Saturday, December 5, 2009

Save the Children, Save the World

As political leaders discuss solutions to, reduce green house gases released into the atmosphere and maintain the forest cover, hence, slow or reverse climate change, there is an equally grave threat coming from our children. As populations increase depleting the shared natural resources, aggression grows from one generation to the next because there is less to go around, and the widening gap in lifestyles erodes hope, countries will not be able to stop or contain the resulting violence and riots will spread across the world. Morals will no longer be able to control the masses.

The older and more mature one gets the more one realizes that people lie and deceive each other mainly for self-benefit, to defer a discomfort or to give false hope. Denying the problems in the midst of a mountain of proof for self preservation and selling short-term positive expectations is only to allow the problems to grow and take hold, while fully aware of the pending outcome and its devastating consequences. Preparing the children to understand and deal with such large scale problems is to teach selflessness before individual accomplishments.

Parents and guardians must constantly talk and be role models to all children to help eliminate the distracting noise that surrounds them, do not leave it to their peers. The individual achievements of young musician and sporting icons only add to the negative self-seeking dreams of get rich quick thinking. The education system with its mostly written examinations and its celebration of passing grades and condemnation of failures, only add more negative, “I am better than you” thinking in the children’s minds. Arranging and rewarding the children as a group, building widely interchangeable successful teams, can drastically reduce gang hatred while helping to develop the selflessness “no one is an island” thinking.

Lead by example, all mature adults human beings must respect each other, as the highly qualified and rewarded must value the manual worker, not just because of the necessary task performed, but because we are all equal. This respect or lack of, trickle down to the children, as leaders interact with each other and with followers, the example is set. If walls are built the children will maintain them, from school team rivalry to political party opposition. However, if a clear distinction is constantly made between a person or group and their actions or ideas that respect will be set in the mind of our children.

This approach will help deal with the largest problems more efficiently, more truthfully and to the benefit of all on this planet. Selfishness, focus on an individual or particular grouping needs or wants, can only invigorate the problems that we all recognize requires a solution that will take generations to implement. The walls must come down, respect and concern for each other must be of paramount and replace school, regional, workplace and even, national pride, money and luxury items will simply be treated as tools as economists begin to measure happiness ahead of Gross Domestic Product.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.