Monday, September 25, 2017

New News

The media discussion, comparing earning to informing, is constantly ongoing; promotional stories vs. verified facts, with media owners seeking earnings and profits from increasing audience, while, professional journalists seek to inform and educate the general public. Now, with social media joining the discussion and threatening to disrupt the traditional media business model; entertainment is easily available and amateur journalists find an audience, disseminating opinions and feelings, which many take and forward as facts. This online broadcast does solve one old problem; negative news about large scale advertisers, no longer can such news be suppressed by media owners. But with the very large volume of news releases, over-load contributes to a shorten news cycle. Begging the question, "Would traditional media survive?"

Monday, September 18, 2017

Problem Solving

The starting point toward any problem-solving action, must be a clear vision of what reality will become without the existence of this particular problem. The current reality is constantly being examined from multiple angles, as to its effect on people and resources. Diving into detail causes of and surrounding issues pertaining to this problem, will only scratch the surface of the current reality. While, actions are taken and implemented, with the common knowledge, to move this problem to someone else's responsibility and/or to a future time. Hence, solutions must take into consideration the resulting effects and the creation of new problems.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

The Will to Live

The call is for a better world, new integrated systems, which eliminates Ego and Greed, moves the artisan, dreamer, planner, thinker or visionary, to the top of the social ladder, while downplaying personal wants and replacing them with public needs. Placing efforts to serve the many before benefiting the few. The average citizen, worker, union member, self-employed, politically active, in other words every individual, must understand, the existing reality, before committing to or taking a position in foreseeable disputes, insurrection or war.