Saturday, March 28, 2009

Prioritizing Yourself

Personal Success can only be measured against preset and pre-stated targets; I am going to be physically and mentally healthy for as long as possible, I will earn higher qualifications within the next four years and generate more revenue in my chosen field directly after, I will build trusting and loyal relationships with family and friends over my lifetime, but which carries the most importance - Health, Wealth or Relationships.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Asset Valuation

The key issue, at the centre of the crisis of confidence that has driven the world’s financial slowdown, is clearly the present value of assets. Many of these assets are a mix of tangible and intangible component. For example, the value of a thirty year old business is its current and fixed assets plus its inventory less its liabilities, plus the intangible goodwill from customers that has accumulated over many years. Because of the goodwill and many other elusive values, which form significant parts of a balance sheet, an association of accounting and auditing professionals with worldwide recognition, set standards for valuating such assets.

Standard Accounting Practices are a set of rules which were developed and are constantly reviewed to ensure that comparisons can be made and understood. Regulators, such as tax collectors and securities and exchange commissions, are guided by these rules. Noting that the same highly trained and experienced accounting professional that is charged to set and enforce the rules also serve clients, whose objectives are to make profits even if it means breaking the rules, hence, the complexity to hide an asset’s true value.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

One Technology Card

Eliminating the stigma associated with Government handouts by applying public relations strategies to gain universal acceptance firstly for the programs themselves and then for the delivery (qualifying, administering and auditing) systems. Computer Programmers along with hardware manufacturers design solutions targeted to build and improve societies. Working in collaboration with various experts, trained in a multitude of disciplines, to eliminate waste and employing efficiency techniques and measures to the delivery of numerous public services.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Recession Business

During this global recession some business sectors will continue to be profitable. Agriculture, Processing and Packaging, Transportation and Maintenance are all reliant on Energy and Security.

Agriculture, both animal (including fish) raring and plant cultivation of any basic food items at any scale or size of farm, can offer the much sort after food security. From massive farms to home gardens, utilizing all available space, state-of-the-art technologies and practices, to grow food, is an opportunity for everyone to benefit. Mixed farming and multi-storey green houses are the latest techniques for all year round profit generation. Green house construction and farming support services, such as agricultural consultancy and education, animal feed supply and plant nutritional supply, are further profit generation opportunities.