Monday, May 30, 2016

Masking the Problems

Problems much like energy can not be created or destroyed but only transferred and in many cases such problems are deem to be solved by simply hiding it away. Problems are often misdiagnosed, in the first instance, as observed on a limited scale, from a single point of view, and by its effects upon a specific group. Problems are clearly multifaceted, when thought through it exposes numerous other problems if a single solution is applied and more than likely creates a greater amount of affected people than the original problem. Antisocial behavior, for example, is commonly dealt with by locking it away, keeping a community clean is to relocate its waste, modernizing a land transportation network is to lessen the need for excessive movement and managing an economy is to issue more money.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Expanding Tourism

Traditional tourism, targeting vacation seekers with sightseeing, sun, sea and sand products along with local foods, is no longer adequate as a national Economic Driver. Event tourism has and must be expanded and incorporated into the national Strategic Plan. Live performances, Sporting tournaments, Outdoor activities, Medical recuperation, Technology studies, are some of the new types of tourism models mixed into the traditional family vacation, to which the world is invited.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Growing Agriculture

Fiscal adjustments require more than expenditure cutting, increasing revenue is also vital. National revenue sources must be diversified into untraditional areas previously under developed in this economy. Generating new revenue sources and in such quantities that can help balance the national budget, reducing both existing borrowings and the need for new deficit financing, at the same time lessening debt servicing payments, and maintaining or adding to the nation's foreign currency reserves levels, are all laudable goals. Hence, the focus must now be squarely placed on and brought to economic areas, sectors and industries, in which there is a national competitive advantage that can meet these said goals.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Political Promises

In the first year of a five year political term, celebrating an election victory, rewarding candidates and key supporters with positions of influence; Ministerial Portfolios, Chair of Boards, Directorships and getting down to work. Learning about the true state of affairs from the permanent public officers, historical records, while seeking out corruption done in the last political term under the opposing party is common. Touring development works in progress, finding strategies to gain further political mileage, and identifying good people and companies from within, to do the necessary things that have to be done, while protecting the party image. Noting that, opposition and public criticism generally increases towards the end of the first year.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Selling State Assets

There is no need to dispose of state owed assets, new listings on the stock exchange can bring much needed cash into the treasury without losing the assets' future earnings capabilities, at the same time, forcing greater efficiencies by adding more regulations from the Securities Exchange Commission. Protecting employment, both Workers and Management jobs in line with performance, from threats associated with state funding and offering Investors peace of mind as to future annual returns.