Saturday, August 9, 2008

UN Poverty Annihilation

Strengthening the United Nations can prevent poverty if not annihilate it. Governments and Non-Governmental Organizations, who are actively involved in poverty annihilation, must define the type of poverty on a case by case basis, design and employ strategies to have the desired effect and measure the effectiveness of those strategies to reach the people in need.

Poverty, in different parts of the world, can range for abject to sanction. Abject poverty caused by climate conditions requires foresight, planning and quick action on relocation when necessary. Sanction poverty caused by (wars, discrimination or politics) human beings requires a multifaceted approach to achieving any solution.

The basic needs of any human being are access to food and water, shelter and security from which flows thought. Those who have plenty can give, those who can help to bring stability can do so, but sanction poverty can only be annihilated by those who have suffered through it. It can take many generations for relationships to heal after war. Discrimination is always just below the surface in any society but control can be maintained by enforcing laws. Politics, the power to do great good or enormous evil, is where the world should focus.

Politics can divide and fuel discrimination and even lead to war. So, addressing the politics first can prevent sanction poverty. Local or national elections can be strengthened if it is well-known that the winners of such elections will also form part of a larger regional body and ultimately, form part of an independently funded and empowered “United Nations”.

A United Nations charged with the responsibility of making and keeping the world safe and productive along with an independent World Court to resolve inter-nation disputes. A United Nations mainly deals with social and economic programs, to help nations that cannot presently help themselves. A United Nations with one vote per capita (one vote for every million people represented) and with an expanded and fully-rotational (No permanent members) Security Council to keep us safe. A United Nations supported by an effective peace keeping military force drawn on rotation from all member countries and accessing global criminal intelligence from a fully functional “Interpol” to track crime and criminals across borders.

The sanction poverty existing in some African countries today could have been avoided if this New United Nations and its support mechanisms had been present. The case over land-ownership could have been settled amicably and fairly in front of the World Court. The illegal sale of weapons could have been prevented by Interpol. The United Nations could have gone in, under a mandate from its Security Council, with a peace keeping force and bring security to elections.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.