Saturday, April 25, 2009

Back Office

The passageway to achieve and sustain wealth (defined as prudent income which grows and outperforms economic conditions) comes from learning, recording and analyzing actionable intelligence.

CAREER enhancement prepares individuals for change; at entry level position (targeting individuals now entering an organization after formal schooling), at leadership post (targeting individuals under consideration for promotion into a leadership role), and at business startup (targeting individuals considering opening they own business), all to fit the right person into the right job.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Wise Wind

After the recent unprecedented increases of oil prices on international markets and the rippling effects that followed causing higher prices across many sectors of the economy, very few would argue, from an economic viewpoint, against the need to diversify away from fossil fuels. From an environmental position, the need to reduce carbon emissions worldwide to slow global warming and as a consequence, manage climate change has been widely accepted.

The Kyoto Protocol, negotiated by more than 160 nations in December 1997, aims to reduce net emissions of certain greenhouse gases (primarily carbon dioxide (CO2)). Each of the participating developed countries must decide how to meet its respective reduction goal during a five-year period (2008-2012); but specific ground rules remain to be worked out at future negotiating sessions. Under a climate change Bill announced in the Queen's Speech in November 2006, the British Government promised to monitor annually progress towards the five-year milestones, in order to deliver a sixty (60%) percent reduction on 1990 levels by 2050.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Big Issues

In building a sustainable society, one in which the quality of life is measured by the efficiency in delivering and reducing the dependency on basic services, focus must be on the big issues; Health and Education.
The health of a population is paramount to it development. This is made clearer when water availability, agriculture, food processing and trade, crime prevention and detection are seen as part of the overall health issues. Health is more than the research of the root causes of illness and development of treatments or cures, it is more than diets and exercises to maintain fitness levels, it extends into lifestyles incorporating disease free water supply, defense against nature’s ailments, well prepared foods and safety against accidental or criminal events in all aspect of daily living. Separating these very important issues leads to miscommunications and adversity.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Government Jobs

In a recession, it is well accepted that the safest income comes from Government programs, backed by taxpayers and the Government’s ability to borrow or print more money. Programs such as welfare or social assistance, health services, public transportation, law enforcement, infrastructure maintenance, are necessary to stimulate a quick economic recovery. The private sector earnings is reduced to the flow of funds out of these programs, hence they too must become Government employees.