efficiently structured and effectively organized by academic workers, to meet market demands and to benefit all stakeholders.

Natural Talents, mastered through mentoring and constant practice, spotted and nurtured from very young, has bought rewards and fame to such persons and intangible value to the country, the nation and the society, by encouraging and promoting these talents and simultaneously, presenting role models. Such gifted individuals are unique examples. The country, the nation and the society needs to focus its entire population on moral behaviors and away from crime. Structured and organized by academic workers, supported and maintained by skilled workers, applauded and appreciated by all, these gifted individuals, from sports and culture, are spread throughout the social consciousness.

Development without Risk-Takers will always lean toward importing entrepreneurs, for it is this class of society that creates employment. Risk-Taking is a lifestyle and cannot be taught in a classroom, a workshop or practiced and perfected without multiple failures. A country, which accepts global leaders to build new industries, is importing technical assistance. A nation, with foresight, that welcomes emigrants, from repressive circumstances, with nothing but survival instincts, is welcoming entrepreneurs. A society, that teaches critical thinking, recognizes and encourages risk-taking, is developing entrepreneurs. Hence, with respect and rewards, it is these risk-takers will create sustainable development, economic growth and well-paying jobs.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.