Monday, December 21, 2015

A level playing field

Getting the politics out of financing crucial nation building issues requires strong, enforceable and actionable procurement legislation. Under the threat of fines and forfeitures and lengthy jail terms, Politicians and public sector employees must play no role in the award of commonly called Government Contracts. All private sector operations depend on the rule of Laws and enforceable Regulations to create success for their very survival. The public sector employees are placed in a difficult situation, a moral dilemma, witnessing politically driven abuses and being offered financial inducements, far in excess of their salaries, to turn a blind eye or, in many cases, actively participate.

We, the people require basic needs from their leaders, a Low Crime environment with protected borders, internal security providing emergency services, prevention strategies and speedy detection, justice and rehabilitation, along with wide ranging earning opportunities. Health, Education and Social benefits overlapping and targeting all demographics; age, gender, status, etc. with governance and regulations insuring a fair contribution and distribution. Affordable Housing with fast tracked but sound construction and environmental approvals, water and sewerage, electricity generation and distribution, solid waste and general maintenance. Stress free Transportation powered by inexpensive and low emission fuels, balancing dependable mass transit and reasonably priced private vehicles with safe and convenient parking, driving on well maintained major and minor roadways.

In return, the people will produce and honestly serve others; from within the Ministry of National Security; the Defense Force, Police, Fire and Prison Services, under the Judiciary; from within the Health system and all its Regional Health Authorities; as part of the Ministry of Education and its Facility Management; and from within the Ministries charged to deliver Social benefits. Some people will be happy to produce under; the Ministry of Planning, Housing, Urban and Rural Development and all its State Enterprises, or any of the statutory or municipal bodies. Many people may choose to deliver service in the Ministries of Energy, Transport, Works, Community Development, etc. all recognized as essential services in nation building.

Numerous Citizens, however, may choose to fish, farm, hunt and sell in the market, others may get involved in making and packaging Goods to sell locally or export, and a large number of we, the people, serve and support private sector Trade and Services operations. Each with the same dreams; eating, learning, earning and buying stuff that make us feel good. But many of these private sector opportunities are based on Government Contracts, Who you know or vote for, and not on competency; skills, abilities, or performance’ which results in short term, 3-5 year, contracts, during a political term, which in itself encourages corruption.

This is a call for a rigorous, 1-2 year, process application, examination and registration of preapproved contractors, suppliers and service providers, who will be engaged by Government or State Enterprises over the long term only based on performance, without, fear or favor, or any political influence. Hence, requiring the Parliament to enact laws to stop themselves or their political opponents, from directly or indirectly using public finances, contract or any other reward system to benefit their supporters, under the threat of jail. Alternatively and in the interest of time, an Independent Office of Budgets, establish by the Head of State, mandated to examine the effects of Cabinet policies and publicly publish quarterly financial estimates will stop or, at the very least, expose illicit matters early, limiting any misuse of Public Money.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.