Saturday, September 6, 2008

Life Intangibles

We all are very busy whether in our Personal, Professional or Business lives, but are we productive and to what end. The reward for productive activities is happiness and the greater level of happiness present is the only defense against life’s inevitable misfortunes. Lives cannot be strictly measured by the assignment of net worth or net asset values. Lives are, much more complicated, filled with more intangible issues.

Business relies heavily on managerial and accounting reports and to a lesser degree on its reputation to define itself and to build equity for future growth. Professionals also rely on financial and accounting reports but more on their reputation, defining themselves by the size of their clientele (people who seek their advice). Persons never use money or accounting methods to value childhood (the starting period of their lives) but rely a great deal on family name and reputation, gifts of birth. Hence, accounting reports should be used to guide monetary decisions towards (life’s top priority) building and maintaining a good name. Money from illegal or unethical activities will destroy the family name.

Business employs mostly tangible assets supported by name or brand recognition to produce and sell goods & services while controlling recurrent cost to maximize the material benefits. Professionals provide services based on mostly intangible assets such as higher education and years of mentored experience while also controlling recurrent cost but placing greater emphasis on their training updates and networking cost. Persons also use their education and experience to generate income and manage their living expenses with a high level of importance placed on family health and education to provide a comfort standard of living for their family. Hence, income should be used primarily for (life’s second priority) health and education therefore improving future life styles. Productivity is driven by healthy and educated people.

Business invests in the next opportunities to continue the circle of growth and provide for present and past stakeholders. Professionals invest in others of the same discipline to form partnerships, practices and firms that will in turn contribute to their own retirement. Persons are generally persuaded or forced to invest in health and pension plans to maintain their life styles after retiring so as not to become a burden on others. Hence, investments should be used towards the development of the next generation’s (life’s third priority) morals. A keen sense of right and wrong that distinguishes Persons, Professionals and Business.

Understanding the objective is ultimately what leads to happiness. Bringing a child into a reputable, safe and secure environment, watching over and providing for its health and education, seeing that person grow and develop into a professional with high moral integrity that serves and builds business to provide for others, is the happiness that makes life worth living.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.