Monday, July 25, 2016

Taxes 101

A method of fairly converting and collecting; revenue to finance the nation’s recurrent expenditure; security, healthcare, education, environment, housing, water, transport net, etc., while increasing the nation’s productivity; agriculture, mineral extraction, manufacturing and services sectors, incorporated within the nation’s economic zone, and capital receipts to build on the nation's intrinsic and successive valued assets, from the nation’s current users, to maintain, repair and expand such assets for the benefit and enjoyment of all present and future owners.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Tidal Turbines

The results of the global experiment to find the most efficient technique to generate electricity using renewable energy sources are in, and are based on geographic locations; where the driving sources are most accessible. Electricity to power an equivalent amount of homes, offices and industries: Solar panels, engineered to capture the sun light and charge salt particles as battery storage for around the clock supply, proves to be the most efficient method to generate the needed mega watts (MW) of electricity in a desert location. Geothermal, dry or flash stream or binary cycle, power stations, can efficiently generate thousands of MW in locations surrounding the heat well source. Wind turbines located in hills and mountain ranges were wind speeds are high, can accurately generate the required MW of electricity. And Tidal ocean turbines positioned along coastlines of small island states can effectively generate sufficient MW for the whole island.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Funding the Future

The nation, which finds itself overdrawn in its current account, needing to raise funds to pay, public sector salaries back pay, overdue bills, recurrent expenditure, finance its infrastructural maintenance and new facilities, and is desperate to diversify its economy, must carefully examine and educate its population about all options. The executive can decide to continue borrowings, locally to finance budget deficits inclusive of capital expenditure, and internationally to meet its foreign currencies import bills and preserve its local currency strength, projecting long-term debt repayments, which would, unless revenues rebound, further grow the current public debt into an unmanageable size. The cabinet can also withdraw from the nation's cash reserves, savings, stabilizing or sovereign funds, invested in foreign low risks, low yield instruments, to finance its previously mentioned needs. Noting that, both borrowings and withdrawals together can solve the nation’s immediate cash flow problems.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Basic Utilities

We, the people are all investors in the nation's sustainable development to regulated success. Our poor and barely getting by, our middle class and our rich, all invest materials, money and time in order to benefit from resulting returns on such investments. Returns that could improve standards of living, maintain persons income levels above increases in cost of living expenditure, afford persons a comfortable home, travel and entertainment, and reduce the number of persons living in poverty. This can only be adequately accomplished by solving each other’s current problems, satisfying each other’s crucial wants, and meeting each other’s basic needs.