Saturday, July 12, 2008

Crime a Moral Issue

Crime and criminals has and will always exist; slowing the paste of development by impeding foreign and even local investment, reducing productivity and causing the best people to flee the territory. Deferring crime from one community to another seems to be the preferred approach of many charged with dealing with this issue.

Controlling the levels of crime is the responsibility of all; the law-makers having been elected to transform the constitution to reflex the will of the majority of people today, the head of security matters duty is to find, provide and balance the necessary resources with the task at hand, the judiciary roll is to interpret the existing laws, determine guilt or innocence and assign punishment, the police is there to prevent and detect crime bringing accused to the courts, the prisons incarcerate the accused and rehabilitate convicted persons and the rest of the community upholds moral (right and wrong) standards.

The law-makers have many issues to review; the appointment and review of performance (as called for under the constitution) of the top post in the judiciary, the police force and at the prisons, the appropriation of finance to the various security branches, the ranges of penalties allocated to every type of offense and the necessary social programs to support law and order.

The head of security matters is responsible for security assets such as; court houses, police stations, jails, prisons and other detention centers, border control (customs and immigration), fire services, army and coast guard infrastructure, vehicles, uniforms, guns, etc. Appointed by the executive this Secretary or Minister of Security must also receive continuous updates as to the efficiency of plans to effectively report back to the executive and ultimately to the taxpayers.

The judiciary is headed by a chief jurist as an administrator, managing staffing and recurrent expenditure, and as an appeal judge, upholding or overturning rulings. A District Attorney or Director of Public Prosecution is also appointed under the constitution to indict and prosecute an accused as seen fit. A Defends Attorney can be appointed by the court, to protect the rights of the accused.

It is the police that must directly interact with all levels of society through it strategies, bring both crime prevention and detection to bear. Continuous outreach programs, clearly bringing benefits to the depressed community, can diminish crime rates within that community and with the support of a strong forensic and intelligence unit, professionals integrated into the regular force, detention capabilities can be enhance.

The strategies of the prisons must be to change behaviors, not to graduate higher level criminals, separation by severity of offence and skills training add to the successes within the system. A speedy conclusion to a pending matter is not only a human rights issue but can limit contact between accused. Time spend in productive pursuits can lead to productive lives. A parole system, with time-off for good behavior (passing examinations) and harsher penalties for repeat offences, has proven beneficial internationally and reduced overcrowding.

The community brings it all together, constantly reviewing and setting moral values, by accepting or rejecting whatever is goings on. Whether a corrupt Politian or a drug dealer is operating in the community, when no one says anything they are condoning the decline in morals. The normal excuse is “I am not getting involved” the part that is forgotten is “until it affects me directly”. Yes, the police must be involved, so write or call anonymously.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.