Saturday, March 20, 2010

Morals Compassion

The future of any society rest with its children and it is the society’s ability to firstly educate them and make of them productive, taxpaying contributors with a keen sense of right from wrong and clear understanding as to how a society should and or to functions. The balance between the rights of an individual and the greater good to society, has to and should, be decided on a case-by-case basis, with new lines being drawn as the society expands and develops. This is done through the amendment of society’s laws anchored on its constitution or rulebook.

New standards of Education are being driven, by the philosophy of “At the individual’s speed” with constant evaluation to assess and further guide, mentoring inspiration and resulting in an efficient and productive member of society. The need for the constitution (society’s structure) to underlie the primary curriculum is as clear as explaining the rules to a new game. For instance, most constitutions place a great emphasis on freedom of speech, when this freedom only extents to educated or reliably informed speech (an opinion or the truth), therefore making access to education an individual right under the constitution.

Many of today’s children will soon be joining the workforce hence placing additional strain on the electricity, road and telecommunication networks. Paying taxes to fund such infrastructure expansion and development has become common practice and must be widespread. With many not understanding or appreciating that development, both income and expenditure, must be universal for crime and insurrection not to follow, decisions on infrastructural projects are made as to affect the many rather than the individual. That's why the constitution ensures equality of infrastructure via the election of area representatives to work for development in that area.

Contributions to fund health, security and social programs, especially for the elderly, are leveraged base on economic and investment activity, from funds paid in some cases as long as thirty years ago. Presently collected payments must find opportunities to grow and accumulate to service future expenses. Noting the loans for infrastructural development are only accessible once the lender is satisfied as to repayment terms and conditions. Paying for education and other services that must be provided in order to sustain life, with insufficient income will lead to high levels of deficits for today’s children to manage. Therefore, the constitution should guarantee a balance budget.

The Problem is clearly in the decision-making and the morals of the decision-makers, a sense of right and wrong. Society can only fail if individuals do the wrong things. If elected, ones first duty is to the constituency and then to the wider society, always with a moral compass at hand. The one thing the constitution cannot dictate is that all public representatives must serve the best interest of society, loyal to people not party. Remembering, that the success of a society is judged by how it cares for its less fortunate.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.