Saturday, October 31, 2009

Revolution Calls

As many societies come to grip with lower Government revenues resulting in higher levels of unemployment and less take home pay for many, one must sit up and take notice when the word “Revolution” is used. The most vulnerable in society are normally the ones most easily provoked to take action. All leaders in society must be sensitized as to how they words are publicly received and the accumulative effects of their criticism, both on individuals and on the offices of Government.

Opposition to any Government is very necessary to voice and point out corruption and waste, more importantly to present itself as an alternative choice to be duly elected, based on superior ideas, at the appropriate time. Calls for revolution from politicians, who are presently not in Government, can be misunderstood by many to mean – the removal of the sitting Government by any means necessary. This is not what politicians mean, nor should it be inferred, not if they hope to be in Government in the future, to lead the very same people who can be made to act against a Government. What is meant by any opposition is that the present Government’s policies are wrong and we have a better solution. One can disagree without threatening.

Workers’ unions must protect and preserve the rights of its members with in the constraints of laws, similar to lawyers representing their clients, with vigor and zests but with a clear understanding of what is attainable. Calls for revolution from unions, who are presently lock in negotiations with Government (as the largest employer), can be misunderstood by many to mean – the removal of the sitting Government by any means necessary. This is not what union leaders want, because the Government of the day maybe changed but the economic situation will remain and has to be skillfully managed. The union uses its membership to upset and influence employers as a bargaining tool for better working conditions, with damage and destruction this objective becomes more difficult. Major employers seek stability.

The media in its responsibility to inform the public has an underlying duty to protect its audience from inflammatory remarks and individuals inciting the public to breach the law. Calls for revolution carried by the media, also bearing their stamp of approval, can be misunderstood by many to mean – the removal of the sitting Government by any means necessary. This is not what the media wants, because any deterioration of the society negatively affects the media business – employers migrate, jobs are loss and advertising revenues disappear. The media must balance reports.

The most vulnerable in society; the poor, the unemployed, the uneducated, the misguided and the hopeless, are all open to influences by any so-call (Religious or Gang) leader that they feel will make (more money) things better in their lives, NOW.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.