Financial Education UTC

The (UTC) Unit Trust Corporation of Trinidad & Tobago has never been given enough or, sought the credit for its highly successful Public Financial Education Campaign. The UTC was launched and had to promote its First Unit Scheme (The Income & Growth Fund) at a time when many local investors were exposing their funds to white collar criminals operating in an unregulated market. With no direct competition, the UTC created a new mutual fund to safeguard investors’ principal without forecasting any income. This had Government backing as well as support from elite Pension, Insurance and Banking investment funds. From small rented offices, long working hours and an untested Strategic Plan, the UTC set out to transform Trinidad & Tobago’s population into a more Investment Savvy nation.

One such transformative activity involved targeting and encouraging secondary or high school students to form investment teams and to take part in the UTC Investment Game. Exposing these school-level participants, future investors, to analyze quarterly reports and the daily news, which would affect investments positively or negatively. Preparing a generation of savers and investors, which will stimulate the national economy to produce financial growth, but more importantly will pass on their financial lessons to future generations. In effect, the UTC was not created to damage the banking sector of the day, which looking back, divided the population with a large wealth gap, but the UTC was created to promote financial literacy.

Community gatherings; religious festivals, parent teacher meetings, sports meets, were all quickly turned into short meetings of investment clubs. People were anxious to learn; why, where and how, their little money would be put to work in much the same way as larger amounts would be invested. Small amounts attacking the same rate of returns that large amounts would earn. The nervous private banking sector, which saw depleting deposits moving to higher returns, lobbied hard, for a level playing field, to launch their own Mutual Funds. The groundwork for this Mutual Fund Industry was expensive, and the traditional bank and insurance industry, with a big head start, saw the UTC as an upstart threat, gaining ground.

Visits to office administration staff, the lunchrooms of manual workers and union halls, the UTC made presentations, not to sell or collect money, but to inform and educate. The main lesson being that Small money can earn the same rate of returns as Big money, the advantage of Mutual Funds.

With Cash Deposits, in Banks and other Financial Institutions, held for Fixed Intervals to still earn the lowest Rates, the Second Unit Scheme (Money Market Fund) of the UTC, which invested in the same lending instruments; Treasury Bills and Bonds, allowed its depositors to withdraw funds at any time.

This revolution started in small rented administrative offices and is now in its own Multi-Story Skyscraper. The original staff, many seconded from the Ministry of Finance afraid of losing their permanent jobs, worked side by side with management, late into the night and first in the next day, weekends and holidays. With hindsight, the plan was always to educate the citizenry, everybody no matter their level of formal education, as to putting money to work for more than its owner.

With the national level of financial literacy constantly improving, the discourse between financial agents and their potential customers, will increase as well. Serious questions from serious clients, who have now been transformed into serious portfolio managers.

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