Friday, August 31, 2018

Economic Politics

The traded world price of commodities, be it Sugar or Crude Oil, is the starting point for industrial refining viability. If an organization (CARONI or PETROTRIN) cannot produce, a competitive product at a competitive price, it will die a natural or unnatural death. Wining down operations in any sector or industry is based on a level of understanding of the global issues: The industrial revolution, which saw manufacturing operations moving parts to its product, change to move products to its parts. The Information revolution which moved people to research now moves research to people. And further, the Knowledge-Based revolution which brings the best opportunities to the market, adjusting ideas, inventions, innovations and investments to a global marketplace. Hence, Decision-Makers, armed with facts, the political will and sensitive to the pain of change, must look forward benefiting the majority of the population.

A natural death will occur in operations; where market requirements have surpassed what is presently produced, where raw material and other inputs are not economical (in volume and at price) available, where technology has advanced passed what is currently in use, where costing, inclusive of salaries and wages, has exceeded sale prices. In such a case, good money is thrown after bad only to maintain jobs and pensions (votes), with no possibility of restructuring. As opposed to an unnatural death; where markets are loss, raw materials are unavailable, technology is old, and cost is higher than price. Closure will allow for new investments in better structured, not restructured, profitable, sustainable operations.

It needs to be clearly explained and understood, not as political policy but as economic decisions. Such situations do not come out of thin air, forecasting economists are hired by Industrial associations or Sector leaders to project growth and predict disruptions within particular global environments, plotting changes which will sustain growth and worn off demise. While, Investment Bankers analyze bad projects and act as change agents to measure successes and quickly abandon failures. In today’s world, where everybody is a mass media reporter, badly planned and executed projects are open to political criticism and further, easily researched to an accurate calculation of financial loss.

Henceforth, who produces the Goods and Services the best, globally will win the business. No longer will any nation be all things to its population, its people must be seen as its primary natural resource; its talents and skills must be sold globally. Trained people, with numerous years of experience, in the Sugar or Oil refining industries, must seek and share their skills internationally. With the nation concentrating on its basic needs; Healthcare, Education, Infrastructure and its own competitive advantages (Economic Drivers) and operating locally Cargo and People Transportation, Trade and Distribution, Retailing and Servicing, and exporting Goods to earn hard currency. In addition, inviting visitors to Entertainment and Relaxing activities and promoting food, culture and arts, to bring in more foreign exchange. While, purchasing the best cost-efficient essential products, with the said hard currency, but not having to operate or prop up losing ventures, whose time has gone.

Lessons from the Financial and Banking Sectors should ripple throughout society, as top officers now operate like commission agents, branches are consolidated, and slow job reductions are hardly noticeable as retirees are replaced by systems. The so-called Public Service must be next as numerous overlap (red tape) slows processes, technology is well advance to deliver accurate results, and pay scales must be mathematically tied to economic performance. The law-makers, policy-makers and regulators overseeing sectors and industries must lead the way by merging more efficient and effective ministries. Market Demand is the only true source of productivity, which in turn creates jobs, for trained and retained people.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.