Monday, December 19, 2016

Gender is not the Issue

Abuse is not done by male or female it is by persons exercising Power over others. A very sensitive issue, not to belittle it in anyway, but when a young man is killed many think it is as a result of some involvement in crime and when a young woman is killed; no murdered; it is a breakdown in society. Gender is to be seen as dynamic, evolving and as roles interchange, very individualized. Right or wrong, boys are generally expected to be tough, strong and to hide emotions, girls must be seen as nice, soft spoken, patient and cries for attention and sympathy, especially from males. By puberty, the male is a big man, could put a trigger, boasting about sex, drugs and alcohol, with large bills in his hands, the female is a lady, a sex symbol, easily employable and attracting wanted or unwanted attention.

In this modern day and social culture, the male as protector, provider and head of household has been eroded by women liberation calls for gender equality, enacted by laws, enforced by police and upheld by the courts with severe penalties and social scorning. The female as nurturer, peacemaker and lover has been woven into roles of manipulation, peppered by deceit, statements with omissions and lies of convenience, daring any form of physical violence to claim abuse and win the coveted social status of victim.

Admittedly, females have been victims of horrific acts of violence in and out of the home, by mostly males that knew and still know no better, who were taught, by fathers and mothers, to control through physical violence rather than by persuasion, whose words and education have fail them, who were victims themselves, may have won some sympathy and are simply continuing the cycle of abuse. While, many males got the brunt of licks, beatings within inches of their lives, in defense of mothers, sisters, girlfriend, wives and even female strangers, as the image of females, portrayed by society, was and still is, in many cases, an attitude of 'can do no wrong'.

Good and bad, nice and mad, knows no gender, however, abuse is multifaceted; verbal, physical, financial, freedom, to name just a few, and primarily acts across and between genders; man beatings man, woman bawling at woman. Verbal abuse surely outranks others and is more common place than, while leaving no visible damage like, physical abuse. Financial and freedom abuse are less known an often misunderstood and referred to as respect, where employees or unemployed spouses are made to suffer in silence and do things, mostly non-sexual, against their own will and desire, in fear of money or privileges being withheld.

Much has been said about the bad man, but listen to women plot 'to do for him' and wonder which is worst a bad man or a mad woman. It is often said that men lie; to get something in or for the short term and will only apologize to get another benefit, but women can start generational wars and never admit. Power over others, by any means, verbal, physical, financial, freedom of choice, mental tactic, is not limited or belongs to any particular gender.

Understanding human nature and its evolution is the key to, as individuals first and then as groups in society, appreciate how and why gender is nothing but a convenient excuse, yes, the male developed physical strength while the female mastered persuasion, both equally deadly, now the male must be equally as persuasive. It is human nature to seek betterment, attract a mate with verbal exchanges, freedom trips to paradise, financial gifts, and physical displays. For example, woman in push-up bras and low cut tops, is this not the same as men wearing pants to expose the butt crack.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.