Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Will to Change

Today the world is a smaller place. Technology to access the internet has become more available in terms of cost of equipment and the price of service. Hence, making information stored online, e-mailing and chatting with other people, buying and selling online and even banking accessible to most of the people in the world. This is a model of thought that must be followed to equalize life styles and opportunities in every part of the world. The internet may have been started by the few, but quickly expanded on the basis that the more people that are online is the more information available. Billions of people now get news and research online, but more importantly, Millions of people add to the world’s knowledge base daily.

The world’s food, energy and infrastructural development has always been controlled by the few, this can now change, with a model of shared and transparent ownership employed to remove all self serving agendas. Anyone can now buy an affordable device and setup internet access making that device a part (Shared Owner) of the internet and at any entry point on to the internet there is an identifying number (Internet Protocol Address) that is there for transparency. In many developed areas access is already free and soon, all telephone calls, broadcast programs (radio and television) will be over the internet, because you (the many) can. The rules governing the internet have evolved to serve the greater good and it remains to be seen whether these rules can be adapted to other sectors.

Whether rearing livestock or growing crops, Agriculture remains the world’s source of food. Simply, replacing lawns with animal pens and greenhouses can reduce poverty and feed the world.

Mining and drilling remains the world’s source of energy. Every building should be mandated to produce twice or three times the electricity it consumes, using wind, solar or other renewable methods and supply the excess to a national grid. A car that is used to go to work and back daily can now light up a home at night.

Construction of infrastructure, factories, commercial or residential buildings is how the world shelters itself. All structures must get the necessary approvals to protect against natural disasters, can food production and energy supply become a crucial part of that process.

Service is the way it all comes together. The purpose of human existence is to provide service to one another. Planning Services; Geological, Architectural, Engineering design, Financing (debt or equity funding) and many more, are all needed to generate and build upon new ideas. Operational Services; Building, Engineering maintenance & equipment operators, Banking (processing transactions), Transportation, Accommodation, to name a few, make it dependable and keeps it running smoothly. Supporting Services; Health, Education, Management (accounting, marketing, etc.), Government and the Law, complete the cycle.

The will to develop the human character and a marketable reputation of service are both needed to change our habits to protect our future existence.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.