Monday, July 11, 2016

Funding the Future

The nation, which finds itself overdrawn in its current account, needing to raise funds to pay, public sector salaries back pay, overdue bills, recurrent expenditure, finance its infrastructural maintenance and new facilities, and is desperate to diversify its economy, must carefully examine and educate its population about all options. The executive can decide to continue borrowings, locally to finance budget deficits inclusive of capital expenditure, and internationally to meet its foreign currencies import bills and preserve its local currency strength, projecting long-term debt repayments, which would, unless revenues rebound, further grow the current public debt into an unmanageable size. The cabinet can also withdraw from the nation's cash reserves, savings, stabilizing or sovereign funds, invested in foreign low risks, low yield instruments, to finance its previously mentioned needs. Noting that, both borrowings and withdrawals together can solve the nation’s immediate cash flow problems.

Where do we go from here? Overdraft can be restored, public officers’ salaries back-pay can be paid, overdue bills can be renegotiated, recurrent expenditure can be met, infrastructure capital expenses can be arranged, and foreign currency reserves can be restored, but if traditional revenue continues lower and no other economic growth is in sight, the previous financial situation will reoccur. For Example, building houses to boost the construction sector, while job losses occur in the extractive and related industries, can only result in houses that no one can afford. The nation's housing stock needs to be redesigned to address low cost rental units, until employment and wages pickup, before using public funds to construct middle class homes. Noting that, borrowings and withdrawals cannot and will not deliver the nation's medium-term objectives.

We need new well paying jobs, which only comes from new investments, local and foreign. Such investments require a clear line of sight to profitable markets, strong earnings and sound returns. History has shown pioneers risking everything into the unknown, followed by skilled workers and educated thinkers seeking a better life. This mature nation now needs an investment climate, where savvy workers and thinkers alike participate, fairly in what has been accomplished and its future. The population must therefore be made aware of this nation's true wealth and their portion and responsibility. Noting that, borrowings and withdrawals can only hinder and deplete the nation's long-term growth and wealth.

The nation; via the budget and investment divisions of the Ministry of Finance, Corporation Sole, represented by the current Minister of Finance, who sits in the cabinet, which forms the Executive branch of Government, must seek to improve its cash flow to balance its budgets and diversify its revenue sources and its economy. The strategy must be to borrow, through the issuance and sale of debt financing instruments; Government Bonds, Treasury Bills to finance the nation’s recurrent expenditure. Simultaneously, the plan is to access soft, long-term, loans from international development agencies to fund new and necessary infrastructure projects. While, issuing shares of well establish essential operations, on to the local stock exchange as new listings, Initial Public Offerings (IPO), selling or divesting a small percent, at a fair but attractive price to investors, to raise funds to be used for economic development; new revenue generating industries, servicing new export markets and creating new jobs.

Investors, institutional; annuities and pension funds, employee share ownership plans (ESOP), workers unions, mutual funds, etc. must seek a safe haven; securely regulated and market driven, for their capital, which will offer low risks, low growth but with a scheduled steady yield, returns on investment, dividends that beat inflation, and exiting via the sale to other investors or back to the issuing entity.

A very active local stock exchange, highly regulated, can provide the financing the nation needs for its sustainable development, in the medium to long-term, to diversify the economy, ideas into industries, and create jobs. Investors, local and foreign, are sitting on the side lines waiting on the Government's executive to lead. Legislation needs to be strengthen to allow foreign currencies in and out. Prosecution of breaches in the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) act must be publicly settled. The corporation sole can today announce its preparation and intention to list the National Utilities Corporation (NUC) and divest as little as ten percent of its holdings in water and electricity operations in the next fiscal year, followed by the listing of the National Transportation Company (NTC) in the next and the listing of the National Tourism Properties (NTP) in the year following, and generate, at the very least, enough funds to supplement expected budget revenue short falls. Noting that, borrowings and withdrawals involve principal repayment or replacement whereas, investors’ capital will stay, recycled to list more opportunities and simple earn a timely, modest dividend, better than bank deposit rates.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.