Saturday, July 18, 2009

Economic Immigrants

A society without culture is like living in chronic pain. Coming from a village, town, city or country that is popularly known for its music, sport, cooking, night life or landscape gives a comforting and proud feeling. The pain, of having to look into someone eyes while explaining where you are from and why you have left, is made many times worst by them not having any prior knowledge of where or what you are talking about. This is nothing in comparison to coming from a notorious region. Where you must explain your leaders’ policies and hide your true opinions on both your birth place and your new home.

Government policies can build or destroy a country. Driving economic growth by exports and tourist arrivals, reducing all levels and types of crime, developing and maintaining essential infrastructure and constantly educating the population will only result in better living conditions if, a large majority of the people are happy with the rate of evolution. Clearly rigged elections, unevenly divided wealth, open discrimination and an under developed culture will encourage revolution. A society that prays and plays together will benefit. However, if the numbers in the halls of worship or the restaurants and bars are declining, this society is doomed to fail.

Leave and go where, is any country better, follow the income, will you fit in, are all concerns but, shame plays the most important part in this decision. What one is willing and able to do away from home will amaze you. Home is where the greatest shame is felt if your life style declines. So many prominent people in a society immigrate after a change in government, to lesser positions in other societies because they feel as outsiders in their own homes. Politics is the great barrier, dividing society by caste, creed and race, all to win a majority and control public resources.

When the poor in society sees immigration as they only hope, it usually means a lack of opportunities in education and employment, crime will be high and a general sense of despair will prevail. These economic immigrants have no choice in the life styles they end up in and must take the risk, it can work for some but many die trying. Wealthy Governments with strong social programs are overwhelmed by the influx of immigrants from poorer Governments, many of them illegal. Hence, giving the richer territory a problem which can be solved in three ways; increasing the allocation to its social network, tightening its border controls and through its foreign investment program develop jobs in the poorer country.

A less prosperous Government can also help to stop its people from immigrating by building a strong and sound culture-based movement. People with many things in common tend to commune. Unique music, food and other social activities can bind a population together and keep them gainfully engaged. So, building a society is developing its own culture.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.