Saturday, December 18, 2010

Government Responsibility

The term “Government” seems to be widely misused, by the media and hence, the population, to refer to various agencies designed and charged to deliver public services. There are only three branches that form a democratic Government; the executive, the legislature and the judiciary. Noting that in some systems, it is difficult to separate an elected servant, who as part of the legislature must speak on behalf of a geographic constituency, from an appointed officeholder, who as part of the executive must oversee the national interest.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Business Women

Society has defined roles for its males and females; base primarily on muscles and courage, empathy and creativity, but as mechanization and technology makes physical work easier, the roles have become an individual decision, with women successfully entering traditionally male dominated fields and being wage-earners, society is losing its caregivers. Many writers on this topic take a side as to the many disadvantages women faced and that men have become weak, this article however takes the view of a parent wanting the best from both sons and daughters. More importantly are these changing roles best for society, a growing economy and business activities?