Plastic Revolution

Damage to the planet, no matter the cause, must be avoided to preserve human lifestyles and existence. Driven by the need to preserve the ecology, a revolution to this industry must start from durable products, for continuous remanufacturing usage. Large pockets of plastics, a man-made offspring of mostly Crude Oil, in the earth for millions of years, is less dangerous than tiny broken portions of used plastic products, which pollutes and kills. The mission is No biodegradable plastics to find its way into landfills for multiple generations, only collectable, valuable reusable containers. Banning such containers is not the answer, the problem was in making containers without a recycling plan.

The Manufacturing Process will help to better understand the subsequent recycling processes. Plastics does not occur naturally, specialized manufacturers have techniques to use natural polymers such as; natural gas, coal, soil, cellulose, and various plant-based proteins to create it. Despite these various sources, most artificial polymers today are made from petroleum.

Petroleum or crude oil is prospected, targeted, and extracted, the crude oil is transported via a pipeline to an oil refinery. It is then heated up to hundreds of degrees, sent up a fractional distillation column, a tower that separates the oil’s thousands of components using condensation or boiling-point techniques. Naphtha, the primary component for plastic making is separated between 180°C and 40°C. This collected naphtha then undergoes Cracking, which is the fragmentation of naphtha’s big hydrocarbon molecules into smaller, and thus more easily processed, sections. First, the crude oil is mixed with water vapor. The resulting Mélange is then heated to 800°C, then very quickly cooled down to 400°C. The tiny molecules obtained will be used to make chains called Polymers, plastic’s basic building blocks. 

Natural gas is obtained by roughly the same methods of extraction and cracking as crude oil, but the plastic industry uses it for its potentially high ethane content, a gas that, once it has been condensed at below 100°C, is another raw material for plastic making. When heated to 850°C, ethane molecules separate and create a hydrogen and ethylene mix. Only the purified ethylene is then used to create the future polymer solids, also called polyethylene (PE).

Coal, once it has been measured and sifted, the collected material is distilled in an oxygen-free coke oven. This coke-making process is used to create quasi-pure carbon, but also creates volatile material that can be used to create gas for households, such as; benzole (used in cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries), or coal-tar, which can be reused to make plastic material.

Soil is rich in organic molecules, and the most abundant one is Cellulose. This naturally occurring homopolymer (i.e.: made up of one type of polymer) is the main component of plants’ cellular walls, making up between 15% to 99% of the cell walls. This raw material is particularly used by the plastic industry for making cellulose acetate, celluloid, cellophane, or Rhodoid, and is extracted using a sequence of various mechanical and chemical treatments that separate the cellulose (mainly by grinding and purification) from the plant’s other components (sap, lipids, wax, etc). Further plastic-treatment processes (whitening, drying, formatting) can then be applied, depending on the desired type of product or the client’s needs. Cellulose fibres are used in many industrial sectors, such as the textile and paper industry, farming, or construction (particularly for insulation material).

Numerous Human Usage, while discouraging Plastics that are very difficult to reuse or recycle. Starting where the polymer manufacturing process stops, before the plastics are sold, consumed and recycled, their use requires the plastic resins to be converted into finished or semi-finished products. And while the operations change according to the nature of the products, there are several main methods of use by industrial companies. Such use of these materials is special, since parts made of thermosetting plastic become insoluble and infusible during transformation. Industrial manufacturers mainly use cast moulding (liquids poured into a heated mould), compression moulding (powder similarly compressed in a heated mould) or injection moulding (as for thermoplastics; a moving screw or piston injects the material into a closed heated mould and it takes the shape of the mould).

Growing in line with the local collection process, the recovery of household plastic waste increases every year, these materials can amount to as little as 10% of total household waste collected and 40% of post-consumption plastic waste. In the same period, numerous recyclable PET (polyethylene terephthalate), another plastic compound from the petrochemical industry, bottles and other plastic containers can be collected for plastic recycling, making these materials the main types of household plastic waste treated by companies in the sector. Household waste recycling starts by identifying flows of materials (often placed in plastic collectors) are recovered by local authorities, taken in household waste skips to plastics storage of sorting centres, baled and then collected by recycling companies, which then identify the materials and transport them to factories specializing in waste treatment.

Methods and Processes to Recycle, in the plastics industry, is primarily based on its manufacturing process. It is interesting to note that the heat of combustion necessary for recycled plastic is equivalent to that produced by fuels (coal and petrol), which is why energy recovery is an important part of the plastic recycling industry. Over half of plastic packaging (mainly plastic bags and films, but not bottles) are made from polyethylene. With progress in package sorting, recycling of PE material has greatly increased and with the recuperation of plastic lids also leads to a lot more recycling, specifically the recovery of high-density PE (PEHD).

Noting that, approximately 38% of a plastic bottle’s composition is recyclable PET. Its recycling rate has greatly increased over the last decade (up to 51%), thanks to the sorting of household waste, but also thanks to the building of factories specializing in the recovery of plastic waste. The chemical recovery of PET allows recyclers to create material that is almost identical to the original plastic. Currently, about 30% of plastic bottles in circulation are made from recycled material. The petrochemical industry makes three other recyclable plastics: polystyrene, PVC, and polypropylene.

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Disclosure & Declaration:
Mr. Jennings has written and presented a Strategic Plan, Waste Management for Collection to Recycling, for the School Maintenance, Training & Security Company Limited (MTS).

Mr. Jennings has written and presented Strategic Plans, Bricks from Waste Factory Operation, Biogas Electricity Generation Operation, Medical Waste Treatment Operation, each for Independent Clients.