Saturday, May 15, 2010


It is Not trust that binds a relationship but mutual benefits. Hope that goals and objectives will be realized and shared. Fear that bad things may happen. Rules that restrict or guide actions enforced under penalty of law. Kindness that leads to improved social development.

Hope is comfort for a fool. Many organizations, religious, political, business and criminal, use hope to bind members and members in turn find solace in that belief. This common belief system has its roots in basic survival, shared risks and rewards, tribal thinking that if one member of the group is successful, the success will be shared. Hence the fool, for this goes against basic human nature. Analogies, such as, greed is good and power corrupts, teaches that those that attain leadership, do so on the backs of the vulnerable, must cut off the preceding leader’s head and constantly guard their own head. This message of hope must from time to time result in some benefit trickling down, if simply, to attract new members and sustain the organization.

Fear is a method of controlling the majority. From birth, the natural instinct is dependency, as a child, this desire continues to various degrees based on levels of nurturing, resulting in an adult, who at the very core of being needs mass approval. In every type of relationship there is fear, personal, employment or investment, fear that drives success better known as the fear of failure. Leaders, who generally received less encouragement as a child, will for the most path use fear to punish followers by withholding the basics as opposed to rewarding with additional benefits. For example, the promise of a paying job is a threat to cut off basic living essentials.

Rules are made to be broken. Change is inevitable and accepting that is the key to the writing of a constitution, laws and ordinances, in the first place. These regulations must protect the most vulnerable in society from the stronger, smarter, better armed and more influential, therefore must come under a timely review to match advances and innovation and prevent loopholes. Hence, strengthening rules before there are broken is ideal, but it is human nature to procrastinate and to profit from ambiguity. Rules and regulations have two distinct components; the actual written words and the spirit behind the words, this makes it absolutely essential for laws to be broken at least once, in order for it to be tested.

Kindness is next to Godliness. Understanding the past, present and possible future leads to a level of comfort that allows a greater humanity. Big thinkers have the ability to understand across disciplines, sectors and countries, to see the effects of proposed actions on the wider society. Sharing such visions without bias or benefit is the work of Gods. Human beings, however, have a propensity to withhold awaiting financial rewards or at the very least recognition. Such fame and fortune has and will cause conflict, instead of negotiating in good faith. Who history records as solving a problem is more important than the damage caused.

Self – what is in it for me?


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.