Saturday, March 14, 2009

One Technology Card

Eliminating the stigma associated with Government handouts by applying public relations strategies to gain universal acceptance firstly for the programs themselves and then for the delivery (qualifying, administering and auditing) systems. Computer Programmers along with hardware manufacturers design solutions targeted to build and improve societies. Working in collaboration with various experts, trained in a multitude of disciplines, to eliminate waste and employing efficiency techniques and measures to the delivery of numerous public services.

Social Services access cards for the supply of basic food items, under a poverty relief program, and chronic illness drugs and medical supplies, under a health and wellness program, can be easily, with the technology available today, incorporated into a standard identification card traditionally used for elections. Hence, issued to all citizens or nationals, removing any social divisions based on income levels. The cards must look the same but the data placed on each is as individual as the person carrying it.

Such a Smart Card can also be used across the health sector to carry individual medical records, from a general practitioner to a medical testing laboratory to a specialist and to a hospital and pharmacy, reducing duplications and saving time. Insurance payments and claim records, membership that allows any type of discounts, cash back or other privileges and emergency information such as blood type or allergies can be embedded on the card.

Driver License details along with a mass transportation system pass, using advance payment access cards, can both be integrated into the same ID card. Under a Government social services program, school children, elders and other deserving individuals may access transportation freely using their ID card. Others may qualify for assistance and can use the card up to a preset financial value limit. The management of such a mass transportation system can access data from passengers’ cards to be used for future route planning purposes.

Delivering basic utilities (water and electricity) managed via a prepaid card, as part of a Government assisted program for qualified recipients, can be included in the said ID smart card. Beneficiaries can, with the swipe of this card, pay part or all of an energy or water bill. Again, removing any social stigma based on income level, because this information is held securely and is highly confidential between the individual and the interviewing officer (a different person for each program) who grant the approvals. Based on a randomly assigned number and the name and date of birth of the individual, the individual can only be identified in the electoral officers’ computers

Unemployment programs, to access on-the-job-training or education grants, can also be placed on the smart ID card. Along with all academic records, Government can process an applicant for financial assistance, student loan or scholarship at registration into high education institutions such as Universities, Colleges and Technical Schools. Hence, tracking and administering these financial aid education programs more efficiently.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.