Business Direct

Our Customers:
Schools, Colleges and Universities should buy the Full Business Direct Design Program, to incorporate this Online Distance Learning  into and as part of their own offerings.

Graduate, students from as young as 12 years old, with a confidential dynamic Strategic Plan, from which will be extracted a Prospectus for Equity Investors and a Business Plan for Debt Lenders.

Financial Institutions should buy the Full Business Direct Design Program, for their staff to understand and appreciate their client’s mindset.

These courses, which contain five modules each, structured in three sections; Business Literacy, designed to expose its audience to and present a basic understanding of the subject matter, Business Theory, a more detailed tutorial, on each topic, while promoting the consultation with professionals in all relevant areas and Business Model, focusing on successful examples, which proves the point of the related topic.

In Addition:
Presenters offer personal guidance, using the Business Direct Design with vital Modules and Courses to prepare and strengthen the Strategic Plan; extracting a Prospectus to attract Investors and a Business Plan to target Lenders.

Individuals, Parents and Guardians should invest in separate Business Direct Courses to access, at a personal learning rate, the tools and skills needed to strengthen ideas.

The Offer:
Caribbean Business Institute is pleased to recommend, Business Direct. An Entrepreneurial Education program, researched, designed and written by Terrance A. Jennings. A series of business (as opposed to management) Courses and Modules, to guide risk-takers (entrepreneurs), using proven learning methods, HV-Education, to convey Business Literacy, Business Theory and Business Model.

The Benefits:
The rewards of risk-taking, historically, have brought financial comfort to entrepreneurs, in their own lifetime and for many generations thereafter, honorary degrees, national awards, and there is also the prestige of the family name, given to landmarks or sculptures. Of course, not all will succeed but Business Direct will quickly, in a down to earth fashion, guide decisions to abandon, saving time and effort or to strengthen, weak components of the Strategic Plan.

Graduating Owners/Employers with a marketable, executable and dynamic Strategic Plan.

These courses are a crucial part in the Master Entrepreneur Curriculum, structured in three sections; Business Literacy, designed to expose its audience to and present a basic understanding of the subject matter, Business Theory, a more detailed tutorial on each topic while promoting the consultation with professionals in all relevant areas and Business Model, focusing on successful examples that proves the point of the related topic.

Full Program US$4,000.00
Discounted for
Schools, Colleges & Universities
to incorporate into and as part of their own offerings
Financial Institutions
their staff to understand and appreciate their client’s mindset

View Business Training Operation Prospectus
Serious Enquirers Only!
Contact Information

Business Direct is the back bone of Entrepreneurial Development, training and support, offered by organizations such as, Caribbean Business Institute. Such institutions specialize in transforming ideas into industries using a Master Entrepreneur Curriculum, with resources pledged by numerous International Agencies, Government and Private Equity.

The Master Entrepreneur Curriculum consist of;
Support Group Membership
Meeting weekly to expand basic knowledge using Business Literacy (Power Point Presentations).
Motivational Speakers
Inviting local presenters, once monthly and foreign guests, once annually.
Professional Advisors
On call legal, finance, etc. consultants willing to give of their time and skill using Business Theory.
Idea Presentation
Structuring the idea along the lines of a strategic plan to firstly, verify its viability.
Business Incubation
Market testing products against competitors, for a limited time, to record its Business Model.