Mezzanine Funding NEDCO

When a nation experiences loss of jobs due to economic declines. When a nation’s graduates cannot secure work in their chosen and practiced field of endeavor. When a nation’s operations must transform in response to industry disruptions and personnel must find new employment. Many of these unemployed turn to highly risky, non-criminal, undertakings, to support themselves and their families. Such a person seeking; to generate income, based on new or traditional Ideas, to expand operations, based on formal education or practiced skill, and to be in control of resources, cash and equipment, must find financial support. NEDCO, the National Entrepreneurship Development Company Limited was founded and funded by taxpayers for these exact circumstances.

The traditional Commercial Banking Sector has experience disruptions to parts of its Business Model, noting that, lending was its chief revenue driver. Long-term lending for Industry, Infrastructure and Housing has been seriously infiltrated by Insurance Companies and Pension Plans, reducing bank’s profits. Medium term lending for Equipment, Machinery and Vehicles are been financed directly by the Manufacturer and Maintenance Agencies, causing more reductions. Even, the short-term lending for Pay-Day Loans, Furniture and Fixtures have been infiltrated by Store operators and supplier’s payment plans. Such profit reductions are caused by commercial banking policies still requiring assets backed securities; Debentures, Fix Assets and Cash Equivalencies.

The un or under employed wishing to create jobs or as they are often referred to as Small and Medium Enterprises (SME), could not independently qualify for commercial loans. Such installment loans design for salary employees, or overdraft facilities for trade operations, from For-Profit financial institutions would immediately damage credit ratings and list them as bad risk or other negative terms. What was needed is a Lending to Create Jobs strategy. The nation first tried a Government Guarantor program using Commercial Bank loans to fund enterprise creation, only to be paying the same For-Profit rates. NEDCO, first initiative, saw the Government borrowing from the said Commercial Banks at favored rates, and lending to SMEs at very near the same low rates.

Non-Profit, asset backed lending, provided a solution for some, only creating one job, SMEs whose operations are heavily backed by tangible and insurable assets. Creating many Owner/Operator Enterprises, such as a Taxi Driver, would not build medium or long-term Organizations which could contribute back to Government revenues. For Enterprises to create more employment would require more unsecured funding, money that would hire trained and experienced personnel. Moving to a 50% asset backed lending ratio allowed Enterprises to create more jobs, but left NEDCO unprepared for the greater financial risks exposure. The solution, to more job creation and with less lending risks, was to be found in tighter loan supervision and a rigorous approval process.

National Integrated Business Incubation System (IBIS), Grant Funding to incubate Enterprises into Organizations, is NEDCO’s, second initiative. Seeking to develop lucrative industries, build essential long-term Organizations and create near to permanent employment. Industries are powered by natural and human resources, organized to fuel increase standards of living and to improve the environment. Organizations only exist to satisfy a need, fill a want and solve a problem, not to guarantee permanent employment and retirement benefits. Employment is a creature of growing demand, oversupply is a destroyer of development, hence, a balance must be found to cause Sustainable Economic Development. Such grant funds, inclusive of incubation cost, must be recycled, where a few Organizations can fund, via taxes, numerous ideas to produce many new taxpaying Jobs.

Research & Written by:

Disclosure & Declaration:
Mr. Jennings presented a paper titled, Small and Medium Enterprises and Exporting, to the T&T Prime Minister’s Forum on Small & Medium Enterprises, as a guest speaker of SBDC Small Business Development Company Limited.

Mr. Jennings was one of the originators of the Micro-Enterprise program and the first coordinator, designing and presenting Training the Business Tutors, a current course at YTEPP the Youth Training & Employment Partnership Programme.

Mr. Jennings designed, developed and presented CONTROL a full computerized management system to enter, maintain and report on all business transactions and linked records, to the Board of Directors of NEDCO the National Entrepreneurship Development Company Limited.

Mr. Jennings wrote, promoted and established (Business Direct) business courses, which are a crucial part in the Master Entrepreneur Curriculum, structured in three sections; Business Literacy, designed to expose its audience to and present a basic understanding of the subject matter, Business Theory, a more detailed tutorial on each topic while promoting the consultation with professionals in all relevant areas, and Business Model, focusing on successful examples that proves the point of the related topic

Mr. Jennings wrote and presented the Society for Entrepreneur and Economic Development (SEED), Proposal and Website to the Minister of Planning, and to the Director of Enterprise Development Division in the Ministry of Labour and Small and Micro Enterprise Development (MOLSMED).

Mr. Jennings was one of the designers and drafters of the Draft Enterprise Development through Business Incubation Policy Document which led to the formation of National Integrated Business Incubation System (IBIS) overseen by NEDCO the National Entrepreneurship Development Company Limited.

Mr. Jennings is engaging efforts to bring the Micro-Enterprise program, CONTROL and Business Direct under National Integrated Business Incubation System (IBIS) supervised by SEED members.
(For Entrepreneurs, By Entrepreneurs)