Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Diversifying the Economy 2018

(An extract from Foreign Direct Investment 2018)

The Executive, the Government, the Nation’s Leadership must be clear as to diversification vs. expansion. Revenue generation, from existing sectors and industries, is often dictated by global market conditions. While expanding such categories, of sectors and industries, via innovation and greater efficiencies, should increase national revenues, remember such is linked to the said market conditions. An investment in new economic categories, never before developed, by or in the nation, must be well researched. In depth research must examine pros and cons to measure the needed output of physical and human resources and time. A side by side comparison, judging feasibilities and returns on investment, of both the existing and other new options, will guide diversification decisions.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Planning for Success

Your idea, to fix, improve or change a Good or a Service, must be sound, tested and proven to be sound. Your idea, to provide such a Product to a particular group and type of consumer, must always prove to be financially viable at its selling price. Your idea, to extract, construct, manufacture, trade, endorse or serve, must benefit all stakeholders. Therefore, your idea, properly researched and developed, feasible in a defined targeted market, priced to compete and to benefit all involved, must be simple and confidentially communicated to investment bankers. So, it is not the funding, it is the professional management that is crucial to the success of your idea.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Entrepreneurial Development

Countries, nations and societies sustainable development requires a mentally and physically healthy population. People, who are academically educated to adapt policies, implement plans, measure, report and review processes and actions. Skilled workers, able to design, build and produce Goods and Services for both foreign and domestic consumption. Persons with gifted talents, who are identified early, encouraged, developed, practiced, recognized and rewarded. Such sustainable development essentially needs individuals with a strong constitution, who are prepared to take unprecedented risks, to compete, diversify and expand local industries and sectors. Hence, Entrepreneurs (Risk-Takers) are so critical, individuals who use failures as learning tools and motivation to create success.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Moral Guidance

There are groups, within the population, the society, the community, your own neighborhood, that receives messages, communicated via words, presented, advertised and in conversations, musical audio beats, short video scenes, which leave us empty, uncaring and morally bankrupt. Such persons, an audience, varying in age, levels of education and income, religious devotions, and other types of demographics, are targeted to react to an explicit designed message. People, who respect the law, understand right and wrong and would not purposely set out to commit crime, good people that can easily lose their way. It is never the message by itself, surrounding influences, marks of membership, are much more important, to create that decisive powerful designed effect.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Future of Food

Global Poverty Eradication can only be achieved and maintained with a collective investment to feed the population. There is an obvious opportunity and a serious need to fuel the human condition; mental and physical health, religious and social behavior into a skilled and productive workforce. Nutritious affordable food, widely available, skillfully processed and scientifically produced, is essential toward achieving sustainable development. The public health bills, incorporating nutrition and wellness habits as well as pharmaceuticals and medical treatment, can and must be reduced through involved policy decisions. The World Food Bank must lead in this effort to negotiate and implement strategic agreements.